Hello everyone, I encountered the following error while using SCA and CVX to solve the problem. How can I solve it
Error using reshape N-D sparse arrays are not supported.
Error in cvx/value (line 10) v = reshape( data.’ * b, x.size_ );
Error in cvx/cvx_value (line 3) v = value( x, cvx___.x );
Error in cvx_values (line 2) varargout = cellfun( @cvx_value, varargin, ‘UniformOutput’, false );
Error in cvx_pop (line 46) evalin( ‘caller’, sprintf( ‘[%s]=cvx_values(%s);’, temp, temp ) );
Error in cvx_end (line 15) evalin( ‘caller’, ‘cvx_pop’ );
Error in Algorithm_3 (line 52) cvx_end