How to solve the "Key code invalid format" problem when using "grbgetkey" in MATLAB command

Hello everyone! I’ve encountered a problem as below.
I downloaded the Gurobi 11.0.1 version first, and it occured the problem as shown in the figure. Then I downloaded the 9.0.0 version, and it occured again. I want to know the exact problem and the solution to solve it.
Thanks for your support in advance!

And I’ve asked the Gurobi official members about this problem, their reply was that the 9.0.0 version is already not in the technical support category


Thank you for the assist, @Erling .

His advice is correct—please download the latest open-source release. Note that this release does not include the cvx_grbgetkey package. Instead, follow Gurobi’s own instructions for activating your license and making sure Gurobi is available to MATLAB. Once that is complete, run cvx_setup.

Thank you for your assist!

Thank you for your reply!