Multivariate Denton. Constraints not satisfied. Tolerance checked

Hi, I’m trying to solve the following problem, which is the formulation of the multivariate Denton method, if anyone knows about it. I’m using the R package CVXR.

min_y (y-x)‘Ω(y-x)
s.t. Hy = (vecz’ vecY’)', y >= 0

When the solver is finished I get a solution y which does not satisfy Hy = (vecz’ vecY’)'. The discrepancies are as big as -0.14.

I can’t seem to figure out why this is happening. I’ve tried all the free solvers and also I’ve tried setting a lower tolerance, but to no avail.

This is my code, given that matrices Omega and H are built.

y <- Variable(rows = nrow(x), cols = ncol(x))
  vecy <- vec(y)
  problem <- Problem(objective = Minimize(quad_form(vecy, Omega)), 
                     constraints = list(H%*%vecy == c(vecz, vecY),
                                        vecy >= 0))
  result <- solve(problem, solver = solver, feastol = 1e-5)

To check the output I use the very same formula for the constraint:

round(H%*%stack($values - c(vecz, vecY),5)

and it can be seen that there are multiple entries which don’t satisfy the constraints. The solution status nontheless is “optimal”.

 [1,]  0.00000
 [2,]  0.00000
 [3,]  0.00000
 [4,]  0.00000
 [5,]  0.00000
 [6,]  0.00000
 [7,]  0.00000
 [8,]  0.00000
 [9,]  0.00000
[10,]  0.00000
[11,]  0.00000
[12,]  0.00000
[13,]  0.00000
[14,]  0.00000
[15,]  0.00000
[16,]  0.00000
[17,]  0.00000
[18,]  0.00000
[19,]  0.00000
[20,]  0.00000
[21,]  0.00000
[22,]  0.00000
[23,]  0.00000
[24,]  0.00000
[25,]  0.00000
[26,]  0.00000
[27,]  0.00000
[28,]  0.00000
[29,]  0.00000
[30,]  0.00000
[31,]  0.00000
[32,]  0.00000
[33,]  0.00000
[34,]  0.00000
[35,]  0.00000
[36,]  0.00000
[37,]  0.00000
[38,]  0.00000
[39,]  0.00000
[40,]  0.00000
[41,]  0.00000
[42,]  0.00000
[43,]  0.00000
[44,]  0.00000
[45,] -0.14286
[46,] -0.14286
[47,] -0.14286
[48,] -0.14285
[49,]  0.00001
[50,]  0.00000
[51,]  0.00000
[52,]  0.00000
[53,]  0.00000
[54,]  0.00000
[55,]  0.00000
[56,]  0.00000
[57,]  0.00000
[58,]  0.00000
[59,]  0.00000
[60,]  0.00000
[61,]  0.14286
[62,]  0.00000
[63,]  0.00000
[64,]  0.00000
[65,]  0.00000
[66,]  0.00000
[67,]  0.00000
[68,]  0.00000
[69,]  0.00000
[70,]  0.00000
[71,]  0.00000
[72,]  0.00000
[73,]  0.00001
[74,]  0.14285
[75,]  0.00000
[76,]  0.00000
[77,]  0.00000
[78,]  0.00000
[79,]  0.00000
[80,]  0.00000
[81,]  0.00000
[82,]  0.00000
[83,]  0.00000
[84,]  0.00000
[85,]  0.00000
[86,]  0.00000
[87,]  0.14286
[88,]  0.00000

The solution to this problem has a nice expression in matrix form since it’s quadratic with linear constraints (except for the non-negativity constraint). When computed in that way, it also exhibits this problem for this data.

Edit: I’ve just seen the verbose option. Here’s the console log:

problem:  variables n = 294, constraints m = 382
          nnz(P) + nnz(A) = 1023
settings: linear system solver = qdldl,
          eps_abs = 1.0e-05, eps_rel = 1.0e-05,
          eps_prim_inf = 1.0e-04, eps_dual_inf = 1.0e-04,
          rho = 1.00e-01 (adaptive),
          sigma = 1.00e-06, alpha = 1.60, max_iter = 10000
          check_termination: on (interval 25),
          scaling: on, scaled_termination: off
          warm start: on, polish: on, time_limit: off

iter  objective    pri res    dua res    rho        time
   1   0.0000e+00   2.41e+05   3.57e+07   1.00e-01   5.98e-04s
 200   1.3044e+00   1.43e-01   9.16e-05   1.60e-06   3.83e-03s
 400   2.7572e-01   1.43e-01   2.97e-05   1.60e-06   6.75e-03s
 600   1.0134e-01   1.43e-01   1.18e-05   1.60e-06   1.09e-02s
 650   8.6386e-02   1.43e-01   9.44e-06   1.60e-06   1.18e-02s

status:               solved
solution polish:      unsuccessful
number of iterations: 650
optimal objective:    0.0864
run time:             1.24e-02s
optimal rho estimate: 1.00e-06

Despite the URL for this forum being cvxr, this forum is for CVX, which runs under MATLAB.

For support for CVXR, which runs under R, see Frequently Asked Questions — CVXR

Thank you, I will ask there!