{positive constant}*{real affine} why is this an error, this simply generates a linear constraint

Is there some problem in my understanding that this inequality is convex?

% Clear workspace and any previous CVX blocks
clear all;

% Start timing the process

% Define problem parameters
n = 12; % Number of state-action pairs (3 states * 4 actions)
K = 2; % Number of constraints (now simplified to 2)
Mc = 2; % Number of components in the mixture for the cost function (simplified)
Mdk = [2, 2]; % Two components for each of the 2 constraints
eta = 0.99; % Discount factor

% Transition probability matrices for each action A = 0, 1, 2, 3
P = cell(4, 1);
P{1} = [1, 0, 0; 0.67, 0.33, 0; 0.33, 0.33, 0.34];
P{2} = [0.67, 0.33, 0; 0.33, 0.34, 0.33; 0, 0.33, 0.67];
P{3} = [0.34, 0.33, 0.33; 0, 0.33, 0.67; 0, 0, 1];
P{4} = [0.34, 0.33, 0.33; 0, 0.33, 0.67; 0, 0, 1];

% Define Sigma, mu, xi, and weights for the upper bound
Sigma_ci = rand(n,n,Mc); % Covariance matrices for upper bound components
mu_ci = rand(n,Mc); % Mean vectors for upper bound components
Sigma_dk = rand(n,n,max(Mdk)); % Covariance matrices for demand constraints
mu_dk = rand(n,max(Mdk)); % Mean vectors for demand constraints

% Define xi_k (bounds) for each constraint k
xi_k = rand(K,1); % Bound on each constraint

% Prespecified weights normalized to sum to 1
p0 = 0.95; % Example values for p0 and p1
p1 = 0.95;

% Define prespecified weights satisfying conditions for upper bound and constraints
wi = [2*(1-p0); 2*(1-p0)]; % Two components for the upper bound
wk_j = {
[2*(1-p1), 2*(1-p1)], % Weights for the first constraint
[2*(1-p1), 2*(1-p1)] % Weights for the second constraint

% Normalize weights
wi = wi / sum(wi);
for k = 1:K
wk_j{k} = wk_j{k} / sum(wk_j{k});

% Number of interpolation points
N = 5; % Number of interpolation points for eta and delta

% Define interpolation points for eta and delta, ensuring the first point is slightly greater than 0
small_value = 1e-5; % Small value to avoid -infinity issue with norminv(0)
eta_interp = linspace(small_value, 1, N); % Interpolation points for eta_i^l
delta_interp = linspace(small_value, 1, N); % Interpolation points for delta_j^k

% Compute the absolute value of the inverse CDF for eta and delta (using norminv for normal distribution)
Phi_inv_eta = abs(norminv(eta_interp)); % |Inverse CDF| for eta interpolation
Phi_inv_delta = abs(norminv(delta_interp)); % |Inverse CDF| for delta interpolation

% Initialize arrays for a_i^l, b_i^l for the upper bound (Mc components)
ai = zeros(Mc, N-1); % a_i^l for each i and l
bi = zeros(Mc, N-1); % b_i^l for each i and l

% Initialize arrays for a_{j,l}^k, b_{j,l}^k for the constraints (K constraints)
ajk = cell(K, 1);
bjk = cell(K, 1);

for k = 1:K
ajk{k} = zeros(Mdk(k), N-1); % a_{j,l}^k for each j, l, k
bjk{k} = zeros(Mdk(k), N-1); % b_{j,l}^k for each j, l, k

% Compute a_i^l and b_i^l for the upper bound
for i = 1:Mc
for l = 1:(N-1)
ai(i, l) = (Phi_inv_eta(l) * eta_interp(l+1) - Phi_inv_eta(l+1) * eta_interp(l)) / max(eta_interp(l+1) - eta_interp(l), 1e-6);
bi(i, l) = (Phi_inv_eta(l+1) - Phi_inv_eta(l)) / max(eta_interp(l+1) - eta_interp(l) , 1e-6);

