Problem about cvx_solver_settings('MSK_SPAR_REMOTE_OPTSERVER_HOST', 'http://host:port')

Dear experts,

Windows11, Matlab Version 2024b, CVX Version 2.2, Mosek Beta Version 11.0.0(with Personal Academic License)

I have read the introduction of OptServerLight in the following link. 4 Installation — MOSEK Optimization Server 10.2.8

My questions are as follows:
I start the ‘mskgenhostid.bat’ in the folder ‘E:\MosekBeta11.0.0\11.0\tools\platform\win64x86\bin’, and I get the ‘hostname’ from its output as follows:

Then, I start the ‘optserverlight.exe’ in the folder ‘E:\MosekBeta11.0.0\11.0\tools\platform\win64x86\bin’, and I get the ‘port’ from its output as follows:

Afterwards, I use the command ‘cvx_solver_settings(‘MSK_SPAR_REMOTE_OPTSERVER_HOST’, ‘http://DESKTOP-******:123456’)’ and the code can run correctly.

Using the command ‘MSK_SPAR_REMOTE_OPTSERVER_HOST’ to transfer local Mosek computation tasks to a remote computer for processing, how can I determine if the computation task has been successfully transferred? Additionally, is it possible to perform Mosek computations on both the local and several remote computers simultaneously?

This question is so solver specific that it would be more suitable to ask in Mosek support or the Mosek forum

If you obtain the results back normally and CVX does not produce any error then you know the problem was solved.

There is no better way to know if the task was successfully transferred than to monitor the load of the optserver to see if it is working. You can also monitor the log output.

If you organize your code to support parallel solving then you can solve on many machines. There is no direct built-in capacity on Mosek or CVX to do it.

Thank you! I have asked this problem in Mosek forum

I want to perform Mosek computations on both the local and several remote computers simultaneously. For example, the Matlab CVX code is as follows:

However, only ‘/DESKTOP-111111:020202’ performs the Mosek computation.

Is there a way to utilize the computing resources of multiple computers to solve the same problem?

Additionally, if I use remote server commands to assign computation tasks to a remote server, will the remote server steal my code?

  • Only the data of the problem is transferred to the optimization server. No code.
  • Only 1 computer can be used to solve a problem. It is shared memory parallelism.

Many thanks for your answer.

However, some issues were encountered while using this command.

local computer:
Windows11 64bit, Matlab2024b, Mosek Beta Version 11.0.0(Personal Academic License)
Memory: 16GB

Windows10 64bit, Matlab2024a, Mosek Beta Version 11.0.0(Personal Academic License)
Memory: 16GB
Host name: DESKTOP-****
Port:123456(take 123456 as an example of port)

However, the following error message appears:
Mosek error: MSK_RES_ERR_SERVER_PROTOCOL (Unexpected message or data from solver server.)

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