Please be clearer as to exactly where you need assistance.
Is each CVX problem (instance) accepted by CVX without error message?
Is each CVX problem (instance) getting solved to reported optimality, and not resulting in CVX declaring it “infeasibile”, or “unbounded”, or (solver failed due to) numerical difficulties or UNKNOWN?
You should remove cvx_precision low
, i.e., leave cvx_precision
art its default setting.
Not every (crazy) iterative scheme calling CVX to solve an iterative series of subproblems works. Most attempts posted on this forum don’t work reliably, or at all (posts from 2012 by @stephen_boyd being a notable exception). Although I suppose it is a biased sample, because the people who do have success don’t tend to post here asking for help.
If the answers to both of these question is yes, do you have nay analysis which shows that your overall algorithm will (should) converge to the correct answer of your problem?
The following may or may not be relevant to your problem: