Please help how to solve this problem?

% Solve the optimization problem
cvx_solver mosek
% Set the required parameters (replace these with actual values as per your case)
N = 4; % array number of BS
M = 64; % array number of IRS
SNR_dB = 10; % dBW
%%%%% noise
N0=10^((-174-30) / 10); %-174dBm
B=10^7; %10MHz
noise_maxpower_original = N0*B; % % W
noise_maxpower_original = 10^((-80-30) / 10); % % W
%%%%% ends
trans_maxpower_all =10.^((temp-30) ./ 10); % trans_power=1
%% Simulation loop %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
num_loop = 500;

% Ensure that the dimensions of G_U_all and G_E_all are compatible with your loop
[M_all, N_all, num_loops] = size(G_U_all); % Assuming G_U_all has size [M, N, num_loops]

% Set the original noise power level
% noise_maxpower_original = 1; % Replace with your actual value if needed
noise_maxpower = noise_maxpower_original;

% Loop over num_loops
for loop = 1:num_loops
outerflag = 1;

% Adjust G_U and G_E for the current loop
G_U = [G_U_all(1:M, 1:N, loop); G_U_all(M_all, 1:N, loop)] / sqrt(noise_maxpower_original);
G_E = [G_E_all(1:M, 1:N, loop); G_E_all(M_all, 1:N, loop)] / sqrt(noise_maxpower_original);
noise_maxpower = noise_maxpower_original / noise_maxpower_original;

% Loop over different transmission powers (SNR values)
fprintf('  loop |  num_J  |  SNR  |  i  |  trans_SNR | relay_SNR \n');
for i_p = 1:length(trans_maxpower_all)
    trans_maxpower = trans_maxpower_all(i_p);  % Adjust based on current SNR setting

    %%%%%  Initialize F and e beamforming  %%%%%
e_temp=randn(M+1,1) + sqrt(-1)*  randn(M+1,1);


% f_ini=randn(N,1)*sqrt(trans_maxpower/(N));
% miu_bs=0.01;
% miu_u=0.01;

    cvx_begin quiet
        variable E(M+1, M+1) hermitian
        variable r(4,1)    
        variable p(4,1) 

        T_u = G_U*f_ini*f_ini'*G_U';   
        D_u = (1+miu_u)*miu_bs*G_U*diag(diag(f_ini*f_ini'))*G_U';
        temp = trace(((1+miu_u)*T_u+D_u)*E) + noise_maxpower - r(1);
        constraint(1) = -temp;
        constraint(2) = trace((miu_u*T_u+D_u)*E) + noise_maxpower - r(2);
        r_ini(2) = trace(e_ini'*(miu_u*T_u+D_u)*e_ini) + noise_maxpower;

        T_e = G_E*f_ini*f_ini'*G_E';  
        D_e = miu_bs*G_E*diag(diag(f_ini*f_ini'))*G_E';
        constraint(3) = trace((T_e+D_e)*E) + noise_maxpower - r(3);
        r_ini(3) = trace(e_ini'*(T_e+D_e)*e_ini) + noise_maxpower;
        temp = trace(D_e*E) + noise_maxpower - r(4);
        constraint(4) = -temp;

        constraint(5) = p(1) - log(r(1))/log(2);
        constraint(6) = log2(r_ini(2)) + (r(2) - r_ini(2)) / (r_ini(2)*log(2)) - p(2);
        constraint(7) = log2(r_ini(3)) + (r(3) - r_ini(3)) / (r_ini(3)*log(2)) - p(3);
        constraint(8) = p(4) - log(r(4))/log(2);

        maximize p(1) - p(2) - p(3) + p(4)

        subject to
            real(constraint) <= 0;
            diag(E) == 1;
            E == hermitian_semidefinite(M+1);


    if cvx_status(1) == 'S' || cvx_status(3) == 'a'
        flag = 1;

        [t1, t2] = eig(E);
        location = find(abs(diag(t2)) > 10^(-6));
        if size(location, 1) == 1
            e_hat = t1(:, location) * t2(location, location)^(1/2);

            %%%%%  Obj value  %%%%%
            numi_u = trace(e_hat' * ((1+miu_u)*T_u + D_u) * e_hat) + noise_maxpower;
            deno_u = trace(e_hat' * (miu_u*T_u + D_u) * e_hat) + noise_maxpower;
            rate_u = log2(numi_u / deno_u);

            numi_e = trace(e_hat' * (T_e + D_e) * e_hat) + noise_maxpower;
            deno_e = trace(e_hat' * D_e * e_hat) + noise_maxpower;
            rate_e = log2(numi_e / deno_e);
            rate = max(rate_u - rate_e, 0);  
            for i = 1:500
                flag_2 = 1;
                b1(:, i) = t1 * t2^(1/2) * sqrt(1/2) * (randn(M+1, 1) + sqrt(-1) * randn(M+1, 1));
                b2(:, i) = exp(1j * angle(b1(:, i) / b1(M+1, i)));

                %%%%%  Obj value  %%%%%
                numi_u = trace(b2(:, i)' * ((1+miu_u)*T_u + D_u) * b2(:, i)) + noise_maxpower;
                deno_u = trace(b2(:, i)' * (miu_u*T_u + D_u) * b2(:, i)) + noise_maxpower;
                rate_u = log2(numi_u / deno_u);

                numi_e = trace(b2(:, i)' * (T_e + D_e) * b2(:, i)) + noise_maxpower;
                deno_e = trace(b2(:, i)' * D_e * b2(:, i)) + noise_maxpower;
                rate_e = log2(numi_e / deno_e);
                Obj(i) = max(rate_u - rate_e, 0);   
            [X, locat] = max(Obj);
            e_hat = b2(:, locat);
            rate = Obj(locat);
        e = exp(1j * angle(e_hat / e_hat(M+1)));
        fprintf('Resulting e for loop %d, i_p %d:\n', loop, i_p);
        disp(e);  % Display result for the current loop and i_p

        flag = 0;
        e = ones(M+1, 1);
        rate = 0;

Unable to perform assignment because value of type ‘cvx’ is not convertible to ‘double’. Error in untitled5 (line 65) constraint(1) = -temp; Caused by: Error using double Conversion to double from cvx is not possible.

You need to declare constraint as an expression.

expression constraint(8)

Once you get that fixed, you may encounter numerical difficulties due to poor numerical scaling. Very large and/or small magnitude input data is not good.

Thank you very much! Mark