CVX status:infeasible,cvx_optval:+Inf,please help

hi,I now want to use this optimization problem to get the best W, but the result has always been infeasible. Excuse me, what’s wrong with this code?
whatsmore,I change same param such as “ang1”, I could get optimization data.
So I want to know how to deal with it
my program
clear all
close all

d_lamda = 0.5;
N_array = 10;%阵列数
N_signal = 1024;% 采样数

lamda = 1;%迭代增益
ksi = -40;%期望旁瓣增益
derad = pi/180; % deg -> rad
radeg = 180/pi;
thera = [-90:1:90];%切分成181个角度
delta_thera = 12;
angle_m1_thera1 = -delta_thera+ang1
angle_m1_thera2 = delta_thera+ang1*radeg;;
angle_ml = [angle_m1_thera1:1:angle_m1_thera2];%主瓣角度
angle_sl1 = [-90:1:angle_m1_thera1];%旁瓣角度
angle_sl2 = [angle_m1_thera2:1:90];%旁瓣角度
angle_sl = [angle_sl1,angle_sl2];

thera_rad = thera.*derad;
s_VS = VS(thera_rad,N_array,d_lamda);

Desired_VS = VS(ang1,N_array,d_lamda);
p = 20*log10((abs(s_VS’Desired_VS/N_array))/max(abs(s_VS’Desired_VS/N_array))); %计算方向图
grid on
hold on
axis([-90 90 -80 5]);
radeg ang1
line([-90 90],[ksi ksi],‘linestyle’,’–’);
plot([angle_m1_thera1 angle_m1_thera1],ylim,‘r:’);
plot([angle_m1_thera2 angle_m1_thera2],ylim,‘r:’);

index_ml = find(thera>=angle_ml(1) & thera<=angle_ml(end));%取对应的矩阵序号
a_ml = s_VS(:,index_ml);
p_ml = p(index_ml);
index_sl1 = find(thera>=angle_sl1(1) & thera<=angle_sl1(end));%取对应的矩阵序号
a_sl1 = s_VS(:,index_sl1);
index_sl2 = find(thera>=angle_sl2(1) & thera<=angle_sl2(end));%取对应的矩阵序号
a_sl2 = s_VS(:,index_sl2);

index_sl = [index_sl1,index_sl2];
a_sl = [a_sl1,a_sl2];
p_sl = p(index_sl);
len_sl = length(index_sl);
p_ml = 10.^(p_ml/20);
variable w_msl(N_array) complex %权重系数
p_temp=(w_msl’ * s_VS);

minimize(norm(p_temp_ml - p_ml,2)) %最小化2范数 sum(abs(ans).^2)^(1/2)
subject to
abs(p_temp_sl) <= max_sl;
w_msl’*Desired_VS == 1;
norm(w_msl,2) <= (1/N_array);

pmvdr_beam_response = w_msl’*s_VS;

grid on
hold on
axis([-90 90 -70 5]);
radeg ang1*radeg],ylim,‘r-’);
line([-90 90],[ksi ksi],‘linestyle’,’–’);
plot([angle_m1_thera1 angle_m1_thera1],ylim,‘r:’);
plot([angle_m1_thera2 angle_m1_thera2],ylim,‘r:’);

some message is this

Calling SDPT3 4.0: 707 variables, 180 equality constraints
For improved efficiency, SDPT3 is solving the dual problem.

num. of constraints = 180
dim. of socp var = 546, num. of socp blk = 160
dim. of linear var = 159
dim. of free var = 2 *** convert ublk to lblk

SDPT3: Infeasible path-following algorithms

version predcorr gam expon scale_data
NT 1 0.000 1 0
it pstep dstep pinfeas dinfeas gap prim-obj dual-obj cputime

