HELP!!Optimal objective function value: NaN 、 cvx_status: Failed

function [] = CVXC()
    K = 10;
    Dk = repmat(5e6,1,K);
    Ck = 1000;
    alpha0 = 1e-5;
    sigma2 = 1e-13;
    beita = 1e-28;
    a1 = 1;
    a2 = 1;
    Pk = 0.1;
    PuR = 0.1;
    PuT = 1;
    i1= 1;
    Biu = repmat(0.5e6,1,i1);
    H = 100; % 示例高度值
    q_u = [750,750]; % 用户位置的示例坐标 (q^u)
    q_i = [250,250];
    q_k = [1493, 1082;
        250, 25;
        571, 1366;
        485, 1358;
        229, 775;
        501, 1056;
        715, 1457;
        37, 839;
        966, 627;
        911, 330;
    B_UAV = 20e6;
    F_UAV = 3e9;
    F_ki = 10e9;
    tau = 1e-10;
    okun = repmat(0.2,1,K);  
    okin = repmat(0.8,1,K);  
    fkun = repmat(F_UAV / length(Dk),1,K);  % 初始时,将总资源平均分配
    fkin = repmat(F_ki / length(Dk),1,K);   % 初始时,将总资源平均分配

        % 优化变量
        variable Bku(1,K) nonnegative
        variable oku(1,K)  nonnegative
        variable oki(1,K) nonnegative %非负ty
        variable fku(1,K) nonnegative
        variable fki(1,K) nonnegative
        variable g(1,K) nonnegative
        % 目标函数                        
            minimize  sum( a1 * ( beita .*Dk.*Ck .* ( oku .* pow_pos(fkun,2  ) + okun .* pow_pos(fku,2  ) +(tau .* oku / 2) .* ( oku -  (okun ).^2) + tau .* fku / 2 .*( fku -  (fkun).^2 )      )  ...
                                 + Dk.*PuR .*inv_pos(Bku .* log2(1 + ( ( alpha0 ./ (H^2 + norm(q_u - q_k)^2) ) * Pk) / sigma2))+...
                                 + sum( oki .* Dk.*PuT ./ (  Biu .* log2(1 + ( ( alpha0 ./ (H^2 + norm(q_u - q_i)^2) ) * PuT) / sigma2)  ) )...
                                ) ...
                          +a2 * ( Dk .*inv_pos( Bku .* log2(1 + ( ( alpha0 ./ (H^2 + norm(q_u - q_k)^2) ) * Pk) / sigma2) ) + g ) ...
        % 约束条件  
        subject to            
            sum( Bku ) <= B_UAV;
            sum( fku ) <= F_UAV;
            sum( fki ) <= F_ki;

            oku + oki == 1;
            0 <= oku <= 1;
            0 <= oki <= 1;

            Bku >= 0;
            fku >= 0;

            oki .* Dk ./ (  Biu .* log2(1 + ( ( alpha0 ./ (H^2 + norm(q_u - q_i)^2) ) * PuT) / sigma2)  ) +...
                Dk .* Ck .*( 1/2 * pow_pos( ( oki+1*inv_pos(fki) ),2  ) - ...
                pow_pos(okin,2  ) - pow_pos(1./fkin,2  ) - okin.*(oki - okin) + ...
                pow_pos(1./fkin,3  )  .* (1.*inv_pos(fki) - 1./fkin)) <= g;
            Dk .* Ck .*( 1/2 * pow_pos( ( oku+1*inv_pos(fku) ),2  ) - ...
                pow_pos(okun,2  ) - pow_pos(1./fkun,2  ) - okun.*(oku - okun) + ...
                pow_pos(1./fkun,3  ) .* (1.*inv_pos(fku) - 1./fkun)) <= g;


    disp('Optimal objective function value:');
    val = cvx_optval;


Optimal objective function value:


The title of paper is : Energy-Efficiency Computation Offloading Strategy in UAV Aided V2X Network With Integrated Sensing and Communication

The numerical scaling of the input data looks horrendous, and likely contributed to the failure of the solver.

You need to change units or something, so that all non-zero input data is within a small number of orders of magnitude of 1.

Also, don’t use the quiet option. Then you will see the solver and CVX output, which might be useful for diagnostic purposes.

did you solve this problem?