Gaining different values using CVX and YALMIP, why?

I have written programs using CVX ans YALMIP, respectively, to solve the SDP. Runing the programs with the same parametres, I got different optimal objective results.
Especially, sometimes it is not feasible in YALMIP, but it is feasible in CVX, and the optimal value if strange, i.e., too large.
I commented the codes that generate the matrices, because I loaded the variable use the command ‘load HG.mat’, so they have the same H and G.

I try the case where H(:,:,134) and G(:,:,134) are used, the objective value gained using CVX is very large compared with other H and G, but it is not feasible if I use YALMIIP.
Why? Thanks. Now I don’t know which solver interface to use.

the CVX version

 num_CSI = 200; 
 N = 4;                         
 M = 3;                        
 K = 5;                         
 gamma_b = 8;                 
 gamma_b = 10 ^ (gamma_b / 10); 
 gamma_e = -3;                   
 gamma_e = 10 ^ (gamma_e / 10); 
 rho_b = 0.1;                   
 rho_e = 0.01;                 
 alpha_b = -log(rho_b);
 alpha_e = -log(rho_e);
 sigma2 = 0.1;                  
 epsilon2 = 0.002; 
  load HG.mat % load the variables H and G           
%  j = 1;
%  while (j <= num_CSI)
%    H(:,:,j) = (randn(N,M) + sqrt(-1) * randn(N,M)) / sqrt(2); %
%    G(:,:,j) = (randn(N,K) + sqrt(-1) * randn(N,K)) / sqrt(2); % 
%    j = j + 1;
%  end
 cvx_solver sedumi;%sdpt3;%
 for j = 134:134 %1:num_CSI %
     cvx_begin sdp quiet
       variable W(N,N,M) hermitian;
       variable P_z;
       variables mu_b(M) nu_b(M);
       variables mu_e(M,K) nu_e(M,K);
       expression sum_W;
       expression U(N,N);
       expression D_b(N,N);
       expression d_b(N);
       expression c_b;
       expression D_e(N,N);
       expression d_e(N);
       expression c_e;
       sum_W = 0;
       for m = 1:M
           sum_W = sum_W + W(:,:,m);
       V = null(H(:,:,j)');
       U = (P_z / (N - M)) * V * V';    
       minimize(trace(sum_W) + P_z);  % object function 
       subject to     
       for m = 1:M 
           % the constraints at the legitimate users
           D_b = epsilon2 * ((1 + 1 / gamma_b) * W(:,:,m) - sum_W - U);
           D_b = 0.5 * ( D_b + D_b' );%sym(D_b);
           d_b = sqrt(epsilon2) * ((1 + 1 / gamma_b) * W(:,:,m) - sum_W) * H(:,m,j);
           c_b = sigma2 - real(H(:,m,j)' * ((1 + 1 / gamma_b) * W(:,:,m) - sum_W) * H(:,m,j));        
           real(trace(D_b)) - sqrt(2 * alpha_b) * mu_b(m) - alpha_b * nu_b(m) - c_b >= 0;
           norm(vec([D_b , sqrt(2) * d_b])) <= mu_b(m);
           nu_b(m) * eye(N) + D_b >= 0;
           nu_b(m) >= 0;
           W(:,:,m) >= 0;
           % the constraints at the eavesdroppers
           for k = 1:K           
               D_e = epsilon2 * ((1 + 1 / gamma_e) * W(:,:,m) - sum_W - U);
               D_e = 0.5 * ( D_e + D_e' );%sym(D_e);
               d_e = sqrt(epsilon2) * ((1 + 1 / gamma_e) * W(:,:,m) - sum_W - U) * G(:,k,j);
               c_e = sigma2 - real(G(:,k,j)' * ((1 + 1 / gamma_e) * W(:,:,m) - sum_W - U) * G(:,k,j));
               real(trace(D_e)) + sqrt(2 * alpha_e) * mu_e(m,k) + alpha_e * nu_e(m,k) - c_e <= 0;
               norm(vec([D_e , sqrt(2) * d_e])) <= mu_e(m,k);
               nu_e(m,k) * eye(N) - D_e >= 0;
               nu_e(m,k) >= 0;
       P_z >= 0;
     if strfind(cvx_status,'Solved')
        % get the power value
         unfeasible = 1

