How to locate the detailed numerical problem according to the Mosek warning

When I use the Mosek solver, it reports the following warning:
MOSEK warning 710: #216 (nearly) zero elements are specified in sparse col ‘’ (1) of matrix ‘A’.
MOSEK warning 710: #216 (nearly) zero elements are specified in sparse col ‘’ (3) of matrix ‘A’.

To debug my code, is there some methods to locate these “(nearly) zero elements” and the matrix ‘A’?

Look art al the input data in your code.

CVX does transformations from your code to produce the input to the solver, so which input in you problem becomes which solver input might not be easy to discern.

Thank you, I will check my input data.

Dump the Mosek problem to a human-readable format, inspect the data there, and then maybe you can reverse-engineer how they are related to the CVX model. cvx_solver_settings('write', 'filename.ptf') or filename.lp,filename.mps,...