% Compute a_{j,l}^k and b_{j,l}^k for the constraints
for k = 1:K
for j = 1:Mdk(k)
for l = 1:(N-1)
ajk{k}(j, l) = (Phi_inv_delta(l) * delta_interp(l+1) - Phi_inv_delta(l+1) * delta_interp(l)) / max(delta_interp(l+1) - delta_interp(l) , 1e-6);
bjk{k}(j, l) = (Phi_inv_delta(l+1) - Phi_inv_delta(l)) / max(delta_interp(l+1) - delta_interp(l) , 1e-6);

% Initial distribution over states (gamma) for Qb(gamma)
gamma = ones(3, 1) / 3; % Uniform distribution for 3 states

% -----------------------------------------
% Step 1: Solve for V_i and V_{jk} by maximizing the sum with the Q_b(gamma) constraints
% -----------------------------------------

% Initialize Vi and Vjk
Vi = zeros(Mc, 1); % To store the V_i terms
Vjk = cell(K, 1); % To store the V_{jk} terms for each constraint
for k = 1:K
Vjk{k} = zeros(Mdk(k), 1);

% Solve for each Vi
for i = 1:Mc
variable rho_i(n) % Decision variable rho for this specific optimization
maximize( sum( rho_i’ * vecnorm(Sigma_ci(:,:,i).^0.5, 2, 2) ) )

    % Constraints that rho_i belongs to Q_b(gamma)
    for s_prime = 1:3
        lhs_sum = 0;
        for s = 1:3
            for a = 1:4
                lhs_sum = lhs_sum + rho_i((s-1)*4 + a) * (kronecker_delta(s_prime, s) - eta * P{a}(s_prime, s));
        lhs_sum == (1 - eta) * gamma(s_prime);
    sum(rho_i) == 1;
    rho_i >= 0;  % Non-negativity constraint on rho

% Store the optimal value of Vi
Vi(i) = cvx_optval;  % Store the optimal value of this subproblem


% Solve for each Vjk
for k = 1:K
for j = 1:Mdk(k)
variable rho_jk(n) % Decision variable rho for this specific optimization
maximize( sum( rho_jk’ * vecnorm(Sigma_dk(:,:,j).^0.5, 2, 2) ) )

        % Constraints that rho_jk belongs to Q_b(gamma)
        for s_prime = 1:3
            lhs_sum = 0;
            for s = 1:3
                for a = 1:4
                    lhs_sum = lhs_sum + rho_jk((s-1)*4 + a) * (kronecker_delta(s_prime, s) - eta * P{a}(s_prime, s));
            lhs_sum == (1 - eta) * gamma(s_prime);
        sum(rho_jk) == 1;
        rho_jk >= 0;  % Non-negativity constraint on rho
    % Store the optimal value of Vjk
    Vjk{k}(j) = cvx_optval;  % Store the optimal value of this subproblem


% -----------------------------------------
% Step 2: Proceed with the main CVX optimization problem
% -----------------------------------------
variable rho(n) % decision variable (probabilities over state-action pairs)
variable t % objective value

% Declare variables
variables yk(K) eta_var(Mc) delta_kj_var(K, max(Mdk)) zi(Mc) zkj(K, max(Mdk))

% Auxiliary variables for reformulating the product terms
variables aux_bi_eta(Mc, N-1) nonnegative  % Auxiliary variable for bi(i, l) * eta_var(i)

% Apply nonnegativity constraints
yk >= 0;
eta_var >= 0;
eta_var <= 1;
delta_kj_var >= 0;
delta_kj_var <= 1;
zi >= 0;
zkj >= 0;

% Reformulated Qb(gamma) constraints (sum of probabilities must equal 1 and match transitions)
for s_prime = 1:3
    sum_s_prime = sum(sum(rho((s_prime-1)*4 + (1:4))));  % Sum of probabilities for state s_prime
    constraint_rhs = (1 - eta) * gamma(s_prime);
    lhs_sum = 0;
    for s = 1:3
        for a = 1:4
            % Use kronecker_delta function instead of delta
            lhs_sum = lhs_sum + rho((s-1)*4 + a) * (kronecker_delta(s_prime, s) - eta * P{a}(s_prime, s));
    lhs_sum == constraint_rhs;  % Linear constraint using transition probabilities and delta function

