The result is not failed. That is the status of an iteration of CVX"s Successive Approximation method. The result is Inaccurate Solved, which might be a valid solution, but not very accurate.
In order to more reliably and accrrately solve the problem:
If you have access to Mosek 9.x, use that with CVX 2.2. II not, follow the directions at CVXQUAD: How to use CVXQUAD's Pade Approximant instead of CVX's unreliable Successive Approximation for GP mode, log, exp, entr, rel_entr, kl_div, log_det, det_rootn, exponential cone. CVXQUAD's Quantum (Matrix) Entropy & Matrix Log related functions .
I see from your posting history that you were aware of CVXQUAD two years ago, so I am a little surprised you were not using it (at least properly) for this problem.