Quantum Information - Unbounded SDP Problem for Guessing Probability


I am a PhD student in quantum information, and I am currently studying measurement-device independent quantum random number generation. Unfortunately I am not familiar with SDP, as I have only worked with linear programming in my previous studies, and I am somewhat stuck in a situation where I don’t know whether it is my problem formulation, or the way I am inputting it into CVX’s solver that is incorrect.

For random generation, a superposition state is prepared and measured, which is expected to yield unbiased, random measurement outcomes (either binary 1 or binary 0 with equal probability). In order to estimate the amount of information that could have leaked to an adversary, one prepares and measures states which are expected to yield deterministic outcome (depending on choice of test state, either 1 or 0 every time). These states are typically called test sates. If an attacker (Eve) is present, preparing and measuring a test state does not yield the expected outcomes, and by experimentally determining the probabilities Pr{a|w_x} where a is the measurement outcome (1/0) and w_x is the prepared state, one is able to bound the probability that an attacker would be able to guess the measurement outcome and obtain information about the generated sequence.

Problem formulation
I am trying to replicate the security analysis by Cariñe et al [Carñe et al. Optica 7, 542-550 (2020)], which looks like this:

I have been able to formulate this problem in 2D for one test state and one state for randomness generation, where the former corresponds to a horizontal polarization state, and the latter diagonal polarization. The optimization is over a POVM which is represented by four matrices, one for each possible outcome for Alice and Eve, where the POVM encodes all possible guessing strategies Eve could possibly choose.

For now, experimentally-derived values are simulated so that there is a high probability to measure correctly.

My issue
While I believe that I have deciphered the mathematical formulation of the general case and formulated it into a form applicable for my case, I fail to input the problem into the CVX solver. My problem seems to be unbounded, and I cannot see why that is the case, as I have numerical values for all constraints.

a, e are measurement outcomes.

The question

  1. Have I entered the problem properly, or is there anything immediate that I have missed?
  2. I do not know the value of q(e), would that be necessary for converegence?


Appendix: MATLAB-code

%% Compute parameters
clc; clear all;
epsilon = 1e-9; % by convention
det_H = 1000;
det_V = 5;
prob_correct_measurement = (det_H)/(det_H+det_V);

%% Input state
x_star = QNorm([1;0]);
omega_x_star = QKet(x_star)*QBra(x_star);

disp("Input state density matrix: ")

x_0 = QNorm([1;0]);
x_1 = QNorm([1;1]);

w_0 = QKet(x_0)*QBra(x_0);
w_1 = QKet(x_1)*QBra(x_1);

%% Observed probabilities + Chernoff-Hoeffding bound
p_corr = prob_correct_measurement;
p_ones = 0.49;
% states = [w_0, w_1] w_0: teststate, w_1:  random state
pr_obs = [1-p_corr, 1-p_ones
         p_corr, p_ones];
disp("Observed probabilities")
disp("   |w0>      |w1>")
disp("0: " + pr_obs(1,1) + "   " + pr_obs(1,2))
disp("1: " + pr_obs(2,1) + "   " + pr_obs(2,2))

t_x_helper = @(n_x, e) sqrt( (log(1/e))/(2*n_x));

n_tot = 1000;
p_teststate = 0.01;

n_w0 = p_teststate*n_tot;
n_w1 = (1-p_teststate)*n_tot;
t_x = [t_x_helper(n_w0, epsilon), t_x_helper(n_w1, epsilon)];
disp(" ")
disp("State 'slack'")
disp("w_0: " + t_x(1))
disp("w_1: " + t_x(2))

II = eye(2,2);

%% Print LHS & RHS of constrs
disp(" ")
disp("Constraint matrix")
for i=1:2
    for j=1:2
        disp("pr_obs(" + i +","+j +") - t_x(1): " + (pr_obs(i, j) - t_x(j)))
        disp("pr_obs(" + i +","+j +") + t_x(1): " + (pr_obs(i, j) + t_x(j)))
        disp(" ")
%% Solver

% N_xy denotes the POVM elements
% q_x encodes the no-signalling constraint

cvx_begin SDP
    variable N_00(2,2) hermitian
    variable N_01(2,2) hermitian
    variable N_10(2,2) hermitian
    variable N_11(2,2) hermitian
    variable q_0
    variable q_1

    maximize(trace(N_00*omega_x_star + N_11 * omega_x_star))

    subject to
        pr_obs(1, 1) - t_x(1) <= trace(N_00*w_0 + N_01*w_0) <= pr_obs(1,1) + t_x(1);  % Prob. measure '0' when w_0 sent
        pr_obs(1, 2) - t_x(2) <= trace(N_00*w_1 + N_01*w_1) <= pr_obs(1,2) + t_x(2);  % Prob. measure '0' when w_1 sent

        pr_obs(2, 1) - t_x(1) <= trace(N_10*w_0 + N_11*w_0) <= pr_obs(1,1) + t_x(1);  % Prob. measure '1' when w_0 sent
        pr_obs(2, 2) - t_x(2) <= trace(N_10*w_1 + N_11*w_1) <= pr_obs(1,2) + t_x(2);  % Prob. measure '1' when w_1 sent

        N_00 + N_10 == q_0 * II;
        N_01 + N_11 == q_1 * II;

        q_0 + q_1 == 1;

p_g_x_star = cvx_optval;

cert_entropy = -log2(p_g_x_star);
disp("Certified entropy: " + cert_entropy + " bits")

The helper functions QNorm, QKet and QBra are simply corresponding to normalization of a quantum state, and formatting of a quantum state vector to a ket and bra.


function [outp] = QNorm(inp)
    outp = (1/norm(inp)) * inp;


function [ket] = QKet(state)
    ket = state;


function [bra] = QBra(ket)
    bra = ket'; % Hermitian conjugate

From the extract you provided, I don’t even understand how that is an SDP. So I can’t tell you whether your formulation is correct.

it is claimed that q is a probability distribution, and there is a constraint that sum(q) == 1 (your q_0 + q_1 == 1), But I don’t see any mention of constraint q >= 0, I guess that is forced by the equality constraints involving the SDP matrices.

EDIT: You didn’t actually constraint the matrices to be semidefinite. Add semidefinite to the declarations. (Or if thye are supposed to be real, just declare them as semidefinite. sdp mode by itself doesn’t make anything semidefinite. That just allows use of >= or <= on symmetric (hermitian) square matrices, instead of == semdefinite(n) to specify SDP constraints. Without the SDP constraints, q_0 and q_1 aren’t forced to be >= 0, and can become unbounded of opposite signs summing to 1, and I suppose that allows the objective to become unbounded.

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Thank you Mark!
That did the trick - I finally achieve convergence of the problem when constraining the matrices to be semidefinite.

The optimum value is still not sensible, but for the time being I suspect that is due to my input values rather than the model itself.