My SPD problem can be solved by SDPT3 solver but not SeDuMi solver?

when i use the SDPT3, my problem can be correctly solved. but when i use SeDuMI as the solver, it can’t solve the problem (final result is ‘NaN’)and give an error message:

Status: Error
Optimal value (cvx_optval): NaN
Reference to non-existent field 'r0'.
Error in cvx_sedumi>solve (line 258)
tol = info.r0;
Error in cvxprob/solve (line 422)
            [ x, status, tprec, iters, y ] = shim.solve( At, b, c, cones,
            quiet, prec, solv.settings, eargs{:} );
Error in cvx_end (line 87)
        solve( prob );
Error in nlos_miti_toa_sdp_m_receivers (line 174)

The source code:

% clear;close all;

tic timestart=tic

%Parameters definition %observation times (OR observation times in one estimation) N=1; %repeat times for MSE calculation L=1; % noise VARIANCE = sqrt( var(x) ) VARIANCE=.01; %Fixed target position x_target=[-0.6 -0.3 0 0.3 0.6]; y_target=[-0.6 -0.3 0 0.3 0.6]; %anchor position anchor_posi=[1 1.414 1 0 -1 -1.414 -1 0 %x1 x2 x3 x4 1 0 -1 -1.414 -1 0 1 1.414]; %y1 y2 y3 y4 % anchor_posi=[1 2 1 2 -1 -2 -1 -2 %x1 x2 x3 x4 % 1 2 -1 -2 -1 2 1 2]; %y1 y2 y3 y4 % number of anchors M=length(anchor_posi(1,:)); %maximal nlos error. NLOS_MAX_RANGE = VARIANCE*20;

figure plot(-1,1, 'k');hold on;plot( -1,-1,'k');plot( 1,1,'k');plot(1,-1,'k') plot(1.414,0, 'k');plot( 0,-1.414,'k');plot(-1.414,0,'k');plot(0,1.414,'k') legend 'target position' grid on; for i=1:5 for j=1:5 plot(x_target(i), x_target(j),'r');hold on; index=(i-1)5+j; s=num2str(index); text(x_target(i)+0.05, x_target(j),s) end end

v=zeros(8,1); u=zeros(8,1); d1_observe = zeros(1,N); d2_observe = zeros(1,N); d3_observe = zeros(1,N); d4_observe = zeros(1,N); d5_observe = zeros(1,N); d6_observe = zeros(1,N); d7_observe = zeros(1,N); d8_observe = zeros(1,N);

mse_final_L=[]; %repeat for L times to calculate the MSE for l=1:L mse_final = [ ];

% input generation
%all kinds of conbination of NLOS for 8 receivers
mm=random('unif',0,1,[20,8]);% 'unif' UNIFORM distribution; 'exp' or 'Exponential'; 'norm' or 'Normal';
gain_tmp=[0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 %1 0 1-25
    1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 %2 1 26-50
    1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 %3 2 51-175
    1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 %4
    1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 %5
    1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 %6
    1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 %7
    1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 %8 3 176-275
    1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 %9
    1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 %10
    1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 %11
    1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 %12 4 276-350
    1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 %13
    1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 %14
    1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 %15 5 351-400
    1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 %16
    1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 %17 6 401-450
    1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 %18
    1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 %19 7 451-475
    1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 %20 8 476-500
gain = gain_tmp.*mm;


