Hello, it would be great to get some help please…
I am using MacBook Air, with M2 chip, chose the standard package on cvxr.
I tried removing quarantine of the .tar file, installing the latest Matlab 2024b, followed the instructions on cvxd.com to install…
however, I still got the same following error…
no idea why it cannot find the folder and files…
much appreciated for any help…
CVX: Software for Disciplined Convex Programming (c)2014 CVX Research
Version 2.2, Build 1148 (62bfcca) Tue Jan 28 00:51:35 2020
Installation info:
Path: /Users/da/Desktop/AAE/cvx
MATLAB version: 24.2 (R2024b)
OS: Mac OS X aarch64 version 14.6.1
Java version: 11.0.24
Verfying CVX directory contents:
WARNING: The following files/directories are missing:
These omissions may prevent CVX from operating properly.
ERROR: one or more MEX files for this platform are missing.
These files end in the suffix “.mexmaca64”. CVX will not operate
without these files. Please visit Downloading CVX | CVX Research, Inc.
And download a distribution targeted for your platform.
Path: /Users/da/Library/Application Support/MathWorks/MATLAB/cvx_prefs.mat
UNEXPECTED ERROR: ------------------------------
Unrecognized function or variable ‘command_str’.
Error in cvx_license
Error in cvx_license
Error in cvx_version (line 309)
cvx_license( args{:} );
Error in cvx_setup (line 20)
cvx_version( ‘-install’, varargin{:} );
Please report this error to support, and include entire output of
CVX_SETUP in your support request.
thanks a lot! it seems better but still got another error… “cvx_bcompress_mex.mexmaca64” can’t be opened because Apple cannot check it for malicious software.
And it got the error when it’s testing a simple model…
SDPT3 4.0 {cvx}/sdpt3
SeDuMi 1.02, {cvx}/sedumi
3 solvers skipped:
Could not find a GLPK installation.
Gurobi unknown
Could not find a Gurobi MEX file.
Mosek unknown
Could not find a MOSEK MEX file.
Saving updated preferences…done.
Testing with a simple model…
UNEXPECTED ERROR: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Invalid MEX-file
0x0006): tried:
(code signature in
not valid for use in
process: library load disallowed by system policy),
(no such file),
signature in <7AB8380E-0FB8-3DE7-A4C7-A5972F20E39E>
not valid for use in
process: library load disallowed by system policy)
Error in cvx_bcompress (line 29)
[ ndxs, scls ] = cvx_bcompress_mex( sparse( x ), mode, num_sorted
Error in cvx/bcompress (line 21)
[ xR, xb ] = cvx_bcompress( xb, mode, nsrt );
Error in cvx/svec (line 13)
[ xR, y ] = bcompress( x );
Error in cvx/norm (line 46)
x = svec( x, p );
Error in cvx_setup (line 215)
minimize( norm(A*x-b,1) );
I face the following problems, can you tell me how to tackle it
CVX: Software for Disciplined Convex Programming (c)2014 CVX Research
Version 2.2, Build 1148 (62bfcca) Tue Jan 28 00:51:35 2020
Installation info:
Path: /Applications/MATLAB_R2024a.app/toolbox/cvx
MATLAB version: 24.1 (R2024a)
OS: Mac OS X aarch64 version 15.1
Java version: 11.0.25
Verfying CVX directory contents:
No missing files.
Preferences: none found; defaults loaded.
UNEXPECTED ERROR: -------------------------
函数或变量 ‘command_str’ 无法识别。
出错 cvx_license
出错 cvx_license
出错 cvx_version (第 309 行)
cvx_license( args{:} );
出错 cvx_setup (第 20 行)
cvx_version( ‘-install’, varargin{:} );
Please report this error to support, and include entire output of
CVX_SETUP in your support request.
Acoording to your links, i still face the following errors
CVX: Software for Disciplined Convex Programming (c)2014 CVX Research
Version 2.2, Build **** (*******)
Installation info:
Path: /Applications/MATLAB_R2024a.app/toolbox/CVX
MATLAB version: 24.1 (R2024a)
OS: Mac OS X aarch64 version 15.1
Java version: 11.0.25
Manifest missing; cannot verify file structure.
ERROR: one or more MEX files for this platform are missing.
These files end in the suffix “.mexmaca64”. CVX will not operate
without these files. Please visit Downloading CVX | CVX Research, Inc.
And download a distribution targeted for your platform.
Preferences: none found; defaults loaded.
UNEXPECTED ERROR: -------------------------
函数或变量 ‘command_str’ 无法识别。
出错 cvx_license
出错 cvx_license
出错 cvx_version (第 309 行)
cvx_license( args{:} );
出错 cvx_setup (第 20 行)
cvx_version( ‘-install’, varargin{:} );
Please report this error to support, and include entire output of
CVX_SETUP in your support request.