How do I represent this equation in CVX?

I am working on a research and I have my variable (P_L) in the denominator. I am having challenges representing it in cvx and I keep getting the error:
Error using cvx/pow_cvx
Disciplined convex programming error:
Illegal operation: {real affine} .^ {-1}
(Consider POW_P, POW_POS, or POW_ABS instead.)

Error in .^ (line 55)
z = pow_cvx( x, y, ‘power’ );

Error in ^ (line 9)
z = power( x, y );

This is how I wrote the function:


Perhaps you could have looked up the functions the error message suggested you consider instead?

Presuming P_L is nonnegative, pow_p could be used, or the most straightforward choice, inv_pos. Either of them can take a vector argument, allowing you to sum over the output vector.

Perhaps you should re-read the CVX Users’ Guide.

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Thanks @Mark_L_Stone , that solved it.

However, whiles trying to solve this optimization problem:
%cvx_solver SeDuMi
variable P(nLED,num_users)

       maximize(sum((Bw * (log(1 + ((exp(1)) / (2 * pi)).*(P(1,:)*0.001 .* (H_A1.*R_pd).^2 / (sigma * Bw))))/(log(2)))+...
                 (Bw * (log(1 + ((exp(1)) / (2 * pi)).*(P(2,:)*0.001 .* (H_A2.*R_pd).^2 / (sigma * Bw))))/(log(2)))+...
                 (Bw * (log(1 + ((exp(1)) / (2 * pi)).*(P(3,:)*0.001 .* (H_A3.*R_pd).^2 / (sigma * Bw))))/(log(2)))+...
                 (Bw * (log(1 + ((exp(1)) / (2 * pi)).*(P(4,:)*0.001 .* (H_A4.*R_pd).^2 / (sigma * Bw))))/(log(2)))));
        subject to




I get the error:
Error using cvxprob/newcnstr
Disciplined convex programming error:
Invalid constraint: {convex} > {real constant}

Error in > (line 22)
b = newcnstr( evalin( ‘caller’, ‘cvx_problem’, ‘’ ), x, y, ‘>’ );

Error in OptSR_4APs (line 306)

which I understand to mean that my constraint is non-convex. However, I think my constraint is convex

Those constraints are non-convex. {convex} >= {constant} is non-convex (inequality is going the wrong direction to be convex).

Please carefully read

Why isn't CVX accepting my model? READ THIS FIRST! .

You will not find your “thinking” as an acceptable convexity proof. And your thinking is incorrect in this case.

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