%for different combinations of NLOS
for comb=1:m

    % repeat for 5x5=25 different target positions estimation
    for t_x=1:5
        for t_y=1:5
            % N times of observations, should be iid, white nosie
            d1_observe = ((anchor_posi(1,1)-x_target(t_x))^2 + (anchor_posi(2,1)-y_target(t_y))^2)^0.5 + VARIANCE.*randn(N,1)+NLOS_MAX_RANGE*gain(comb,1);
            d2_observe = ((anchor_posi(1,2)-x_target(t_x))^2 + (anchor_posi(2,2)-y_target(t_y))^2)^0.5 + VARIANCE.*randn(N,1)+NLOS_MAX_RANGE*gain(comb,2);
            d3_observe = ((anchor_posi(1,3)-x_target(t_x))^2 + (anchor_posi(2,3)-y_target(t_y))^2)^0.5 + VARIANCE.*randn(N,1)+NLOS_MAX_RANGE*gain(comb,3);
            d4_observe = ((anchor_posi(1,4)-x_target(t_x))^2 + (anchor_posi(2,4)-y_target(t_y))^2)^0.5 + VARIANCE.*randn(N,1)+NLOS_MAX_RANGE*gain(comb,4);
            d5_observe = ((anchor_posi(1,5)-x_target(t_x))^2 + (anchor_posi(2,5)-y_target(t_y))^2)^0.5 + VARIANCE.*randn(N,1)+NLOS_MAX_RANGE*gain(comb,5);
            d6_observe = ((anchor_posi(1,6)-x_target(t_x))^2 + (anchor_posi(2,6)-y_target(t_y))^2)^0.5 + VARIANCE.*randn(N,1)+NLOS_MAX_RANGE*gain(comb,6);
            d7_observe = ((anchor_posi(1,7)-x_target(t_x))^2 + (anchor_posi(2,7)-y_target(t_y))^2)^0.5 + VARIANCE.*randn(N,1)+NLOS_MAX_RANGE*gain(comb,7);
            d8_observe = ((anchor_posi(1,8)-x_target(t_x))^2 + (anchor_posi(2,8)-y_target(t_y))^2)^0.5 + VARIANCE.*randn(N,1)+NLOS_MAX_RANGE*gain(comb,8);

            %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% cvx %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%                
            v=[1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1];
            u=[0.2 0.2  0.2  0.2 0.2 0.2  0.2  0.2];

            cvx_begin sdp %quiet
            cvx_solver sedumi
            variable x(2,1)
            variable c(8,1)
            variable z
            variable h(8,1)

            minimize  v(1)*(d1_observe^2-h(1)-c(1))^2+alf*c(1)^2...

            subject to

            h(1)==[anchor_posi(1,1)  anchor_posi(2,1)  -1]*[ 1 0 x(1);0 1 x(2);x(1) x(2) z]*[anchor_posi(1,1); anchor_posi(2,1);-1];
            h(2)==[anchor_posi(1,2)  anchor_posi(2,2)  -1]*[ 1 0 x(1);0 1 x(2);x(1) x(2) z]*[anchor_posi(1,2); anchor_posi(2,2);-1];
            h(3)==[anchor_posi(1,3)  anchor_posi(2,3)  -1]*[ 1 0 x(1);0 1 x(2);x(1) x(2) z]*[anchor_posi(1,3); anchor_posi(2,3);-1];
            h(4)==[anchor_posi(1,4)  anchor_posi(2,4)  -1]*[ 1 0 x(1);0 1 x(2);x(1) x(2) z]*[anchor_posi(1,4); anchor_posi(2,4);-1];
            h(5)==[anchor_posi(1,5)  anchor_posi(2,5)  -1]*[ 1 0 x(1);0 1 x(2);x(1) x(2) z]*[anchor_posi(1,5); anchor_posi(2,5);-1];
            h(6)==[anchor_posi(1,6)  anchor_posi(2,6)  -1]*[ 1 0 x(1);0 1 x(2);x(1) x(2) z]*[anchor_posi(1,6); anchor_posi(2,6);-1];
            h(7)==[anchor_posi(1,7)  anchor_posi(2,7)  -1]*[ 1 0 x(1);0 1 x(2);x(1) x(2) z]*[anchor_posi(1,7); anchor_posi(2,7);-1];
            h(8)==[anchor_posi(1,8)  anchor_posi(2,8)  -1]*[ 1 0 x(1);0 1 x(2);x(1) x(2) z]*[anchor_posi(1,8); anchor_posi(2,8);-1];

