The error message "Disciplined convex programming error: {real affine} ./ {real affine}"

In the CVX framework, I have the following expression:

{R}_{{k,j}}[n] = \log_{2} \left(1 + \gamma_{0}\frac{MP_{\text{max}} - z_{r,j}[n]\Gamma_{\text{th}}}{z_{c,k}[n]}\right), \forall k,j,n,

where the slack variables are represented by z_{c,k} and z_{r,j} . The constants involved are M>0, P_\max>0, \gamma_0>0, \Gamma_{\text{th}}>0. What is the suitable CVX representation for this expression? Thank you!

{R}{_{k,j}}[n] is jointly concave w.r.t. z_{c,k} and z_{r,j}. This can be justified as follows: We derive the Hessian matrix of {R}{_{k,j}}[n] with respect to variables z{c,k} and z_{r,j} , which is:
H_{k,j} = \frac{1}{\ln 2} \begin{bmatrix} \frac{1}{z^2_{c,k}[n]}-\frac{1}{Z^2} & \frac{k_{1}}{Z^2} \\ \frac{k_{1}}{Z^2} & \frac{-k^2_{1}}{Z^2} \end{bmatrix},

where Z = z_{c,k}[n] + k_{1}z_{r,j}[n] + k_{2}, k_{1} = -\gamma_{0}\Gamma_{\text{th}}, and k_{2} = \gamma_{0}MP_{\text{max}}. H_{k,j} is a negative definite matrix in the feasible region, as |H_{k,j}| = \frac{-k^2_{1}}{\ln 2 (z_{c,k}[n] + k_{1}z_{r,j}[n] + k_{2})^2 z^2_{c,k}[n]} \leq 0, H_{k,j}(1, 1) \leq 0, and H_{k,j}(2, 2) \leq 0. Therefore, it can be concluded that {R}_{{k,j}}[n] is jointly concave w.r.t. z_{c,k} and z_{r,j}.

log(1+y/x) is neither convex nor concave, regardless of sign of x or y or which is greater. So why does that not apply to your expression?

If you think I have misassessed your problem, perhaps you can rewrite your expression in the simplest form, eliminating extraneous parameters and indices to make things as simple and transparent as possible.

Thank you for your response. To simplify, let’s say my objective function appears as \log_2(1+\frac{C-y}{x}), with C being a constant. Here, the Hessian matrix of the objective function is negative definite, which means it is jointly concave with respect to both x and y.

That is not correct.

Consider log(1+(1-y)/x). Its Hessian when evaluated at x = 1, y = 0.5, has one negative eigenvalue and one positive eigenvalue. The Hessian is [0.75 0.25;0.25 -0.25]. So it fails to be negative definite based on the 1st element of the diagonal. And it is actually indefinite, So log(1+(1-y)/x) is neither concave nor convex.

log2 instead of log is the same, except for multiplying everything by 1/log(2). which does not affect the sign of anything.