0|0.000|0.000|1.5e+02|5.3e+01|5.5e+04| 3.194898e+00 0.000000e+00| 0:0:00| chol 1 1
1|0.977|0.584|3.5e+00|2.2e+01|1.1e+04| 7.331457e+00 -7.077268e+00| 0:0:00| chol 1 1
2|1.000|0.775|2.5e-05|4.9e+00|2.6e+03| 5.464538e+00 -4.026364e+00| 0:0:00| chol 1 1
3|0.992|0.592|1.8e-05|2.0e+00|1.3e+03|-8.042137e+00 -4.709037e+00| 0:0:01| chol 1 1
4|1.000|0.616|2.5e-06|7.8e-01|5.7e+02|-2.061985e+01 -3.756477e+00| 0:0:01| chol 1 1
5|0.990|0.424|1.2e-07|4.5e-01|4.1e+02|-9.396467e+01 -3.599000e+00| 0:0:01| chol 1 1
6|0.089|0.027|8.7e-08|4.4e-01|4.7e+02|-5.485552e+02 -3.558477e+00| 0:0:01| chol 1 1
7|0.022|0.019|1.5e-07|4.3e-01|5.9e+02|-1.063646e+03 -3.453450e+00| 0:0:01| chol 1 1
8|0.026|0.061|1.3e-07|4.0e-01|7.6e+02|-2.193695e+03 -3.339743e+00| 0:0:01| chol 1 1
9|0.158|0.096|1.6e-07|3.7e-01|3.2e+03|-1.909566e+04 -3.294934e+00| 0:0:01| chol 1 1
10|0.308|0.106|1.1e-06|3.4e-01|6.3e+04|-3.852513e+05 -3.369981e+00| 0:0:01| chol 1 1
11|0.140|0.051|8.7e-07|3.3e-01|9.1e+05|-3.135239e+06 -5.859549e+00| 0:0:01| chol 1 1
12|0.007|0.020|9.1e-07|3.5e-01|1.8e+06|-3.542569e+06 -3.907111e+01| 0:0:01| chol 1 1
13|0.053|0.026|1.3e-06|3.8e-01|4.0e+06|-4.999258e+06 -7.749122e+01| 0:0:01| chol 1 1
14|0.046|0.055|1.9e-06|4.2e-01|6.6e+06|-5.961166e+06 -2.581251e+02| 0:0:01| chol 1 1
15|0.117|0.091|3.0e-06|4.6e-01|1.1e+07|-7.819533e+06 -6.375088e+02| 0:0:01| chol 1 1
16|0.151|0.155|4.3e-06|4.7e-01|1.5e+07|-1.029127e+07 -1.825810e+03| 0:0:01| chol 1 1
17|0.150|0.061|5.0e-06|5.3e-01|2.4e+07|-1.333217e+07 -2.697463e+03| 0:0:01| chol 1 1
18|0.101|0.073|6.8e-06|5.8e-01|3.2e+07|-1.548709e+07 -4.356816e+03| 0:0:01| chol 1 2
19|0.083|0.067|7.4e-06|6.4e-01|4.0e+07|-1.729456e+07 -6.573500e+03| 0:0:01| chol 2 2
20|0.049|0.141|1.7e-05|6.5e-01|4.2e+07|-1.840532e+07 -1.283043e+04| 0:0:01| chol 1 1
21|0.385|0.155|1.5e-05|6.5e-01|6.3e+07|-2.956882e+07 -1.923614e+04| 0:0:01| chol 1 1
22|0.044|0.218|1.5e-05|5.1e-01|4.5e+07|-3.312727e+07 -3.127480e+04| 0:0:01| chol 1 1
23|0.042|0.323|1.4e-05|3.5e-01|2.2e+07|-3.877692e+07 -3.804441e+04| 0:0:01| chol 1 1
24|0.058|0.086|1.3e-05|4.1e-01|4.5e+07|-6.170231e+07 -3.570857e+04| 0:0:01| chol 1 1
25|1.000|0.323|2.4e-06|2.8e-01|5.2e+07|-4.148139e+08 -3.120201e+04| 0:0:01| chol 1 2
26|0.144|0.040|1.6e-05|3.6e-01|2.6e+09|-6.729994e+09 -3.290138e+04| 0:0:01| chol 2 2
27|1.000|0.009|1.9e-03|4.6e-01|6.2e+10|-8.654602e+10 -6.477289e+04| 0:0:01| chol 2 2
28|0.023|0.117|2.1e-03|5.1e-01|8.1e+10|-9.617517e+10 -7.789989e+06| 0:0:01| chol 2 2
29|0.419|0.162|1.4e-02|5.3e-01|2.2e+11|-2.519511e+11 -1.241028e+07| 0:0:01| chol 2 2
30|0.230|0.410|2.6e-02|3.1e-01|5.4e+10|-4.656425e+11 -5.166071e+07| 0:0:01| chol 2 2
31|0.034|0.019|4.3e-02|4.1e-01|9.7e+11|-2.379360e+12 -5.150207e+07| 0:0:01|
sqlp stop: dual problem is suspected of being infeasible

number of iterations = 31
residual of dual infeasibility
certificate X = 4.22e-13
reldist to infeas. <= 1.21e-15
Total CPU time (secs) = 1.22
CPU time per iteration = 0.04
termination code = 2
DIMACS: 4.3e-02 0.0e+00 9.4e-01 0.0e+00 -1.0e+00 4.1e-01

Status: Infeasible
Optimal value (cvx_optval): +Inf

Follow the advice at , all of which, except for section 1, also applies to CVX.