            [1 0 anchor_posi(1,1)-x(1);0 1 anchor_posi(2,1)-x(2);anchor_posi(1,1)-x(1) anchor_posi(2,1)-x(2) d1_observe^2+u(1)]>=0;
            [1 0 anchor_posi(1,2)-x(1);0 1 anchor_posi(2,2)-x(2);anchor_posi(1,2)-x(1) anchor_posi(2,2)-x(2) d2_observe^2+u(2)]>=0;
            [1 0 anchor_posi(1,3)-x(1);0 1 anchor_posi(2,3)-x(2);anchor_posi(1,3)-x(1) anchor_posi(2,3)-x(2) d3_observe^2+u(3)]>=0;
            [1 0 anchor_posi(1,4)-x(1);0 1 anchor_posi(2,4)-x(2);anchor_posi(1,4)-x(1) anchor_posi(2,4)-x(2) d4_observe^2+u(4)]>=0;
            [1 0 anchor_posi(1,5)-x(1);0 1 anchor_posi(2,5)-x(2);anchor_posi(1,5)-x(1) anchor_posi(2,5)-x(2) d5_observe^2+u(5)]>=0;
            [1 0 anchor_posi(1,6)-x(1);0 1 anchor_posi(2,6)-x(2);anchor_posi(1,6)-x(1) anchor_posi(2,6)-x(2) d6_observe^2+u(6)]>=0;
            [1 0 anchor_posi(1,7)-x(1);0 1 anchor_posi(2,7)-x(2);anchor_posi(1,7)-x(1) anchor_posi(2,7)-x(2) d7_observe^2+u(7)]>=0;
            [1 0 anchor_posi(1,8)-x(1);0 1 anchor_posi(2,8)-x(2);anchor_posi(1,8)-x(1) anchor_posi(2,8)-x(2) d8_observe^2+u(8)]>=0;

            [1 0 x(1);0 1 x(2);x(1) x(2) z]>=0;

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% end cvx %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

            %final MSE calculation mse(real position, estimated position)
            mse_tmp = ((x_estimated - x_target(t_x))^2 + (y_estimated - y_target(t_y))^2)^0.5;
            mse_final = [mse_final mse_tmp];

end timestop = toc


figure plot(mse_final_L_f,''); legend ('mse final'); xlabel 'target index'; ylabel 'MSE'; title 'MSE'


clear;close all;


%Parameters definition
%observation times (OR observation times in one estimation)
%repeat times for MSE calculation
% noise VARIANCE = sqrt( var(x) )
%Fixed target position
x_target=[-0.6 -0.3 0 0.3 0.6];
y_target=[-0.6 -0.3 0 0.3 0.6];
%anchor position
anchor_posi=[1 1.414 1 0 -1 -1.414 -1 0 %x1 x2 x3 x4
1 0 -1 -1.414 -1 0 1 1.414]; %y1 y2 y3 y4
% anchor_posi=[1 2 1 2 -1 -2 -1 -2 %x1 x2 x3 x4
% 1 2 -1 -2 -1 2 1 2]; %y1 y2 y3 y4
% number of anchors
%maximal nlos error.

plot(-1,1, ‘k*’);hold on;plot( -1,-1,‘k*’);plot( 1,1,‘k*’);plot(1,-1,‘k*’)
plot(1.414,0, ‘k*’);plot( 0,-1.414,‘k*’);plot(-1.414,0,‘k*’);plot(0,1.414,‘k*’)
legend 'target position’
grid on;
for i=1:5
for j=1:5
plot(x_target(i), x_target(j),‘r*’);hold on;
text(x_target(i)+0.05, x_target(j),s)

d1_observe = zeros(1,N);
d2_observe = zeros(1,N);
d3_observe = zeros(1,N);
d4_observe = zeros(1,N);
d5_observe = zeros(1,N);
d6_observe = zeros(1,N);
d7_observe = zeros(1,N);
d8_observe = zeros(1,N);

%repeat for L times to calculate the MSE
for l=1:L
mse_final = [ ];

