Status: Unbounded Optimal value (cvx_optval): -Inf

Thank you for your reply.
I have modified my code, and use the ecos solver. I got the optimal solution, but the optimal value of variables didn’t satisfied the constrains.
The code:

clc; clear all;
k = 8;                           % The number of user in a small cell
n = 0.1;
    %Simulation parameters
    N0 = 1e-10;                            % noise power spectral density(W/Hz)
    Wul = 1e7; Wdl = 1e7;                 % The uplink and downlink bandwidth (Hz)
    Pumax = 0.25; Pdmax = 20;            %0.1 100 %0.25 20 % The uplink and downlink power(w)
    FC = 10^11;                           % The cloudlet server processing capacity(CPU cycles/s)
    luk = 1.78*10^-6;                     % The amount of energy spent by the mobile device to extract each bit of offloaded data from the video source(J/bit)
    ldk = 0.625;                          % Parameter that captures the mobile receiving energy expenditure per second in the downlink(J/s)
    BIk = 1e4*ones(1,k);                  %1e4 % Input bits from each user k to the cloudlet in the uplink (1Mbits)
    BIs = n*BIk;                          % Shared input bits that can be sent by any of the users
    BOk = 1e4*ones(1,k);                  % Out bits from the cloudlet to each user k in the downlink (1Mbits)
    BOs = n*BOk;                          % Shared output bits that delivered to all users
    Vk = 1000*BIk;                        % Processing the input BIk by executing Vk CPU cycles at the cloudlet (CPU cycles)
    Vs = n*Vk;                            % Shared CPU cycles
    Tmax = 0.15;                          %0.3    % Maximum latency constraint(0.15s/0.05s)
    %Initialize the z = [Pul,Bls,f,Pdl,PdM,TuS,TdS]
    Pulk0 = [0.20 0.20 0.20	0.20 0.20 0.20	0.20 0.20];                              % The uplink power(w)of user k
    Pdlk0 =[2.37 2.45 2.47 2.42	2.42 2.30 2.41 2.34];        % The downlink power(w)to user k
    PdlM0 = [18.97];                              % Transmit power (w) for multicasting 
    % A fraction of BIsk bits of the BIs shared bits transmited by user k  
    BIsk0 = [2456.0	2209.3	21236.3	24730.7	14584.0	2982.3	22563.3	9237.7];                                     
    fk0 = [0.11	0.11 0.13 0.12 0.11	0.11 0.11 0.11];
    fs0 = 0.72;                                      % Fractions of the processing power FC assigned to run the Vk CPU cycles exclusively for user k and the VS shared CPU cycles
    f0 = [fk0,fs0]; 
    Rulk0 = (Wul/k)*log2(1+Pulk0/(N0*Wul/k));                  % The downlink power after rayleigh fading 
    Rdlk0 = (Wdl/k)*log2(1+Pdlk0/(N0*Wdl/k));                   % Multicasting power after rayleigh fading 
    RdlMk0 = Wdl*log2(1+PdlM0/(N0*Wdl));                    % Transmitting rate to users for multicasting

