How to find minimum of sequences of numbers inside the CVX. Is it same as min (as used outside the CVX in MATALB)? eg., My objective is Objective=user_weight*(min(Rate_of_user_1, Rate_of_user_2, Rate_of_user-3)) ; maximize objective
min([Rate_of_user_1, Rate_of_user_2, Rate_of_user_3])
will work if all the arguments are concave (or affine). The min
will then be concave.
min([Rate_of_user_1, Rate_of_user_2)
would also work if the min were only of 2 things.
Hi Mark can you please help me correct this cvx code it’s been 3 week since i’m working on writing cvx code of power optimization and trajectory optimization, now in trajectory optimization i get this error, how should i fix it?
please see the picture and tell me something, i really need help. Thank you so much.