% input generation
%all kinds of conbination of NLOS for 8 receivers
mm=random('unif',0,1,[20,8]);% 'unif' UNIFORM distribution; 'exp' or 'Exponential'; 'norm' or 'Normal';
gain_tmp=[0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 %1 0 1-25
    1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 %2 1 26-50
    1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 %3 2 51-175
    1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 %4
    1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 %5
    1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 %6
    1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 %7
    1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 %8 3 176-275
    1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 %9
    1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 %10
    1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 %11
    1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 %12 4 276-350
    1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 %13
    1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 %14
    1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 %15 5 351-400
    1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 %16
    1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 %17 6 401-450
    1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 %18
    1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 %19 7 451-475
    1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 %20 8 476-500
gain = gain_tmp.*mm;


%for different combinations of NLOS
for comb=1:m

    % repeat for 5x5=25 different target positions estimation
    for t_x=1:5
        for t_y=1:5
            % N times of observations, should be iid, white nosie
            d1_observe = ((anchor_posi(1,1)-x_target(t_x))^2 + (anchor_posi(2,1)-y_target(t_y))^2)^0.5 + VARIANCE.*randn(N,1)+NLOS_MAX_RANGE*gain(comb,1);
            d2_observe = ((anchor_posi(1,2)-x_target(t_x))^2 + (anchor_posi(2,2)-y_target(t_y))^2)^0.5 + VARIANCE.*randn(N,1)+NLOS_MAX_RANGE*gain(comb,2);
            d3_observe = ((anchor_posi(1,3)-x_target(t_x))^2 + (anchor_posi(2,3)-y_target(t_y))^2)^0.5 + VARIANCE.*randn(N,1)+NLOS_MAX_RANGE*gain(comb,3);
            d4_observe = ((anchor_posi(1,4)-x_target(t_x))^2 + (anchor_posi(2,4)-y_target(t_y))^2)^0.5 + VARIANCE.*randn(N,1)+NLOS_MAX_RANGE*gain(comb,4);
            d5_observe = ((anchor_posi(1,5)-x_target(t_x))^2 + (anchor_posi(2,5)-y_target(t_y))^2)^0.5 + VARIANCE.*randn(N,1)+NLOS_MAX_RANGE*gain(comb,5);
            d6_observe = ((anchor_posi(1,6)-x_target(t_x))^2 + (anchor_posi(2,6)-y_target(t_y))^2)^0.5 + VARIANCE.*randn(N,1)+NLOS_MAX_RANGE*gain(comb,6);
            d7_observe = ((anchor_posi(1,7)-x_target(t_x))^2 + (anchor_posi(2,7)-y_target(t_y))^2)^0.5 + VARIANCE.*randn(N,1)+NLOS_MAX_RANGE*gain(comb,7);
            d8_observe = ((anchor_posi(1,8)-x_target(t_x))^2 + (anchor_posi(2,8)-y_target(t_y))^2)^0.5 + VARIANCE.*randn(N,1)+NLOS_MAX_RANGE*gain(comb,8);
            %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% cvx %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%                
            v=[1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1];
            u=[0.2 0.2  0.2  0.2 0.2 0.2  0.2  0.2];

