CVX Code for Pairwise Ranking

I want to know the CVX code for the following problem:
s & R are m-dimensional vector.

minimize (d) (d is a declared vector of dim m)
s’i>= 1+ s’j if Ri>Rj

Basically, i want to compare every element of s’ with every other element of s’, provided the condition on R holds.

ADDED: Hi, There is no example as such in the CVX user guide. The problem is with the pairwise comparison part. I am trying to put the constraint that whenever Ri>Rj, the S’i>=1 +S’j. And this should happen for all i,j (i= 1…m, j=1…m). This constraint is extensively used in pairwise ranking algorithm. Is it possible to write this in CVX? Thanks

What have you tried so far? This forum is not intended to be a substitute for trying out the software and reading the user guide.

There is no example as such in the CVX user guide. The problem is with the pairwise comparison part.
I am trying to put the constraint that whenever Ri>Rj, the S’i>=1 +S’j. And this should happen for all i,j (i= 1…m, j=1…m). This constraint is extensively used in pairwise ranking algorithm.
Is it possible to write this in CVX?

I’m going to move your “answer” (which is not an answer, of course :P) to your text above, where it belongs. As the name implies, answer posts are reserved for answers to the original question. Comments are reserved for discussions like these.

Again, I need to ask, what have you tried? If Ri and Rj are constants then I see no reason why this would not work. If they are variables, then of course it will not work, as the model is not convex.

Here is some simple CVX code that assumes that s and R are vectors of length m:

    variable sp(m)
    minimize( sum(sp-s) )
    sp >= s
    for i = 1 : m
        for j = 1 : M
           if R(i) > R(j),
                sp(i) >= 1 + sp(j)

This has not been tested, and the for loops are going to be slow for large m. This might fix it, but again, you’d better test it.

    variable sp(m)
    minimize( sum(sp-s) )
    sp >= s
    [ii,jj] = find( bsxfun( @gt, R(:), R(:)' ) );
    sp(ii) >= sp(jj) + 1