Rician channel code

Continuing the discussion from Convergence Graph:
function [ch,Ld] = ricianCh(chSize, ricianFactor, dist, pathLossRef, distRef, pathLossExp, freq, phi)
if ~isequal(size(chSize), [1 2]) || ~isreal(chSize)
disp(‘ERROR! input chSize must be in size of 2x1 and real’);
disp('your chSize : ‘); disp(chSize);
error(’ ‘);
if ~isreal(ricianFactor) || ~isscalar(ricianFactor) || ricianFactor<0
disp(‘ERROR! input kappa must be a real scalar positive’);
disp(‘your kappa :’); disp(ricianFactor);
error(’ ‘);
if ~isreal(dist) || ~isscalar(dist) || dist<0
disp(‘ERROR! input dist must be a real scalar positive’);
disp(‘your dist :’); disp(dist);
error(’ ‘);
if ~isreal(pathLossRef) || ~isscalar(pathLossRef) || pathLossRef<0
disp(‘ERROR! input pathLossRef must be a real scalar positive’);
disp(‘your pathLossRef :’); disp(pathLossRef);
error(’ ‘);
if ~isreal(distRef) || ~isscalar(distRef) || distRef<0
disp(‘ERROR! input distRef must be a real scalar positive’);
disp(‘your distRef :’); disp(distRef);
error(’ ‘);
if ~isreal(pathLossExp) || ~isscalar(pathLossExp) || pathLossExp<0
disp(‘ERROR! input pathLossExp must be a real scalar positive’);
disp(‘your pathLossExp :’); disp(pathLossExp);
error(’ ‘);
if ~isreal(freq) || ~isscalar(freq) || freq<0
disp(‘ERROR! input freq must be a real scalar positive’);
disp(‘your freq :’); disp(freq);
error(’ ');
Ld = pathLossRef*((dist/distRef)^(-pathLossExp)); %disp(['Ld : ', num2str(Ld)]);
waveLen = 3e8/freq; %disp(['waveLen : ‘, num2str(waveLen)]);
k = 2pi/waveLen; %disp([‘k : ‘, num2str(k)]);
N_ar = chSize(1); rowCnt = (0:(N_ar-1)).’; %disp(‘N_ar :’); disp(N_ar);
N_at = chSize(2); colCnt = (0:(N_at-1)).’; %disp(‘N_at :’); disp(N_at);
d_a = waveLen/2; %disp(‘d_a :’); disp(d_a);
ar = (1/sqrt(N_ar))exp(1jk
d_arowCntsin(phi)); %disp(‘ar :’); disp(ar);
at = (1/sqrt(N_at))exp(1jkd_acolCntsin(phi)); %disp(‘at :’); disp(at);
H_NLOS = randn(chSize) + 1j
randn(chSize); %disp(‘H_NLOS :’); disp(H_NLOS);
ch = sqrt(Ld)*(sqrt(ricianFactor/(1+ricianFactor))arat’ + sqrt(1/(1+ricianFactor))*H_NLOS);

What is the continuation. Please show a complete post and state clearly what assistance you are seeking.

Keep in mind that forum readers are knowledgeable in optimization, and in particular conic optimization and DCP, but generally not knowledgeable in signal processing.