Hi all,
I am having quite some trouble to implement the function. And the function I have proven is convex. Below is a minimum example of where I am at now. Note that a,b and c is strictly positive.
We know that if the function is twice differentiable and the Hessian is positive semidefinite in the entire domain, then the function is convex. Below is the prove:
Thanks for your help !! And I’m so sorry. I can’t run the code if there is no constraint before. So i casually add the constraint behind. And didn’t realize the constraint is not convex.
What if this kind of function f(a,b) = a^-1*b^2 (the domain of a,b : a>0,b>0) show up in the constraint. Ex: f(a,b) <= {such a complicated concave function} How to deal with in this situation.