Unable to perform assignment because dot indexing is not supported for variables of this type

Inputting “cvx_setup” command in matlab console has no problem to set up. However, it went wrong when I add a licence argument. The whole output is as follows :

>> cvx_setup cvx_license.dat

CVX: Software for Disciplined Convex Programming ©2014 CVX Research
Version 2.2, Build 1148 (62bfcca) Tue Jan 28 00:51:35 2020
Installation info:
Path: /Users/starlitrover/Documents/MATLAB/toolbox/cvx
MATLAB version: 9.11 (R2021b)
OS: Mac OS X x86_64 version 13.0.1
Java version: 1.8.0_202
Verfying CVX directory contents:
WARNING: The following files/directories are missing:
/Users/starlitrover/Documents/MATLAB/toolbox/cvx/examples/ + 505 files, 30 subdirectories
/Users/starlitrover/Documents/MATLAB/toolbox/cvx/gurobi/a64/ + 3 files, 0 subdirectories
/Users/starlitrover/Documents/MATLAB/toolbox/cvx/lib/narginchk_/ + 1 files, 0 subdirectories
/Users/starlitrover/Documents/MATLAB/toolbox/cvx/mosek/a64/ + 2 files, 0 subdirectories
These omissions may prevent CVX from operating properly.
Path: /Users/starlitrover/Library/Application Support/MathWorks/MATLAB/cvx_prefs.mat
UNEXPECTED ERROR: -------------------------
Unable to perform assignment because dot indexing is not supported for variables of this type.
Error cvx_license
Error cvx_version (line 309)
cvx_license( args{:} );
Error cvx_setup (line 19)
cvx_version( ‘-install’, varargin{:} );
Please report this error to support, and include entire output of
CVX_SETUP in your support request.

Anybody meet the same problem?