Recently, I am trying to write my own matlab /cvx code on a SDP promblem based on a published paper. I have used the sedumi solver, and set the precision high. At first glance, It seems that I have solved the proplem successfully since the status is ’ solved ‘. However, compared with the result derived by the author , I’ve got far less values, which come to 10^-8 , while the normal values should be among 10 to 100, approximately. What’s worse, the solution doesn’t satisfy the first inequality constraint! I’m sure that numerical calculations and variable initializations are correct.
I will show you the SDP problem and my code.
The key code in matlab main function:
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n = 5;
omiga = 6.78 * 2* pi * 10^6;
rr = 50.336;
rl = 50; % Receiver load impedance
rt = [0.336, 0.336, 0.3336, 0.336, 0.336];
m = [1.6121, 0.00781, -0.0296, 0.00781, 0.1508].’* 10^-6;
M = [5886.8, 0.3565, 0.1253, 0.3565, 0.2984;
0.3565, 5886.8, 0.3565, 0.1253, 0.2984;
0.1253, 0.3565, 5886.8, 0.3565, 0.2984;
0.3565, 0.1253, 0.3565, 5886.8, 0.2984;
0.2984, 0.2984, 0.2984,0.2984, 5886.8] * 10^-6;
powerindex = 5:5:100;
voltage = [1800,1800,1800,1800,1800].’.^(1/2);
current = [50,50,50,50,50].’.^(1/2);
for power_index = 1:length(powerindex)
power = powerindex(power_index);
fprintf(‘circle is running ‘);
[X] = METHOD_SDP_COPY(rt, rr, rl, m, power, current, voltage, omiga, n, M);
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function [X] = METHOD_SDP_COPY(rt, rr, rl, m, power, current, voltage, omiga, n, M)
M_ = zeros(n,n);
M_= m * m’;
B = zeros(n, n);
B_ = zeros(n, n);
B__ = zeros(n, n);
BN = zeros(n, n, n);
QN = zeros(n, n, n);
for p = 1 : n
for q = 1 : n
if p == q
B_(p, q) = rt§ + m§^2 * omiga^2 / rr;
B__(p, q) = 0;
B(p, q) = B_(p, q) + 1i * B__(p, q);
B_(p, q) = m§ * m(q) * omiga^2 / rr;
B__(p, q) = -omiga * M(p, q);
B(p, q) = B_(p, q) + 1i * B__(p, q);
for i = 1 : n
BN(:, :, i) = B(: , i) * B(:, i)’;
for i = 1 : n
QN(i, i, i) = 1;
cvx_solver sedumi
cvx_begin sdp
cvx_precision high
variable X(n, n) hermitian
minimize real((1 / 2 * trace(B_* X)));
subject to
real(trace(M_ * X)) >= 2 * rr^2 * power / (omiga^2 * rl);
for i = 1 : n
real(trace( BN(:, :, i) * X )) <= voltage(i)^2;
for i = 1 : n
real(trace( QN(: , : , i ) * X )) <= current(i)^2;
[ X ] == hermitian_semidefinite( n );
%Determine whether the results out from cvx meet the constraint condition 1
if real(trace(M_ * X)) < 2 * rr^2 * power / (omiga^2 * rl)
fprintf(‘NOTE:After cvx,constr1 is abnormal.\n’);
%Determine whether the results out from cvx meet the constraint condition 2
tag1 = 1;
for i = 1 : n
% real(trace( BN(: , : , i ) * X ))
if real(trace( BN(: , : , i ) * X )) > voltage(i)^2
tag1 = 0;
if tag1 == 0
fprintf(‘NOTE:After cvx,constr2 is abnormal.\n’);
%Determine whether the results out from cvx meet the constraint condition 3
tag2 = 1;
for i = 1 : n
real(trace( QN(: , : , i ) * X ))
if real(trace( QN(: , : , i ) * X )) > current(i)^2
tag2 = 0;
if tag2 == 0
fprintf(‘NOTE:After cvx,constr3 is abnormal.\n’);
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