Difference between cvx_optval and the solver output

I am performing a form of sequential Mixed integer linear programming, where I have linearized a transformation matrix on an equality constraint. Solved using Mosek, however the optimal value ‘cvx_optval’ is constant regardless of the iteration (keeps at a solid +6040), even though the actual variables are changing substantially.

I have looked into Mosek and my current understanding is the output values under “BEST_INT_OBJ” and “BEST_RELAX_OBJ” are the optimal solutions given at node. These values do not match the cvx_optval, how can I access the Mosek optimum objective value if different from “BEST_RELAX_OBJ” at final node?

Matlab 2022b, cvx 2.2, mosek 9.1.9

CVX performs transformations prior to sending the problem to the solver, so the optimal ojective value reported by the solver can be different than cvx_optval, which is the optimal objective of the problem as you entered it, which CVX calculates by reversing the transformation of the problem solved by (sett to) the solver.

If you need more help, at least show is the solver and CVX output, if not your entire program.

Below is the program:

%% Parameter Definitions
g = 9.8;
m = 3600/2.2;
L = 2.1336;
l_fl_r = 0.85;
alfaf_max = 7pi/180;
alat_max = 0.7
K_u = 1.1;
b = L/(1+l_fl_r);
a = L-b;
Cf = b/Lmalat_max/alfaf_max;
Cr = K_ul_fl_rCf;
U = 15;
Iz = .5ma*b;

n = 3; % number of state variables
m = 1; % number of inputs
p = 2; % number of relative parameters

%% Simulation Parameters

%%%%%%%% discretization
N = 300; % temporal nodes
T = 5.33; % final time
dt = T/N; %deltaT
Kmax = 2; % number of maximum outer loops

% Reference Path
x = linspace(-40,40,N+1);
r_ref = [x; zeros(1,N+1)];

%%%%%%% trust region
Vmax = 20; % meters/second
PsiMax = 40pi/180; % degrees
% PsiBarMax = 20
pi/180; % degrees
etainit = [Vmax, PsiMax]';
etamin = [1,0.05];
etamax = [20,30*pi/180];
etas = zeros(length(etainit),Kmax); etas(:,1) = etainit;
rho_0 = 0.1; rho_1 = 0.7; rho_2 = 1.2; % trust region boundaries
betaGr = 1.1; betaSh = 0.6;

%%%%%%%%% obstacle definition
M = [41,41,2,2]; % big-M
xmin = -1; xmax = 1; ymin = -1; ymax = 1;

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%initial conditions
%%%%%initial position
xinit = [0 0 0]‘; % [V(m/s), r(rad/s), Psi(deg)]
xinit_ab = [-40 0]’; % [ x_ab(m), y_ab(m)]
%%%%%initial Trajectory
xold = zeros(n,N+1); xold(:,1) = xinit;
xabo = zeros(p,N+1); xabo(:,1) = xinit_ab;
rho = zeros(Kmax, 1);
phis = zeros(Kmax, 1);
phihats = zeros(Kmax, 1);

xhist =zeros(n,N+1,Kmax);
xabhist =zeros(p,N+1,Kmax);

%%%%%%%%% Objective function Penalty variables
q1 = [0.001, 0.001, 0.0001]‘;
q2 = [10]’;
q3 = [1000,1000,1000]';
q4 = 10^6.*ones(n,1);
q5 = 10^6.*ones(p,1);

% [V(m/s), r(rad/s), Psi(deg)]
%%%%%%%%%%%%%continuous dynamics
A = [-(Cf+Cr)/(mU) (bCr-aCf)/(mU)-U 0;…
(bCr-aCf)/(IzU) -(b^2Cr+a^2Cf)/(IzU) 0;…
0 1 0];
%B matrix with inputs
B = [Cf/m; a*Cf/Iz; 0];

% discretized state space system
sysd = c2d(ss(A,B,zeros(1,n),0),dt);
Ad = sysd.A; Bd = sysd.B;

for i=1:N
t1 = xold(1,i); t3 = xold(3,i);% [V, Psi]
Ao = [U*cos(t3)-t1*sin(t3);… -U*sin(t3) + t1*cos(t3)];
xabo(:,i+1) = xabo(:,i) + dt*Ao;
oldphi = sum(norms(xabo - r_ref,1)) + q3’*abs(xold(:,N+1));

