"gurobi.mexmaci64" cannot be opened because the developer cannot be verified

Dear Sir or Madam,
I used CVX several times successfully several months ago. But today I tried to use CVX to solve a convex minimization problem. Unfortunately, when I try to use it, I got the notice below from my mac.

“gurobi.mexmaci64” cannot be opened because the developer cannot be verified

So I have to move that file to Trash. I tried to delete all CVX files in my mac and download a new CVX from your website http://cvxr.com/cvx/download/ again. But the same problem occurs again.

Could you please tell me why I got this problem? How to avoid this problem?
I appreciate any help in advance.

I have no idea what’s going on, but the first thing to verify is that Gurobi operates on that machine under MATLAB, using that mex file, without use of CVX. If not, then resolve that first.

Dear Mark_L_Stone,

Maybe I figured out this problem.
I think this is a problem from the Gatekeeper in macOS. I am busing in my other work. I will share how I figured out this problem with you later.

This is a problem of the Gatekeeper in macOS. What I did is that I go to System Preferences/Security & Privacy and then check the option “Anywhere” in “Allow apps downloaded from”. (Follow the following link to do the setting. http://osxdaily.com/2016/09/27/allow-apps-from-anywhere-macos-gatekeeper/ )Then everything gets fine.

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I think it is security feature introduced in the newest Mac OS.

One of my developers cried when he read about it because it so cumbersome.

Haha I almost cried, but I didn’t. I am stronger than your developer.:sweat_smile::joy:

This helped me tremendously:

Specifically, check out the section " Add an Application to Gatekeeper Approval from the Command Line in Mac OS X"

The magic command is spctl --add <filename>. You need to do this with all MEX files and accompanying .dylib files.

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The spctl --add worked well. Just for a further helpful tip, because it can be tedious to track down all the offenders, you can use it in combination with “find”, recursively, which let you handle all the potential problems at once. Go to a directory that contains all the possible MEX files you might need to run, and type:

find . -name “.mex” -exec spctl --add {} ;

I didn’t have to do the same with dylib files so far, but you can just rerun with the appropriate wildcard if necessary. While searching through all the scripts, MacOS had me enter the system login and password 5 or 6 times, but eventually it finished.

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Here you can find a useful video to make gatekeeper “anywhere” in Big Sur :

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I also had installation issues. There is a way to keep Gatekeeper on if you prefer.

  1. In Terminal, navigate to the cvx folder
  2. Run the following command:

find . -iname ‘*.mexmaci64’ -print0 | xargs -0 xattr -d com.apple.quarantine

This should remove all files ending in .mexmaci64 from the quarantine list
3. Re run the cvx setup from MATLAB command line