            cvx_begin sdp %quiet
            cvx_solver sedumi
            variable x(2,1)
            variable c(8,1)
            variable z
            variable h(8,1)
            minimize  v(1)*(d1_observe^2-h(1)-c(1))^2+alf*c(1)^2...
            subject to
            h(1)==[anchor_posi(1,1)  anchor_posi(2,1)  -1]*[ 1 0 x(1);0 1 x(2);x(1) x(2) z]*[anchor_posi(1,1); anchor_posi(2,1);-1];
            h(2)==[anchor_posi(1,2)  anchor_posi(2,2)  -1]*[ 1 0 x(1);0 1 x(2);x(1) x(2) z]*[anchor_posi(1,2); anchor_posi(2,2);-1];
            h(3)==[anchor_posi(1,3)  anchor_posi(2,3)  -1]*[ 1 0 x(1);0 1 x(2);x(1) x(2) z]*[anchor_posi(1,3); anchor_posi(2,3);-1];
            h(4)==[anchor_posi(1,4)  anchor_posi(2,4)  -1]*[ 1 0 x(1);0 1 x(2);x(1) x(2) z]*[anchor_posi(1,4); anchor_posi(2,4);-1];
            h(5)==[anchor_posi(1,5)  anchor_posi(2,5)  -1]*[ 1 0 x(1);0 1 x(2);x(1) x(2) z]*[anchor_posi(1,5); anchor_posi(2,5);-1];
            h(6)==[anchor_posi(1,6)  anchor_posi(2,6)  -1]*[ 1 0 x(1);0 1 x(2);x(1) x(2) z]*[anchor_posi(1,6); anchor_posi(2,6);-1];
            h(7)==[anchor_posi(1,7)  anchor_posi(2,7)  -1]*[ 1 0 x(1);0 1 x(2);x(1) x(2) z]*[anchor_posi(1,7); anchor_posi(2,7);-1];
            h(8)==[anchor_posi(1,8)  anchor_posi(2,8)  -1]*[ 1 0 x(1);0 1 x(2);x(1) x(2) z]*[anchor_posi(1,8); anchor_posi(2,8);-1];
            [1 0 anchor_posi(1,1)-x(1);0 1 anchor_posi(2,1)-x(2);anchor_posi(1,1)-x(1) anchor_posi(2,1)-x(2) d1_observe^2+u(1)]>=0;
            [1 0 anchor_posi(1,2)-x(1);0 1 anchor_posi(2,2)-x(2);anchor_posi(1,2)-x(1) anchor_posi(2,2)-x(2) d2_observe^2+u(2)]>=0;
            [1 0 anchor_posi(1,3)-x(1);0 1 anchor_posi(2,3)-x(2);anchor_posi(1,3)-x(1) anchor_posi(2,3)-x(2) d3_observe^2+u(3)]>=0;
            [1 0 anchor_posi(1,4)-x(1);0 1 anchor_posi(2,4)-x(2);anchor_posi(1,4)-x(1) anchor_posi(2,4)-x(2) d4_observe^2+u(4)]>=0;
            [1 0 anchor_posi(1,5)-x(1);0 1 anchor_posi(2,5)-x(2);anchor_posi(1,5)-x(1) anchor_posi(2,5)-x(2) d5_observe^2+u(5)]>=0;
            [1 0 anchor_posi(1,6)-x(1);0 1 anchor_posi(2,6)-x(2);anchor_posi(1,6)-x(1) anchor_posi(2,6)-x(2) d6_observe^2+u(6)]>=0;
            [1 0 anchor_posi(1,7)-x(1);0 1 anchor_posi(2,7)-x(2);anchor_posi(1,7)-x(1) anchor_posi(2,7)-x(2) d7_observe^2+u(7)]>=0;
            [1 0 anchor_posi(1,8)-x(1);0 1 anchor_posi(2,8)-x(2);anchor_posi(1,8)-x(1) anchor_posi(2,8)-x(2) d8_observe^2+u(8)]>=0;
            [1 0 x(1);0 1 x(2);x(1) x(2) z]>=0;

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% end cvx %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%

            %final MSE calculation mse(real position, estimated position)
            mse_tmp = ((x_estimated - x_target(t_x))^2 + (y_estimated - y_target(t_y))^2)^0.5;
            mse_final = [mse_final mse_tmp];

timestop = toc


legend (‘mse final’);
xlabel ‘target index’;
ylabel ‘MSE’;
title ‘MSE’

It looks like a bug in either SeDuMi or the CVX/SeDuMi connector, or both. But honestly, this simply means that you should stick to using SDPT3! Each solver is going to have different performance characteristics, quirks, and yes, bugs.

Thank you so much for your answer! I write this codes according to a paper, whose author used the CVX+SiDuMi to solve this problem. So this problem should be able to solved with cvx+sedumi.

Well, certainly, you should, but there are myriad reasons why things can go wrong with an individual solver. Just stick with what works.