Error in cvx_setup

When I install cvx into my MATLAB directory on mac and run cvx_setup, I get this output:


CVX: Software for Disciplined Convex Programming (c)2014 CVX Research
Version 2.1, Build 1127 (95903bf) Sat Dec 15 18:52:07 2018

Installation info:
Path: /Users/cobydavis/Documents/MATLAB/cvx
MATLAB version: 9.1 (R2016b)
OS: Mac OS X x86_64 version 10.13.4
Java version: 1.7.0_75
Verfying CVX directory contents:
No missing files.
Path: /Users/cobydavis/Library/Application Support/MathWorks/MATLAB/cvx_prefs.mat
License host:
Username: cobydavis
Host ID: f01898677de0 (en0,
Installed license:
No license installed.
No valid licenses found.
Click here to fill out an academic license request
for the username and first hostid listed above.

Setting CVX paths…already set!
Searching for solvers…5 shims found.
2 solvers initialized (* = default):

  • SDPT3 4.0 {cvx}/sdpt3
    SeDuMi 1.34 {cvx}/sedumi
    3 solvers skipped:
    Gurobi {cvx}/gurobi/maci64
    Arguments must be non-empty strings.
    Mosek unknown {cvx}/mosek/maci64
    Arguments must be non-empty strings.
    Saving updated preferences…done.
    Testing with a simple model…
    UNEXPECTED ERROR: ------------------------------------------------
    Operands to the || and && operators must be convertible to logical
    scalar values.
    Error in cvxprob/eliminate (line 53)
    elseif can_dual && strncmp( cones(k).type, ‘i_’, 2 ),
    Error in cvxprob/solve (line 18)
    [ At, cones, sgn, Q, P, dualized ] = eliminate( prob, true,
    shim.dualize );
    Error in cvx_end (line 88)
    solve( prob );
    Error in cvx_setup (line 213)

Please report this error to support, and include entire output of
CVX_SETUP in your support request.

I cannot run any of the cvx code that was previously working on another mac due to this || && error. The error I get from running previously working code is:

Operands to the || and && operators must be convertible to logical scalar values.

Error in cvxprob/eliminate (line 199)
if pass == 2 || isempty(cones) || ~can_dual,

Error in cvxprob/solve (line 18)
[ At, cones, sgn, Q, P, dualized ] = eliminate( prob, true, shim.dualize );

Error in cvx_end (line 88)
solve( prob );

Error in StateSpace (line 94)