Error with mosek but works with sdpt3 and with sedumi

I have a long code that has a part that is solved with cvx. I was using mosek successfully. But it now has started failing though the problems can still be solved with sdpt3 or sedumi.
Note that I tried all the set_precision so that is not the problem.
The error I get is:
Error using mosekopt
Fatal MOSEK error in src\cpub\spmat.c line 1798.

Error in cvx_mosek

Error in cvx_run_solver (line 50)
[ varargout{1:nargout} ] = sfunc( inputs{:} );

Error in cvx_mosek

Error in cvxprob/solve (line 429)

I suspect a path problem as there have been all sorts of matlab/windows/cvx path problems that I have had recently.

This is an internal error in Mosek. Please upgrade to the latest Mosek 10.2.2, and if that doesn’t help please save the task file of the problem and send it to the support email so that we can reproduce and fix it.

cvx_solver_settings('write', 'dump.task.gz')

EDIT. I mean the Mosek support email of course.

How to identify that particular solver works for particular problem?

In my case also, there are 3 subproblems exists, each sub problem works with different solver. I have not identified this phenemenon eralier, hence wasted some time.
Please suggest in this regard!