My guess is that you have the square
from the Signal Processing Toolbox installed, and that is getting called by CVX’s square_pos
instead of CVX’s square
(see 2nd to last paragraph below for explanation).
On my machine,
which -all square_pos
C:\cvx_2.2.2\functions@cvx\square_pos.m % cvx method
The first of these is supposed to be called when called with a numeric argument, whether or not interspersed between other CVX statements. You can look at the source code and see that it is basically returning square( max( x, 0 ) )
, which would explain your results if the “wrong” square
is being called.
The second of these is called for CVX expression (or CVX variable) argument. This does not use square
, and perhaps is doing the “correct” thing for CVX, despite your having a non-CVX square
. The code I suggested in my preceding post would be using this version of square_pos
, because its argument is a CVX expression.