Cvx returns infeasible solution but says the problem is solved

I am trying to solve the following feasibility problem (as part of a GEVP).

cvx_begin sdp
variable DD(2,2) diagonal;
M'*DD*M-t*DD <= -1e-6*eye(2);
DD >= 1e-6*eye(2);
M'*DD*M >= 0;

This code works most of the time. Sometimes, however, it reports Solved, yet the solution is infeasible (DD has a negative eigenvalue). This behavior seems to be solver dependent (different numbers cause the problem in SeDuMi or SDPT3, but it occurs in both).

I’ve also noticed that cvx_optval in this case is not close to 0.

What could be causing cvx to report that a feasibility problem has been solved when it is actually infeasible?

Example inputs (using SeDuMi)

M=[-0.795393541488967 + 0.846262947097616i, -0.204606458511033 - 0.846262947097616i;
  0.000795393541489 - 0.000846262947098i,  0.000204606458511 + 0.000846262947098i];

Which yields:

Calling sedumi: 11 variables, 2 equality constraints
   For improved efficiency, sedumi is solving the dual problem.
SeDuMi 1.21 by AdvOL, 2005-2008 and Jos F. Sturm, 1998-2003.
Alg = 2: xz-corrector, Adaptive Step-Differentiation, theta = 0.250, beta = 0.500
eqs m = 2, order n = 7, dim = 21, blocks = 4
nnz(A) = 18 + 0, nnz(ADA) = 4, nnz(L) = 3
 it :     b*y       gap    delta  rate   t/tP*  t/tD*   feas cg cg  prec
  0 :            5.13E+00 0.000
  1 :   0.00E+00 9.45E-01 0.000 0.1842 0.9000 0.9000   1.00  1  1  9.2E-01
  2 :   0.00E+00 8.25E-02 0.000 0.0873 0.9900 0.9900   1.00  1  1  8.0E-02
  3 :   0.00E+00 7.24E-03 0.029 0.0878 0.9900 0.9900   1.00  1  1  7.0E-03
  4 :   0.00E+00 1.56E-03 0.263 0.2157 0.9000 0.9000   1.00  1  1  1.5E-03
  5 :   0.00E+00 3.34E-04 0.000 0.2141 0.9000 0.9000   0.99  1  1  3.3E-04
  6 :   0.00E+00 7.87E-06 0.000 0.0235 0.9904 0.9900   0.93  1  1  8.8E-06
  7 :   0.00E+00 4.67E-07 0.000 0.0594 0.9100 0.9000  -0.19  1  1  6.9E-06
  8 :   0.00E+00 9.02E-09 0.000 0.0193 0.9902 0.9900  -1.59  1  1  3.6E-06
  9 :   0.00E+00 2.49E-10 0.000 0.0276 0.9900 0.9295  -1.38  1  1  6.3E-06
 10 :   0.00E+00 8.66E-11 0.000 0.3477 0.9000 0.7478  -3.11  1  1  1.6E-05
 11 :   0.00E+00 1.30E-11 0.000 0.1497 0.9240 0.9000  -4.79  1  1  3.3E-06
 12 :   0.00E+00 2.61E-13 0.000 0.0201 0.9900 0.9785  -1.17  1  1  5.3E-06

iter seconds digits       c*x               b*y
 12      0.1   Inf -3.6076012912e+01  0.0000000000e+00
|Ax-b| =   7.2e-07, [Ay-c]_+ =   1.7E-06, |x|=  3.4e+07, |y|=  7.1e-01

Detailed timing (sec)
   Pre          IPM          Post
3.120E-02    6.240E-02    3.120E-02    
Max-norms: ||b||=0, ||c|| = 1.851579e-06,
Cholesky |add|=0, |skip| = 0, ||L.L|| = 1.
Status: Solved
Optimal value (cvx_optval): +36.076

The eigenvalues of DD are


which violates the 2nd constraint.

That’s actually well within reasonable numerical tolerances. Try bumping up the precision, using cvx_precision high or cvx_precision best, and see if that improves your result.

I’ve got similar errors. When i want to solve a problem with 120 equality constraints with Gurobi, it says it is infeasible, the Mosek solve it and for 140 equality constraints, both say it is infeasible!.