cvx solution Big guys

I would like to ask, if my objective function is a transformation of variable(s), can I change s in cvx? I used tatol to indicate how to change s :smiley: :sweat_smile:

You should declare tatol as an expression (holder) The Basics — CVX Users' Guide

expression tatol(TNum+1)
instead of
variable tatol(TNum+1)

Also, norm of norm is not allowed., But the one norm of a vector of norms is just the sum of those norms… So use

However, instead of introducing tatol and using a for loop, you may be able to use sum(norms(...)) . I leave that as an exercise to you. The for loop is o.k., but may be slower.

help norms

norms Computation of multiple vector norms.
norms( X ) provides a means to compute the norms of multiple vectors
packed into a matrix or N-D array. This is useful for performing
max-of-norms or sum-of-norms calculations.

All of the vector norms, including the false "-inf" norm, supported
by NORM() have been implemented in the norms() command.
  norms(X,P)           = sum(abs(X).^P).^(1/P)
  norms(X)             = norms(X,2).
  norms(X,inf)         = max(abs(X)).
  norms(X,-inf)        = min(abs(X)).
If X is a vector, these computations are completely identical to
their NORM equivalents. If X is a matrix, a row vector is returned
of the norms of each column of X. If X is an N-D matrix, the norms
are computed along the first non-singleton dimension.

norms( X, [], DIM ) or norms( X, 2, DIM ) computes Euclidean norms
along the dimension DIM. norms( X, P, DIM ) computes its norms
along the dimension DIM.

Disciplined convex programming information:
    norms is convex, except when P<1, so an error will result if these
    non-convex "norms" are used within CVX expressions. norms is
    nonmonotonic, so its input must be affine.

I love you, Mark. I’m going to study now :rofl: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: