Gurobi error 10010


I had been using CVX-Gurobi in matlab until 2 days ago before my computer crashed. After re-installing the CVX, Gurobi and matlab, I am getting the following error message. Even though I was able to run the same code before my computer crashed.

I am using Windows 10, MATLAB 2019a and Gurobi 9.1.2. I am using the same academic license for MATLAB and Gurobi which I had been using. Please HELP!

Were you running the exact same code, with the exact same input data, with the exact same versions of CVX and Gurobi? If so, it seems strange that you would get a model too large error when you didn’t previously.

Perhaps the size-limited version of Gurobi is now in your MATLAB path, whereas before, the unlimited problem size version of Gurobi was in your MATLAB path. In other words, perhaps you are now not actually calling the academic license version of Gurobi, but are calling the course evaluation version of Gurobi. That’s my best guess for you to follow up on.

Hi Mark,

Thank you so much for your response. I was running the same exact code in the same exact version of MATLAB. However, the cvx and Gurobi versions I can’t swear on. I have downloaded the only cvx-Gurobi package for windows 64 I have found online, so that’s the cvx version I have. It had Gurobi version 9 in it. I was getting the following error with that:


So I downloaded the Gurobi version 10. It was the same error. Finally I downloaded Gurobi version 9.1.2 and now I am getting this size error.

However, there is one thing I would like to add. I was having issues with using the previous license as it had a different host and machine name. So I downloaded the limited version and realized that’s not gonna work. So I copied the limited version’s details (host name, id) and pasted it in the old license file. I wanted to download a new academic license but I am getting an “Academic Domain” error message as I am not on campus. I am out of state and unable to do so.

I am also getting an academic error while running the Gurobi command in matlab but the cvx is still able to find the Gurobi as a solver. Below is the installation log if you can have a look at it please:

cd C:\Users\faria\Downloads\cvx-w64
cvx_setup C:\Users\faria\Downloads\cvx-w64\cvx\cvx_license.dat

CVX: Software for Disciplined Convex Programming (c)2014 CVX Research
Version 2.2, Build 1148 (62bfcca) Tue Jan 28 00:51:35 2020

Installation info:
Path: C:\Users\faria\Downloads\cvx-w64\cvx
MATLAB version: 9.6 (R2019a)
OS: Windows 10 amd64 version 10.0
Java version: 1.8.0_181
Verfying CVX directory contents:
WARNING: The following files/directories are missing:
These omissions may prevent CVX from operating properly.
WARNING: The following extra files/directories were found:
These files may alter the behavior of CVX in unsupported ways.
Path: C:\Users\faria\AppData\Roaming\MathWorks\MATLAB\cvx_prefs.mat
License host:
Username: faria
Host ID: 00059a3c7a00 (eth1,
Installed license:
Also in file: C:\Users\faria\Downloads\cvx-w64\cvx\cvx_license.dat
Also in file: C:\Users\faria\Downloads\cvx_license.dat
Organization: University of North Carolina at Charlotte
Contact: Faria Kamal (
License type: academic
Named user: fkamal, faria
Host ID: 00155d25ab01, 00059a3c7a00
Expiration: 2024-09-12 (365 days remaining)
Status: verified

Setting CVX paths…already set!
Searching for solvers…5 shims found.
6 solvers initialized (* = default):

  • Gurobi 9.00 {cvx}\gurobi\w64
    Gurobi_2 9.00 C:\gurobi900\win64\matlab
    Gurobi_3 9.00 C:\gurobi900\win64\matlab
    Mosek 9.1.9 {cvx}\mosek\w64
    SDPT3 4.0 {cvx}\sdpt3
    SeDuMi 1.3.4 {cvx}\sedumi
    1 solver skipped:
    Could not find a GLPK installation.
    Saving updated preferences…done.
    Testing with a simple model…done!

