The solution can't satisfy all the constraint

The solution of CVX can’t satisfy the constraint. The optimal Status is solved, but when I check the results, the constraint is not satisfied, which is shown in the following picture. Here, the tmp1(k,j) and tmp2(k,j) is the cvx real affine expression, and other element in these constraint is constant.

Only variable values are populated by CVX after optimization. Expressions are just placeholders and using them outside of CVX context will give you arbitrary rubbish. To compute their values you have to go back to the CVX variables and compute with those.

I use the variable values to check the cosntraint, but it’s still not satisfied

Please provide a fully reproducible example that can be copied and executed.

function [rate_tmp,W_tmp,S_tmp] = ISAC_sub3(h_matr,n_val,ar,at,B,Sm,R_min,tau_min,alpha_vec,beta_vec,Nt,Nr,W_bfrc,Omega_bfrc,num_ue,num_tar)
cvx_begin sdp
cvx_solver mosek
variable W(Nt,Nt,num_ue) hermitian semidefinite
variable S(Nt,Nt) hermitian semidefinite
expressions tmp1(num_ue,num_ue) tmp2(num_ue,num_ue) Tm(num_tar) Omega(Nr,Nr,num_tar) Xstar(num_tar) Ck(10);
obj_sub = trace(S);
for ss = 1:num_ue
obj_sub = obj_sub + trace(W(:,:,ss));
for k = 1:num_ue
for j = k:num_ue
for i = k:num_ue
tmp1(k,j) = tmp1(k,j) + real(trace(h_matr(:,j)*h_matr(:,j)‘W(:,:,i)));
if i>k
tmp2(k,j) = tmp2(k,j)+real(trace(h_matr(:,j)h_matr(:,j)'(W(:,:,i)-W_bfrc(:,:,i))));
Xstar = sum(W,3) + S;
for m = 1:num_tar
Omega(:,:,m) = Sm(:,:,m) * Xstar(m) * Sm(:,:,m)’ + n_val
Tm(m) = ar(:,m)’ * inv(Omega_bfrc(:,:,m)) * ar(:,m) - ar(:,m)’ * inv(Omega_bfrc(:,:,m)) * (Omega(:,:,m) - Omega_bfrc(:,:,m)) * inv(Omega_bfrc(:,:,m)) * ar(:,m);

    subject to
        for mm = 1:num_tar
            real(Tm(mm))* B(mm) - tau_min*inv_pos(at(:,mm)'*Xstar*at(:,mm)) >= 0

    subject to
        for k = 1:num_ue
            for j = k:num_ue
                beta_vec(k,j) * log(n_val+tmp1(k,j))/log(2) - beta_vec(k,j) * alpha_vec(k,j)-tmp2(k,j)- beta_vec(k,j) * R_min >= 0
    % get result
    W_tmp = zeros(Nt,Nt,num_ue);
    for kk = 1:num_ue
        W_tmp(:,:,kk) = (h_matr(:,kk)'*W(:,:,kk)*h_matr(:,kk))^(-1)*W(:,:,kk)*h_matr(:,kk)*h_matr(:,kk)'*W(:,:,kk)';
    S_tmp =  sum(W,3) + S - sum(W_tmp,3);
    rate_tmp = cvx_optval;


n_val = 5.0119e-12, Nr = Nt = 8, R_min = tau_min = 10, num_ue = 4, num_tar = 2
h_matr =

1.0e-03 *

0.0028 + 0.0000i 0.0082 + 0.0000i 0.0379 + 0.0000i 0.5129 + 0.0000i
-0.0026 - 0.0011i 0.0000 - 0.0082i 0.0000 + 0.0379i -0.4681 + 0.2095i
0.0019 + 0.0021i -0.0082 - 0.0000i -0.0379 + 0.0000i 0.3416 - 0.3825i
-0.0008 - 0.0027i -0.0000 + 0.0082i -0.0000 - 0.0379i -0.1555 + 0.4887i
-0.0003 + 0.0028i 0.0082 + 0.0000i 0.0379 - 0.0000i -0.0577 - 0.5096i
0.0014 - 0.0024i 0.0000 - 0.0082i 0.0000 + 0.0379i 0.2609 + 0.4415i
-0.0023 + 0.0016i -0.0082 - 0.0000i -0.0379 + 0.0000i -0.4185 - 0.2964i
0.0027 - 0.0005i -0.0000 + 0.0082i -0.0000 - 0.0379i 0.5031 + 0.0995i

B =

1.0e-10 *


ar = at =
1.0000 + 0.0000i 1.0000 + 0.0000i
-0.4337 - 0.9011i -0.4337 + 0.9011i
-0.6238 + 0.7816i -0.6238 - 0.7816i
0.9748 + 0.2232i 0.9748 - 0.2232i
-0.2217 - 0.9751i -0.2217 + 0.9751i
-0.7825 + 0.6226i -0.7825 - 0.6226i
0.9004 + 0.4351i 0.9004 - 0.4351i
0.0015 - 1.0000i 0.0015 + 1.0000i
Omega_bfrc(:,:,1) =

