Unexpected Infeasibility in Trajectory Optimization with Unbounded Control

Hello, I’m working through a trajectory optimization paper and I believe I’m coding up the CVX portion incorrectly. I’ve noticed that the number of constraints, linear variables and free variables doesn’t match what I’d expect so I imagine I’m misunderstanding one of the CVX program rules.

Here is my code:

syms r th ph V gam ps sig real
A = jacobian(StateFunction,[r th ph V gam ps sig]);
Af = matlabFunction(A,'Vars',[r,th,ph,V,gam,ps,sig]);
clear r th ph V gam ps sig
R0 = 6378e3; % Radius of Earth in m.
g0 = 9.81;   % Acceleration due to gravity in m/s^2.
kQ = 1.65e-4*sqrt(g0*R0)^(3.15); % Heat transfer constant.
rho0 = 1.225; % Density of air in kg/m^3;
hs = 7200; % Reference altitude in m.
Omega = 7.2921150e-5; % Rotational rate of Earth.

no = 0;
switch no
    case 1
        xi = [100e3;0;0;7450;-0.5*pi/180;0;0]./[R0;1;1;sqrt(R0*g0);1;1;1];
        xf = [25e3;12*pi/180;70*pi/180;0;-10*pi/180;90*pi/180;0]./[R0;1;1;sqrt(R0*g0);1;1;1];
    case 0
        xi = [100e3;0;0;7450;-0.5*pi/180;0;0];
        xf = [25e3;12*pi/180;70*pi/180;0;-10*pi/180;90*pi/180;0];
r  = xi(1);
th = xi(2);
ph = xi(3);
V  = xi(4);
ga = xi(5);
ps = xi(6);
si = xi(7);

B  = [zeros(6,1);1];
la = 10^8;

ti = 0;    % Initial time in s.
tf = 1600; % Final time in s.
N  = 50;  % Time segments.
dt = (tf - ti)/(N-1); % t delta.
xdim = numel(xi);
udim = 1;
ttest = ti:dt:tf;

switch no
    case 1
        rn  = r/R0;
        Vn  = V/sqrt(R0*g0);
        tin = ti/sqrt(R0/g0);
        tfn = tf/sqrt(R0/g0);
        dtn = (tfn-tin)/(N-1);
        Omegan = Omega/sqrt(g0/R0);
    case 0
        rn  = r;
        Vn  = V;
        tin = ti;
        tfn = tf;
        dtn = (tfn-tin)/(N-1);
        Omegan = Omega;
m = 104305; % Mass in KG.
Ar = 391.22; % Surface area in m^2.

x(:,1) = [rn;th;ph;Vn;ga;ps;si];
for i = 1:N
    xd = StateFunction(x(1,i),x(2,i),x(3,i),x(4,i),x(5,i),x(6,i),x(7,i),no);
    x(:,i+1) = x(:,i) + dtn*xd;
rx = x;
clear x

%% Constraints
sigmadotmax = 10*pi/180;
Qdmax = 1500;
qmax = 18000;
nmax = 2.5*g0;
sigmamax = 90*pi/180;

%% CVX
k = 1;
% Variables
variables u(udim,N) ep(xdim,N)
expressions x(xdim,N+1)
% Cost Function
minimize(-x(4,end) + la*sum(sum(ep)));
% Initial and Final conditions.
x(:,1) == xi;
x(1,N) == xf(1); % Length from centre of Earth.
x(2,N) == xf(2); % Longitude
x(3,N) == xf(3); % Latitude.
x(5,N) == xf(5); % Flight path angle.
x(6,N) == xf(6); % Heading angle.
% Path constraints.
for i = 1:N
    x(1,i) >= 0;
    x(4,i) >= 200/sqrt(R0*g0);
    x(5,i) >= -45*pi/180;
    x(5,i) <= 90*pi/180;
    x(7,i) <= sigmamax;
    x(7,i) >= -sigmamax;
    u(:,i) <= sigmadotmax;
    u(:,i) >= -sigmadotmax;
% Equations of motion.
for i = 1:N
    x(:,i+1) == x(:,i) + dt*(Af(rx(1,i),rx(2,i),rx(3,i),rx(4,i),rx(5,i),rx(6,i),rx(7,i))*x(:,i) + B*u(:,i) + C(rx(:,i),Af,no) + ep(:,i));

function [output] = C(x,Af,no)
output = StateFunction(x(1),x(2),x(3),x(4),x(5),x(6),x(7),no)-Af(x(1),x(2),x(3),x(4),x(5),x(6),x(7))*x;