To change the default solver, type “cvx_solver <solver_name>”.
To save this change for future sessions, type “cvx_save_prefs”.
Please consult the users’ guide for more information.

cvx_grbgetkey 2ffbc98c-7e6b-11ed-be9e-0242ac120004

CVX/Gurobi license key installer

Contacting the Gurobi Optimization license server…done.
The attempt to retrieve the license key failed with the following error
while trying to verify your academic license eligibility:

info  : grbgetkey version 9.0.0, build v9.0.0rc2

info : Contacting Gurobi key server…
error : ERROR 303: Ip: host is not recognized as belonging to an academic domain
info : Is your computer connected to the university network?
info : Your computer must be connected to the university network for the grbgetkey
info : command to work. You can connect your computer either directly or via a VPN
info : that tunnels all traffic through the university network. Once the license is
info : installed, your computer does not need to be connected to the university
info : network. You can repeat this process to get licenses for additional computers.
info : If you are unable to install this license, please contact for
info : further assistance.

For information about this error, please consult the Gurobi documentation

Once you have rectified the error, please try again.

Now that the license has been retrieved, please run CVX_SETUP to configure
CVX to use the Gurobi solver with the new license.


CVX: Software for Disciplined Convex Programming (c)2014 CVX Research
Version 2.2, Build 1148 (62bfcca) Tue Jan 28 00:51:35 2020

Installation info:
Path: C:\Users\faria\Downloads\cvx-w64\cvx
MATLAB version: 9.6 (R2019a)
OS: Windows 10 amd64 version 10.0
Java version: 1.8.0_181
Verfying CVX directory contents:
WARNING: The following files/directories are missing:
These omissions may prevent CVX from operating properly.
WARNING: The following extra files/directories were found:
These files may alter the behavior of CVX in unsupported ways.
Path: C:\Users\faria\AppData\Roaming\MathWorks\MATLAB\cvx_prefs.mat
License host:
Username: faria
Host ID: 00059a3c7a00 (eth1,
Installed license:
Organization: University of North Carolina at Charlotte
Contact: Faria Kamal (
License type: academic
Named user: fkamal, faria
Host ID: 00155d25ab01, 00059a3c7a00
Expiration: 2024-09-12 (365 days remaining)
Status: verified

Setting CVX paths…already set!
Searching for solvers…5 shims found.
6 solvers initialized (* = default):

  • Gurobi 9.00 {cvx}\gurobi\w64
    Gurobi_2 9.00 C:\gurobi900\win64\matlab
    Gurobi_3 9.00 C:\gurobi900\win64\matlab
    Mosek 9.1.9 {cvx}\mosek\w64
    SDPT3 4.0 {cvx}\sdpt3
    SeDuMi 1.3.4 {cvx}\sedumi
    1 solver skipped:
    Could not find a GLPK installation.
    Saving updated preferences…done.
    Testing with a simple model…done!

To change the default solver, type “cvx_solver <solver_name>”.
To save this change for future sessions, type “cvx_save_prefs”.
Please consult the users’ guide for more information.

cvx_solver gurobi
Saving prefs…done.

Once again, thank you so much. I really appreciate your help. I am towards the end of my dissertation and was unable to get a response when I emailed cvx support. Gurobi support was responding until the day before yesterday and now they have stopped replying.

Looking forward to hearing from you soon.

I forgot to mention I am getting the academic domain error even though I am using the university VPN.

I don’t think there’s anyone active on this forum who knows much about the intricacies of Gurobi licenses when used with CVX. Academic licenses on networks seem especially problematic. if you can’t get help from Gurobi, I don’t know where you’re going t get it.

As to the version of Gurobi, perhaps try using 10.0.3, then install CVX. Use cvx_version to see the different Gurobi versions available and to specify the version you want to use, then use cvx_save_prefs if you want to. You don’t have to use the version of Gurobi bundled with CVX. But the license stuff must be set up correctly.

But this forum has a great collection of conic reformulation wizards. Not so much for Gurobi academic licenses on networks.

Also see

This is the unfortunate reality. The volunteers who answer questions on this forum have limited knowledge in certain areas, such as licensing issues, but are pretty good at the math of convex optimization and DCP.

Do you know how I can reach cvx support? The support link seems to be broken, and the email address invalid. I feel so helpless with no clue on how to solve this issue right before my dissertation.

I just posted a minute before yours.