CVX installation disabled after I restart my computer

I installed CVX with Matlab R2013b in Windows 10. I want to use the** Mosek** and Gurobi via CVX.
Following the installation guide, I have get a CVX acadamic licence, and it seems I have things done as I got the following message after type “cvx_solver” in the Matlab command line:
Name Status Version Location

Gurobi 6.00 {cvx}\gurobi\w64
Gurobi_2 6.51 D:\gurobi651\win64
Mosek {cvx}\mosek\w64
Mosek_2 d:\Program Files\mosek\7\toolbox\r2013a
SDPT3 selected,default 4.0 {cvx}\sdpt3
SeDuMi 1.34 {cvx}\sedumi

However, when I restart my computer and restart the Matlab, the cvx cannot work with solver Mosek and Gurobi. It show my Host ID is not matched. The message printed after “cvx_solver” is:
Name Status Version Location

Gurobi disabled 6.00 {cvx}\gurobi\w64
Gurobi_2 disabled 6.51 D:\gurobi651\win64
Mosek disabled {cvx}\mosek\w64
Mosek_2 disabled d:\Program Files\mosek\7\toolbox\r2013a
SDPT3 selected,default 4.0 {cvx}\sdpt3
SeDuMi 1.34 {cvx}\sedumi

The only thing I can do now is to apply for another license and setup again. Please help me solve the problem? I’m getting trouble in installing. Thank you a lot for any advice!

I do not know why your host ID changes when you restart the computer. But I’m afraid if you can’t identify a stable host ID, you’re not going to be able to use the CVX professional license.

Thank you for you help. It is because my computer has two network adapter, the Mac ID used as the Host ID is always changing. And I solved it by setting my Mac ID to the Host ID I have applied for.