the YALMIP version

 num_CSI = 2000;                   % number of channel realization
 N = 4;                         
 M = 3;                        
 K = 5;                         
 gamma_b = 8;                 
 gamma_b = 10 ^ (gamma_b / 10); 
 gamma_e = -3;                   
 gamma_e = 10 ^ (gamma_e / 10); 
 rho_b = 0.1;                  
 alpha_b = -log(rho_b);
 rho_e = 0.01;                   
 alpha_e = -log(rho_e);
 sigma2 = 0.1;                 
 epsilon2 = 0.002;              
 %generate the estimated channel vectors
 %random and independent,standard complex Gaussian distribution CN(0,I)
  load HG.mat % load the variables H and G
%  j = 1;
%  while (j <= num_CSI)
%    H(:,:,j) = (randn(N,M) + sqrt(-1) * randn(N,M)) / sqrt(2); %
%    %G(:,:,j) = (randn(N,K) + sqrt(-1) * randn(N,K)) / sqrt(2); % 
%    j = j + 1;
%  end
 for j = 134:134 %1:num_CSI 
     mu_b = sdpvar(M,1);
     nu_b = sdpvar(M,1);
     mu_e = sdpvar(M,K);
     nu_e = sdpvar(M,K);
     P_z = sdpvar(1,1);
     W = sdpvar(N,N,M,'hermitian','complex');     
     sum_W = zeros(N,N);
     for m = 1:M
         sum_W = sum_W + W(:,:,m);
     V = null(H(:,:,j)');
     U = (P_z / (N - M)) * V * V';
     C = [ ];
     for m = 1:M
         D_b = epsilon2 * ((1 + 1 / gamma_b) * W(:,:,m) - sum_W - U);
         d_b = sqrt(epsilon2) * ((1 + 1 / gamma_b) * W(:,:,m) - sum_W) * H(:,m,j);
         c_b = sigma2 - real(H(:,m,j)' * ((1 + 1 / gamma_b) * W(:,:,m) - sum_W) * H(:,m,j));
         C = C + [real(trace(D_b)) - sqrt(2 * alpha_b) * mu_b(m) - alpha_b * nu_b(m) - c_b >= 0];
         C = C + [norm(vec([D_b , sqrt(2) * d_b])) <= mu_b(m)];
         C = C + [nu_b(m) * eye(N) + D_b >= 0];
         C = C + [nu_b(m) >= 0];
         C = C + [W(:,:,m) >= 0];
         for k = 1:K
             D_e = epsilon2 * ((1 + 1 / gamma_e) * W(:,:,m) - sum_W - U);
             d_e = sqrt(epsilon2) * ((1 + 1 / gamma_e) * W(:,:,m) - sum_W - U) * G(:,k,j);
             c_e = sigma2 - real(G(:,k,j)' * ((1 + 1 / gamma_e) * W(:,:,m) - sum_W - U) * G(:,k,j));
             C = C + [real(trace(D_e)) + sqrt(2 * alpha_e) * mu_e(m,k) + alpha_e * nu_e(m,k) - c_e <= 0];
             C = C + [norm(vec([D_e , sqrt(2) * d_e])) <= mu_e(m,k)];
             C = C + [nu_e(m,k) * eye(N) - D_e >= 0];
             C = C + [nu_e(m,k) >= 0];
     C = C + [P_z >= 0];
     Obj = trace(sum_W + P_z);
     ops = sdpsettings('solver','sedumi','verbose',0);%,'debug',1sdpt3
     diagnostics = solvesdp(C,Obj,ops) ;   
     if (diagnostics.problem == 0) % if feasible
         % get the power value
         pow = trace(double(Obj))
         unfeasible = 1
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I am afraid I simply can’t debug a complex model like this. If CVX is giving the same results with both solvers, SDPt3 and SeDuMi, then frankly I trust that CVX is faithfully reproducing what is asked of it— there is an unintended difference between the models.

Thanks for your comments. It is true that CVX gives the same results with both solvers.

You are using different objective functions. In the YALMIP code you have trace(sum_W + P_z) which is equal to trace(sum_W) + N*P_z

Regarding infeasible, I suspect you mean numerical problems since that is what I see on some combinations of machine/version of sedumi/matlab version/change of options.

Conclusion: With the same objective, you get the same results and the models are equivalent.

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