    TuS0 = max(BIsk0./Rulk0);                             % The time to complete the shared uplink transmissions (s)
    TdS0 = max(BOs./RdlMk0);                              % The downlink transmission time to multicast BOs bits
    T = max((BIk - BIs + BIsk0)./(Rulk0)+(Vk-Vs)/(FC.*fk0)+Vs/(FC*fs0)+(BOk-BOs)./(Rdlk0)+max(BIsk0./Rulk0)+max(BOs./(RdlMk0)))
    z0 = [Pulk0,BIsk0,f0,Pdlk0,PdlM0,TuS0,TdS0];
            cvx_solver ecos
            %cvx_solver mosek
            %cvx_solver SeDuMi
            variables Pulk(1,k) BIsk(1,k) fk(1,k) fs Pdlk(1,k) PdlM TuS TdS;
            f = [fk,fs];
            z = [Pulk,BIsk,f,Pdlk,PdlM,TuS,TdS];
            Rulk = (Wul/k)*log(1+Pulk/(N0*Wul/k))/log(2);
            Rdlk = (Wdl/k)*log(1+Pdlk/(N0*Wdl/k))/log(2);
            RdlMk = Wdl*log(1+PdlM/(N0*Wdl))/log(2);
    %         The overall downlink mobile energy consumption for user k
            Edlk = ((BOk-BOs).*inv_pos(Rdlk)+(BOs.*inv_pos(RdlMk)))*ldk;
    %         Mobile energy consumption of uplink transmission
            e1 = Pulk0.*(BIk-BIs+BIsk0).*inv_pos(Rulk);
            e2 = Pulk0.*(BIk-BIs+BIsk)./Rulk0;
            e3 = Pulk.*(BIk-BIs+BIsk0)./Rulk0;
            e4 = luk*(BIk-BIs+BIsk);
            Eulk = e1+e2+e3+(z-z0)*diag(z0)*(z-z0)'+e4;
    %         Rewrite the latency constraints C.2
            g1 = square_pos(BIsk+inv_pos(Rulk));
            g2 = BIsk0.*BIsk0;
            g3 = 1./(Rulk0.*Rulk0);
            g4 = BIsk0.*(BIsk-BIsk0);
            g5 = 1+(Pulk0)/(N0*Wul/k);
            g6 = Rulk0./(Rulk0.*Rulk0.*Rulk0.*Rulk0);
            g7 = inv_pos(Rulk)-1./Rulk0;
            gk = 1/2*(g1-g2-g3)-(g4-(g6./g5).*g7);  
            subject to 
                (BIk - BIs + BIsk0).*inv_pos(Rulk)+(Vk-Vs)/FC.*inv_pos(fk)+Vs/FC*inv_pos(fs)+(BOk-BOs).*inv_pos(Rdlk)  <= Tmax - TuS - TdS;   % Constraint C.1
                gk <= TuS;                            % Constraint C.2
                %gk > 1e-3;
                (BOs.*inv_pos(RdlMk)) <= TdS;           % Constraint C.3
                %(BOs.*inv_pos(RdlMk)) > 1e-5;
                TuS+TdS <= Tmax;
                TuS > 1e-3;
                TdS > 1e-5;
                TuS <= 0.2;
                TdS <= 0.02;
                sum(fk) <= 1;                         % Constraint C.4
                fk > 1e-5;
                fs <= 1;
                fs > 1e-5;
                sum(BIsk) == BIs;                     % Constraint C.5
                sum(Pdlk) <= Pdmax;                   % Constraint C.6
                Pdlk <= Pdmax;
                PdlM <= Pdmax;
                Pulk <= Pumax; 
                Pdlk > 1e-3;
                PdlM > 1e-3;
                Pulk > 1e-3;
                BIsk <= BIs;
                BIsk > 1e-3;
            Rulk = Wul/k*log2(1+Pulk/(N0*Wul/k));
            Eulk = (Pulk./Rulk+luk).*(BIk-BIs+BIsk);
            Rdlk = Wdl/k*log2(1+Pdlk/(N0*Wdl/k));
            RdlMk = Wdl*log2(1+PdlM/(N0*Wul));
            Edlk = ((BOk-BOs)./Rdlk+BOs./RdlMk)*ldk;
            TuS = max(BIsk0./Rulk0);
            TdS = max(BOs./RdlMk0);
            z = [Pulk,BIsk,f,Pdlk,PdlM,TuS,TdS];
            T = max((BIk - BIs + BIsk)./(Rulk)+(Vk-Vs)/(FC.*fk)+Vs/(FC*fs)+(BOk-BOs)./(Rdlk)+max(BIsk./Rulk)+max(BOs./(RdlMk)))

The result:
Successive approximation method to be employed.
For improved efficiency, ECOS is solving the dual problem.
ECOS will be called several times to refine the solution.
Original size: 441 variables, 187 equality constraints
17 exponentials add 136 variables, 85 equality constraints

Cones | Errors |
Mov/Act | Centering Exp cone Poly cone | Status
0/ 17 | 5.671e-04 2.730e-07 2.730e-07 | Solved

Status: Solved
Optimal value (cvx_optval): +8.16234e+13


Pulk =

1 至 7 列

0.0831    0.0831    0.0831    0.0831    0.0831    0.0831    0.0831

8 列



BIsk =

1.0e+04 *

1 至 7 列

-1.1078 -1.3144 0.8074 0.9654 0.4910 -0.7950 0.8678

8 列



fk =

1 至 7 列

0.1053    0.1053    0.1053    0.1053    0.1053    0.1053    0.1053

8 列



fs =



Pdlk =

1 至 7 列

3.6307    3.6307    3.6307    3.6307    3.6307    3.6307    3.6307

8 列



ans =



PdlM =



TuS =



TdS =

In my constrains, I expect the variables are positive, obviously, BIsk didn’t satisfied,and I need the sum(Pdlk) <= Pdmax=20, but sum(Pdlk) = 29.0453.
It seems that my constrains didn’t work. Is there have some errors in my code?
Thank you!