% Ensure sum of probabilities is 1
sum(rho) == 1;

minimize(t)  % Objective function to minimize t

% Constraints for upper bound based on mixture distribution
for i = 1:Mc
    for l = 1:(N-1)
        %aux_bi_eta(i, l) = bi(i, l) * eta_var(i);  % Auxiliary constraint for product
        % Introduce a new constraint linking aux_bi_eta to the final constraint
        ai(i, l) <= zi(i) - bi(i, l) * eta_var(i);  % Use the auxiliary variable in the constraint
    % Main upper bound constraint involving rho and Vi
    rho' * mu_ci(:,i) + zi(i) * Vi(i) <= t;

% Constraints for each cost constraint k with unique mixture distribution
for k = 1:K
    for j = 1:Mdk(k)
        for l = 1:(N-1)
            zkj(k,j) - bjk{k}(j, l) * delta_kj_var(k,j) >= ajk{k}(j, l) ;  % Linear combination
        % Add the constraint for each j component
        rho' * mu_dk(:,j) + zkj(k,j) + Vjk{k}(j) <= xi_k(k);
    % Probabilistic constraint for each constraint k
    sum(wk_j{k} .* delta_kj_var(k,1:Mdk(k))) >= exp(yk(k) * log(p1));  % Probabilistic constraint

% Probabilistic constraint for the upper bound
sum(wi .* eta_var) >= p0;

% Additional constraints for the convex formulation
sum(yk) == 1;  % Ensure sum of yk is 1


% End timing
elapsedTime = toc; % Record the time taken

% Save the inputs, outputs, and the time
save(‘simplified_experiment_results.mat’, ‘n’, ‘K’, ‘Mc’, ‘Mdk’, ‘Sigma_ci’, ‘mu_ci’, ‘Sigma_dk’, ‘mu_dk’, ‘wk_j’, …
‘xi_k’, ‘p0’, ‘p1’, ‘rho’, ‘t’, ‘yk’, ‘eta_var’, ‘delta_kj_var’, ‘zi’, ‘zkj’, ‘elapsedTime’, ‘ai’, ‘bi’, ‘ajk’, ‘bjk’, ‘Vi’, ‘Vjk’);

% Display the computational time
fprintf(‘Optimization completed in %.4f seconds\n’, elapsedTime);

% Define Kronecker delta function
function result = kronecker_delta(s_prime, s)
if s_prime == s
result = 1;
result = 0;

See this thread.

I checked there is no division by 0 and the site http://support.cvxr.com/ for bug report won’t open.

If you post a complete reproducible problem with all input data, and copy and paste using Preformatted text icon (not an image), maybe (or maybe not) someone here can help.

In any event, you should check every item in the offending constraint. Look for any NaN or `inf for any values of i, j, k.

I have attached the code also.

You have multiple programs, which are also in for loops. Please simplify to the shortest, simplest code which exhibits the problem. Show us one CVX program, with one particular set of inputs which trigger the error. Also note that use of rand makes things not really reproducible without control of random number seeds and generator type, etc.

Also, did you do as I suggested, and check every value of everything in the constraints which generate the error?

I ran the part of your code prior to the first cvx_begin. The first thing I looked at is bi.

 >> disp(bi)
 -14.361842198529079  -2.697841441432236   2.697967316626297                 Inf
 -14.361842198529079  -2.697841441432236   2.697967316626297                 Inf

There are Inf values in it, just as @mcg suggested to look for in the thread I linked. That is sufficient to cause the first error message outlined in red in the image in your first post.

bjk{1} and bjk{2} also have some Inf values, which is sufficient to cause the second message outlined in red.

I haven’t checked anything else.

thanks a lot. This fixed the error.