Illegal operation: pow_p( {convex}, {-1} )

Hello and welcome to the forum.

The argument of inv_pos must be concave, which it is not.

help inv_pos

inv_pos Reciprocal of a positive quantity.
inv_pos(X) returns 1./X if X is positive, and +Inf otherwise.
X must be real.

 For matrices and N-D arrays, the function is applied to each element.

  Disciplined convex programming information:
      inv_pos is convex and nonincreasing; therefore, when used in CVX
      specifications, its argument must be concave (or affine)

Even if inv_pos(E(k))were “legal”, multiplying it by a variable (f1) lurking inside R(k) would not be DCP-compliant.

In short, it is hardly evident that this problem is convex. I will assume it is not unless you show otherwise.

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