function f = StateFunction(varargin)
switch nargin
    case 8
        r = varargin{1};
        th = varargin{2};
        ph = varargin{3};
        V = varargin{4};
        gam = varargin{5};
        ps = varargin{6};
        sig = varargin{7};
        no = varargin{8};
        syms V th gam ps r ph sig real
        no = 0;
R0 = 6378e3;
g0 = 9.8;
hs = 7200;
Aref = 391.22;
switch no
    case 1
Omega = 7.2921150e-5/sqrt(g0/R0);
    case 0
        Omega = 7.2921150e-5;
h = r*R0;
hs = 7200;
rho0 = 1.225;
rho = rho0*exp(-h/hs);
m = 104305;
M = (V-4570)^2/(340^2);
alph = 40 - (0.20705*M);
CL = -0.041065 + 0.016292*alph + 0.00026024*alph^2;
CD = 0.080505 - 0.03026*CL + 0.86495*CL^2;
L = R0*rho*V^2*Aref*CL/(2*m);
D = R0*rho*V^2*Aref*CD/(2*m);
Ln = L/g0;
Dn = D/g0;
f = [V*sin(gam);...
    ((Ln*cos(sig))/(V)) + ((V^2-(1/r))*cos(gam))/(V*r) + 2*Omega*cos(ph)*sin(ps) + Omega^2*r*cos(ph)*(cos(gam)*cos(ph)+sin(gam)*sin(ph)*cos(ps))/V;...
    ((Ln*sin(sig))/(V*cos(gam))) + (V*cos(gam)*sin(ps)*tan(ph))/r - 2*Omega*(tan(gam)*cos(ps)*cos(ph)-sin(ph)) + (Omega^2*r*sin(ph)*cos(ph)*sin(ps))/(V*cos(gam));...

I’ve included everything you should need to just hit run. There is some spaghetti code as I figure out a few different errors. However, the program runs and I’m surprised to see that it is infeasible as I have an unbounded control in eps. The point, as stipulated in the paper, of the eps control vector is that if the problem is infeasible it will find a solution with a very high cost, but will never be infeasible. Additionally, the CVX output states that I have 50 constraints, I see at most 21. It says that I have a dimension of 350 linear variables, which I agree with (7 states discretized into 50 points). Finally, it says that I have 1 dimension of free variables, which may just be the eps, or may be the u but I’m not completely clear. Either way, I’m surprised that the problem can be infeasible given an unbounded control, and am confused about the numbers of constraints, linear variables and free variables.

Additionally, here is the output from the solver for any debuggers.

Calling SDPT3 4.0: 351 variables, 50 equality constraints
   For improved efficiency, SDPT3 is solving the dual problem.

 num. of constraints = 50
 dim. of linear var  = 350
 dim. of free   var  =  1 *** convert ublk to lblk
   SDPT3: Infeasible path-following algorithms
 version  predcorr  gam  expon  scale_data
    NT      1      0.000   1        0    
it pstep dstep pinfeas dinfeas  gap      prim-obj      dual-obj    cputime
 0|0.000|0.000|5.0e-09|2.2e+00|1.0e+07|-1.816136e+05  0.000000e+00| 0:0:00| chol  1  1 
 1|1.000|0.640|1.2e-08|8.1e-01|4.2e+06|-6.823466e+05  0.000000e+00| 0:0:00| chol  1  1 
 2|1.000|0.068|5.0e-09|7.5e-01|8.8e+06|-7.389778e+07  0.000000e+00| 0:0:00| chol  1  1 
 3|1.000|0.007|3.3e-09|7.5e-01|9.9e+08|-1.282928e+12  0.000000e+00| 0:0:00| chol  1  1 
 4|1.000|0.001|2.3e-09|7.5e-01|1.8e+14|-2.235810e+18  0.000000e+00| 0:0:00| chol  1  1 
 5|1.000|0.000|0.0e+00|7.5e-01|3.9e+21|-3.604800e+26  0.000000e+00| 0:0:00|
  sqlp stop: dual problem is suspected of being infeasible
 number of iterations   =  5
 residual of dual infeasibility        
 certificate X          = 0.00e+00
 reldist to infeas.    <= 0.00e+00
 Total CPU time (secs)  = 0.05  
 CPU time per iteration = 0.01  
 termination code       =  2
 DIMACS: 0.0e+00  0.0e+00  1.1e+00  0.0e+00  -1.0e+00  1.1e-05
Status: Infeasible
Optimal value (cvx_optval): +Inf

If somebody could please assist my understanding I’d be very grateful.

Edit: After further testing it seems to think that there is only one constraint per time interval. The linear variable dimension seems to be 7*N where N is the number of time intervals, and the free variable dimension does not change.

CVX transforms the problem before passing it to the solver. So the numbers of variables and constraints reported by the solver may be different than the number you entered in your program.

That makes perfect sense, thank you Mark.