% cvx_quiet(true);
% cvx_solver_settings(‘write’,‘dump.task.gz’)
% cvx_solver_settings(‘MSK_DPAR_MIO_TOL_REL_GAP’,0.5);
% cvx_solver_settings(‘MSK_DPAR_MIO_TOL_ABS_GAP’,.5);

for i=1:2
cvx_precision low
variables x(n,N+1) u(m,N)
variable delta(4,N+1) integer
xab = cvx(zeros(2, N+1));

    minimize( sum(norms(xab-r_ref,1)) + q3'*abs(x(:,N+1))  )

    subject to:
        % ref state vector  [V(m/s), r(rad/s), Psi(deg)]
        % relaxed integer constraint
        for j=1:N+1
            0 <= delta(:,j) <= 1;
        %input constraint
        abs(u(:)) <= 30*pi/180; 

        %(body fixed coordinate)
        for j=1:N
            x(:,j+1) == Ad*x(:,j) + Bd*u(j);

        %initial conditions
        xab(:,1) = xinit_ab;
        x(:,1) == xinit;
        % relative obstacle motion
        for j=1:N
            t1 = xold(1,j); t3 = xold(3,j);% [V, Psi]
            Ao = [cos(t3) -sin(t3) -U*sin(t3)-t1*cos(t3);...
                  -sin(t3) cos(t3) -U*cos(t3)-t1*sin(t3)];
            xab(:,j+1) = xab(:,j) + dt*Ao*[U;x(1,j);x(3,j)];

         % constraint inequalities
        for j=1:N+1
            xab(1,j) <= xmin + M(1)*delta(1,j);
            -xab(1,j) <= -xmax + M(2)*delta(2,j);
            xab(2,j) <= ymin + M(3)*delta(3,j);
            -xab(2,j) <= -ymax + M(4)*delta(4,j);
            ones(4,1)'*delta(:,j) <= 3;

        %Trust Region Constraints
        % abs( xold(1,:) - x(1,:) ) <= etas(1,i);
        % abs( xold(3,:) - x(3,:) ) <= etas(2,i);

%calculate actual global position
xabn = zeros(p,N); xabn(:,1) = xinit_ab;
for j=1:N
    var1 = x(1,j); var2 = x(2,j); var3 = x(3,j);
    Ao = [U*cos(var3) - var1*sin(var3);...
         -U*sin(var3) + var1*cos(var3)];
    xabn(:,j+1) = xabn(:,j) + dt*Ao;
Js(i) = sum(norms(xabn-r_ref,1)); % actual cost
phis(i) = Js(i) + q3'*abs(x(:,N+1)); % with updated xab values
phihats(i) = sum(norms(xab-r_ref,1)) + q3'*abs(x(:,N+1)) ; % approximated value
deltahat = abs(oldphi - phihats(i)); 
delta = abs(oldphi - phis(i));
rho(i) = deltahat/delta;
oldphi = phis(i);

% trust region update 

% not applied
etas(1,i+1) = etas(1,i); % unchanged
etas(2,i+1) = etas(2,i); % unchanged

uhist(i,:) = u;
xold = x;

disp('       iter  phihat       phi  deltahat     delta       rho    cvx')
disp([i phihats(i) phis(i) deltahat delta rho(i) cvx_optval])




xobs = [-1 1 1 -1 -1]; yobs=[-1 -1 1 1 -1];

[val,I] = min(phis);
[val2,I2] =min(phihats);
xabest =xabhist(:,:,I2);
xbest = xhist(:,:,I2);
ubest = uhist(I2,:);
xabest =xabhist(:,:,I);
xbest = xhist(:,:,I);
ubest = uhist(I,:);

xlim([-20 20]); ylim([-5 5]);
legend(‘LOBJ’,‘Obstacle’,‘ref’,‘last iteration’)

If there is specific help you need, please make it clear. As I wrote previously, in that case, you should show all solver and CVX output, and make clear what your concern still is.

BTW, I recommend removing cvx_precision low; and in fact never using cvx_precision, which is a well-intentioned capability which now seems to not be a good idea. However, use of cvx_solver_settings to set non-default values for absolute and relative gap, as in your commented out statements, makes sense for problems having binary and/or integer variables, if that’s what you want.