Dear all, I have a doubt.
My problem is solved by sdpt3, an optimal solution is returned,and I use cvx expressions in the objective function and constraints.
I compute cvx expressions using the optimal value of the CVX variables after CVX execution completes, but I found the constraint is not satisfied after I compute the cvx expressions by using the optimized variables,
Is there a problem with my program, or is this a feature of cvx expressions?
In exponential (line 17)
In cvx/log_sum_exp (line 97)
In optimized_Q_5_ADMM (line 487)
Using Pade approximation for exponential
cone with parameters m=3, k=3
Successive approximation method to be employed.
For improved efficiency, SDPT3 is solving the dual problem.
SDPT3 will be called several times to refine the solution.
Original size: 36529 variables, 15163 equality constraints
500 exponentials add 4000 variables, 2500 equality constraints
Cones | Errors |
Mov/Act | Centering Exp cone Poly cone | Status
200/200 | 2.106e+00 2.648e-01 0.000e+00 | Solved
200/200 | 4.275e-01 1.152e-02 0.000e+00 | Inaccurate/Solved
198/200 | 5.541e-02 1.916e-04 0.000e+00 | Inaccurate/Solved
172/192 | 8.009e-03 4.009e-06 0.000e+00 | Inaccurate/Solved
13/ 94 | 1.142e-03 8.008e-08 0.000e+00 | Inaccurate/Solved
0/ 9 | 1.632e-04 8.523e-10 0.000e+00 | Inaccurate/Solved
0/ 0 | 0.000e+00 0.000e+00 0.000e+00 | Inaccurate/Solved
0/ 0 | 0.000e+00 0.000e+00 0.000e+00 | Inaccurate/Solved
Status: Inaccurate/Solved
Optimal value (cvx_optval): +1.72647e+06