How to fix: Cannot perform the operation: {positive constant} ./ {real affine}

Yes, it does solve the problem, but after that I put “temp2” in a log term, it has the following problem:

Error using cvx/log
Disciplined convex programming error:
Illegal operation: log( {convex} ).

Error in main (line 136)
Q_log_term(u,m,n) = log( interference + db2pow(power.noise) ) / log(2);

Here’s the code:

for u = 1:basic.U
    for m = 1:basic.M
        for n = 1:basic.N

            vec = ones(basic.M,1);
            vec(m) = 0;

            interference = temp2(u,:,n) * vec;
            Q_log_term(u,m,n) = log( interference + db2pow(power.noise) ) / log(2);


and I want to implement this formula:

I have read this topic: Problem of disciplined convex programming error: Illegal operation: log( {convex} ),
but I have no idea either how to express as the form x*log(1+y/x) or use log_sum_exp , log_sum_inv.