Perspective of log det function, and CVX formulations of related log det problems using Quantum Relative Entropy from CVXQUAD

Is there any way to implement the perspective function of log det function (x\log|I+\frac Y x|, x \geq 0,Y \in S^+) in cvx?@mcg

@jmiao I believe this can be done using CVXQUAD. , which supports quantum_rel_entr(X,Y) defined as trace(X*(logm(X)-logm(Y))) .

-quantum_rel_entr(x*eye(n), x*eye(n) + Y) = x*log(det(eye(n) + Y/x)) , which is the matrix (quantum) generalization of @mcg’s scalar formula shown in Perspective function .

Full disclosure: I had never used CVXQUAD. @awinick, who tried it, wrote in Adding Quantum Relative Entropy to CVX “I found that both the run time and memory usage meant that I could only consider trivial problems of interest.” But perhaps your problems of interest, if you’re still interested a year later, are smaller than his.

Update: I’ve now tried some optimization with quantum_rel_entrunder CVX 2.1 . As matrix dimension increases, it can take a long time to process even an expression having qunatum_rel_entr, let alone the solver solution time. And you can easily run out of memory.

I encountered an error in kron which I have not tried to diagnose when using it under CVX 3.0beta.

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Here is how to formulate x\log|I+ xY^{-1}|, x \geq 0,Y \in S^{++}, which is jointly convex in x and Y.

x*log(det(eye(n) + x*inv(Y)))
can be formulated as
quantum_rel_entr(x*eye(n)+Y,Y) + quantum_rel_entr(Y,x*eye(n)+Y)

which turns out to be the quantum (matrix) analog of @Michal_Adamaszek 's scalar formulation
x*log(1+x/y) = rel_entr(x+y,y) + rel_entr(y,x+y)
from Writing x*log(1+x/y)

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Here is how to formulate x\log|I+ Y(Y+xI)^{-1}|, x \geq 0,Y \in S^{+}, Y+xI \in S^{++}
or equivalently, x\log|I+ (Y+xI)^{-1}Y|, x \geq 0,Y \in S^{+}, Y+xI \in S^{++}, which are jointly concave in x and Y.

Equivalence of the two problems holds due to Y and (Y+xI)^{-1} commuting due to being diagnoliizable and having the same eigenvectors.

x*log(det(eye(n) + Y*inv(x*eye(n)+Y))) and
x*log(det(eye(n) + inv(x*eye(n)+Y)*Y))
can both be formulated as
-2*quantum_rel_entr(x*eye(n)+Y,x*eye(n)+2*Y) - quantum_rel_entr(x*eye(n)+2*Y,x*eye(n)+Y)

which turns out to be the quantum (matrix) analog of the scalar formulation
x*log(1+y/(x+y)) = -2*rel_entr(x+y,x+2*y) - rel_entr(x+2*y,x+y)
from Xlog( 1+ Y/(X+Y) ): DCP rules, and build-in functions in cvx

Here is how to formulate x\log|I+ x(Y+xI)^{-1}|, x \geq 0,Y \in S^{+}, Y+xI \in S^{++}, which is jointly convex in x and Y.

can be formulated as
quantum_rel_entr(x*eye(n)+Y,2*x*eye(n)+Y) + quantum_rel_entr(2*x*eye(n)+Y,x*eye(n)+Y)

which turns out to be the quantum (matrix) analog of the scalar formulation
x*log(1+x/(x+y)) = rel_entr(x+y,2*x+y) + rel_entr(2*x+y,x+y)
from Here's how to handle x*log(1+x/(x+y)) for x >= 0, y >= 0