Minimizing Condition Number by Scaling

I want to solve the condition number minimization problem:

min cond(L*M*R)
L and R are diagonal and non-singular

A formulation is given in Linear Matrix Inequalities in System and Control Theory; Section 3.1.

Based on that I tried

N = 3;
M = randn(N);
    variable P(N,N) diagonal 
    variable Q(N,N) diagonal
    variable g
        minimize g^2
    subject to
        P >= 0;
        Q >= 0;
        Q <= M'*P*M
        M'*P*M <= g^2 * Q

The last equation however returns {convex} .* {real affine} error. How can I resolve this?

GEVP is not convex, so can’t be solved directly in CVX. Instead, as mentioned in section 2.2.3 of the link you provided, it can be solved as a quasi-convex program via bisection.

Also see Generalized eigenvalue problem The link in there also with Boyd as an author, provides easier to understand explanations for some things than the link you provided.

@Mark_L_Stone thank you for your helpful answer. I have to still try the bisection method. Meanwhile, I provide here (for posterior) the Matlab gevp solution.

N = 4;

M = randn(N); % input matrix


diagStruct = [ones(N,1) zeros(N,1)]; % diagonal matrix variables
P = lmivar(1,diagStruct);
Q = lmivar(1,diagStruct);

lmiterm([1 1 1 0],0)        % 0 < P : 0 (lhs)
lmiterm([-1 1 1 P],1,1) 	% P > 0 : P (rhs)
lmiterm([2 1 1 0],0)        % 0 < Q : 0 (lhs)
lmiterm([-2 1 1 Q],1,1) 	% Q > I : Q (rhs)

lmiterm([3 1 1 Q],1,1)      % Q < M'PM: Q (lhs)
lmiterm([-3 0 0 0],M)       % Q < M'PM: M'.M outer factor (rhs)
lmiterm([-3 1 1 P],1,1) 	% Q < M'PM: P (rhs)

lmiterm([4 1 1 P],1,1)      % M'PM < lambda Q: P (lhs)
lmiterm([4 0 0 0],M)        % M'PM < lambda Q: M'.M outer factor (lhs)
lmiterm([-4 1 1 Q],1,1) 	% M'PM < lambda Q: (rhs)

lmis = getlmis

[alpha,opt]=gevp(lmis,1)    % solve LMI 

Popt = diag(opt(1:N));      % extract solutions
Qopt = diag(opt(N+1:end));