1.0e-11 *

0.5012 + 0.0000i -0.0000 - 0.0000i -0.0000 + 0.0000i 0.0000 + 0.0000i -0.0000 - 0.0000i -0.0000 + 0.0000i 0.0000 + 0.0000i 0.0000 - 0.0000i
-0.0000 + 0.0000i 0.5012 - 0.0000i -0.0000 - 0.0000i -0.0000 + 0.0000i 0.0000 + 0.0000i -0.0000 - 0.0000i -0.0000 + 0.0000i 0.0000 + 0.0000i
-0.0000 - 0.0000i -0.0000 + 0.0000i 0.5012 - 0.0000i -0.0000 - 0.0000i -0.0000 + 0.0000i 0.0000 + 0.0000i -0.0000 - 0.0000i -0.0000 + 0.0000i
0.0000 - 0.0000i -0.0000 - 0.0000i -0.0000 + 0.0000i 0.5012 + 0.0000i -0.0000 - 0.0000i -0.0000 + 0.0000i 0.0000 + 0.0000i -0.0000 - 0.0000i
-0.0000 + 0.0000i 0.0000 - 0.0000i -0.0000 - 0.0000i -0.0000 + 0.0000i 0.5012 - 0.0000i -0.0000 - 0.0000i -0.0000 + 0.0000i 0.0000 + 0.0000i
-0.0000 - 0.0000i -0.0000 + 0.0000i 0.0000 - 0.0000i -0.0000 - 0.0000i -0.0000 + 0.0000i 0.5012 + 0.0000i -0.0000 - 0.0000i -0.0000 + 0.0000i
0.0000 - 0.0000i -0.0000 - 0.0000i -0.0000 + 0.0000i 0.0000 - 0.0000i -0.0000 - 0.0000i -0.0000 + 0.0000i 0.5012 + 0.0000i -0.0000 - 0.0000i
0.0000 + 0.0000i 0.0000 - 0.0000i -0.0000 - 0.0000i -0.0000 + 0.0000i 0.0000 - 0.0000i -0.0000 - 0.0000i -0.0000 + 0.0000i 0.5012 + 0.0000i

Omega_bfrc(:,:,2) =

1.0e-11 *

0.5012 - 0.0000i -0.0000 + 0.0000i -0.0000 - 0.0000i 0.0000 - 0.0000i -0.0000 + 0.0000i -0.0000 - 0.0000i 0.0000 - 0.0000i 0.0000 + 0.0000i
-0.0000 - 0.0000i 0.5012 + 0.0000i -0.0000 + 0.0000i -0.0000 - 0.0000i 0.0000 - 0.0000i -0.0000 + 0.0000i -0.0000 - 0.0000i 0.0000 - 0.0000i
-0.0000 + 0.0000i -0.0000 - 0.0000i 0.5012 + 0.0000i -0.0000 + 0.0000i -0.0000 - 0.0000i 0.0000 - 0.0000i -0.0000 + 0.0000i -0.0000 - 0.0000i
0.0000 + 0.0000i -0.0000 + 0.0000i -0.0000 - 0.0000i 0.5012 + 0.0000i -0.0000 + 0.0000i -0.0000 - 0.0000i 0.0000 - 0.0000i -0.0000 + 0.0000i
-0.0000 - 0.0000i 0.0000 + 0.0000i -0.0000 + 0.0000i -0.0000 - 0.0000i 0.5012 + 0.0000i -0.0000 + 0.0000i -0.0000 - 0.0000i 0.0000 - 0.0000i
-0.0000 + 0.0000i -0.0000 - 0.0000i 0.0000 + 0.0000i -0.0000 + 0.0000i -0.0000 - 0.0000i 0.5012 - 0.0000i -0.0000 + 0.0000i -0.0000 - 0.0000i
0.0000 + 0.0000i -0.0000 + 0.0000i -0.0000 - 0.0000i 0.0000 + 0.0000i -0.0000 + 0.0000i -0.0000 - 0.0000i 0.5012 - 0.0000i -0.0000 + 0.0000i
0.0000 - 0.0000i 0.0000 + 0.0000i -0.0000 + 0.0000i -0.0000 - 0.0000i 0.0000 + 0.0000i -0.0000 + 0.0000i -0.0000 - 0.0000i 0.5012 + 0.0000i

W_bfrc = ones(Nt,Nt,num_ue)

Thanks for replying, it’s a simple sample for my optimal problem.

Could you make it easier for us by showing explicitly a constraint which is not satisfied, and your calculation which shows that? Keep in mind that CVX and the solver it calls allow constraints to be violated to within a feasibility tolerance. So if the constraint is LHS >= 0, LHS might wind up being -1e-8 in the optimal solution, and that constraint is considered to not be violated.