Mosek_2 version 10.1.27 queries

Here to select latest Mosek version 10.1.27 which is better to choose i.e. Mosek_2 or Mosek_3??
Also, even I tested all mosek versions (Mosek, Mosek_2, Mosek_3) are giving same performance and taking same time to run the MATLAB code i.e. there is no improvement in the latest version of 10.1.27 as compared to old version 9.1.9. Then what is the advantage of installing and using latest version??

Also, to make Mosek_2 as default solver for every time even when MATLAB is restarted, just I need to run commands cvx_solver mosek_2 and cvx_save_prefs , that’s it right?

Choose Mosek_2 or Mosek_3. The fact that CVX shows it twice, and prints wrong version in the Version column, is some sort of bug in CVX I never understood.

When you actually run Mosek it will print the version in one of the first lines of the log output. Then you will know which one is used.

There is never any guarantee that version X+1 of any software will perform better on your problems than version X, especially if the problems suffer from numerical issues. Like I mentioned in another thread, you are welcome to create a fully reproducible example where you are not satisfied with the performance and we can will investigate that.

Yes, run
cvx_solver mosek_2, cvx_save_prefs
outside of CVX, i.e., outside of cvx_begin .... cvx_end
in order to save this preference for future MATLAB sessions.