I have x_j=\sum_{i=1}^Na_{i,j}f_{i,j}
The constraint is: x_j\ge ty_j
Here, a_{i,j}\in\{0,1\} is a binary variable and 0\le f_{i,j}\le 1 is a continuous variable.
In order to linearize the multiplication of a binary variable and continuous variable, I use the following linearization technique.
Let z_{i,j}=a_{i,j}f_{i,j}. From the Big-M linearization technique I have the following linear constraints
i. z_{i,j}\le a_{i,j}
ii. z_{i,j}\ge 0
iii. z_{i,j}\le f_{i,j}
iv. z_{i,j}\ge f_{i,j}-(1-a_{i,j})
since we have f_{i,j}^{lb} (lower bound of f_{i,j})=0 and f_{i,j}^{ub} (upper bound of f_{i,j})=3.
I can solve this in CVX. But, I do not the results I expect.
For some a_{i,j}=1, I have f_{i,j}=0. Why?
But, if a_{i,j}=1, I must have f_{i,j}>0.
What is the mistake here?