Status: Unbounded Optimal value (cvx_optval): -Inf

Dear everyone,
I meet some problems when I use CVX.

My version of cvx: 2.1.

The error I met is followed:
CVX Warning:
Models involving “log” or other functions in the log, exp, and entropy
family are solved using an experimental successive approximation method.
This method is slower and less reliable than the method CVX employs for
other models. Please see the section of the user’s guide entitled
The successive approximation method
for more details about the approach, and for instructions on how to
suppress this warning message in the future.
警告: The use of strict inequalities in CVX is strongly discouraged,
because solvers treat them as non-strict inequalities. Please
consider using “>=” instead.

In > (line 21)
In cvx_test4 (line 221)
警告: The use of strict inequalities in CVX is strongly discouraged,
because solvers treat them as non-strict inequalities. Please
consider using “>=” instead.

In > (line 21)
In cvx_test4 (line 222)
警告: The use of strict inequalities in CVX is strongly discouraged,
because solvers treat them as non-strict inequalities. Please
consider using “>=” instead.

In > (line 21)
In cvx_test4 (line 223)

Successive approximation method to be employed.
For improved efficiency, SDPT3 is solving the dual problem.
SDPT3 will be called several times to refine the solution.
Original size: 533 variables, 222 equality constraints
24 exponentials add 192 variables, 120 equality constraints

Cones | Errors |
Mov/Act | Centering Exp cone Poly cone | Status
7/ 7 | 6.435e+00 5.254e-01 0.000e+00 | Inaccurate/Solved
0/ 0 | 0.000e+00 0.000e+00 0.000e+00 | Inaccurate/Solved
0/ 0 | 0.000e+00 0.000e+00 0.000e+00 | Infeasible

Status: Unbounded
Optimal value (cvx_optval): -Inf

My code is followed:

clc; clear all;
k = 8;                           % The number of user in a small cell
%PL = 0;pk.*hk.^2/(B*N0)
% rayleigh fading
Fs = 9600;
Ts = 1/Fs;
fdmax = 0;
rayCh = rayleighchan(Ts,fdmax,Delay,PowerdB);
r = abs(rayCh.PathGains);
for i = 2:k
    rayCh = rayleighchan(Ts,fdmax,Delay,PowerdB);
    r = [r,abs(rayCh.PathGains)];               % The uplink and downlink channel power gains of user k
for n=0.1:0.1:1
    %Simulation parameters
    N0 = 1e-10;                            % noise power spectral density(W/Hz)
    Wul = 1e8; Wdl = 1e8;                 % The uplink and downlink bandwidth (Hz)
    Pumax = 0.25; Pdmax = 20;            %0.1 100 %0.25 20 % The uplink and downlink power(w)
    FC = 10^12;                           % The cloudlet server processing capacity(CPU cycles/s)
    luk = 1.78*10^-6;                     % The amount of energy spent by the mobile device to extract each bit of offloaded data from the video source(J/bit)
    ldk = 0.625;                          % Parameter that captures the mobile receiving energy expenditure per second in the downlink(J/s)
    BIk = 1e6*ones(1,k);                  %1e4 % Input bits from each user k to the cloudlet in the uplink (1Mbits)
    BIs = n*BIk;                          % Shared input bits that can be sent by any of the users
    BOk = 1e6*ones(1,k);                  % Out bits from the cloudlet to each user k in the downlink (1Mbits)
    BOs = n*BOk;                          % Shared output bits that delivered to all users
    Vk = 1000*BIk;                        % Processing the input BIk by executing Vk CPU cycles at the cloudlet (CPU cycles)
    Vs = n*Vk;                            % Shared CPU cycles
    Tmax = 1;                          %0.3    % Maximum latency constraint(0.15s/0.05s)
    %Initialize the z = [Pul,Bls,f,Pdl,PdM,TuS,TdS]
    Pulk0 = Pumax*rand(1,k);                              % The uplink power(w)of user k
    %Pdlk0 = Pdmax/k*ones(1,k);                            % The downlink power(w)to user k
    Pdlk0 = rand(1,k);
    Pdlk0 = Pdlk0/(sum(Pdlk0))*Pdmax;
    %PdlkI = Pdmax*rand(1,k);
    PdlM0 = Pdmax*rand(1,1);                              % Transmit power (w) for multicasting 
    %BIsk0 = BIs/k.*ones(1,k);                             % A fraction of BIsk bits of the BIs shared bits transmited by user k  
    BIsk0 = rand(1,k);
    BIsk0 = BIsk0/(sum(BIsk0)).*BIs;
    fk0 = rand(1,k);                                      
    fk0 = fk0/(sum(fk0))*1;
    fs0 = rand(1,1);                                      % Fractions of the processing power FC assigned to run the Vk CPU cycles exclusively for user k and the VS shared CPU cycles
    f0 = [fk0,fs0]; 
    PU0 = r.*(Pulk0-PL);
    Rulk0 = (Wul/k)*log2(1+PU0/(N0*Wul/k));
    PD0 = r.*(Pdlk0-PL);                                       % The downlink power after rayleigh fading 
    Rdlk0 = (Wdl/k)*log2(1+PD0/(N0*Wdl/k));
    PM0 = r.*(PdlM0-PL);                                       % Multicasting power after rayleigh fading 
    RdlMk0 = Wdl*log2(1+PM0/(N0*Wdl));                    % Transmitting rate to users for multicasting

    TuS0 = max(BIsk0./Rulk0);                             % The time to complete the shared uplink transmissions (s)
    TdS0 = max(BOs./RdlMk0);                              % The downlink transmission time to multicast BOs bits
    T = max((BIk - BIs + BIsk0)./(Rulk0)+(Vk-Vs)/(FC.*fk0)+Vs/(FC*fs0)+(BOk-BOs)./(Rdlk0)+max(BIsk0./Rulk0)+max(BOs./(RdlMk0)))
    z0 = [Pulk0,BIsk0,f0,Pdlk0,PdlM0,TuS0,TdS0];

    Eulk = (Pulk0./Rulk0+luk).*(BIk-BIs+BIsk0);
    Edlk = ((BOk-BOs)./Rdlk0+BOs./RdlMk0)*ldk;
    Eneval0 = sum(Eulk+Edlk);
    % Accuracy parameters
    alpha = 10^-5; epsilong = 10^-8; delta0 = rand;       
    %z = zeros(1,4*k+4);  acc = norm(z-z0,2)^2;
    Eneval = 0; acc = norm(Eneval-Eneval0,2)^2;
    v = 0;   accu = 0; value = 0; 
       while acc > epsilong
            %cvx_solver ecos
            %cvx_solver mosek
            %cvx_solver SeDuMi
            variables Pulk(1,k) BIsk(1,k) fk(1,k) fs Pdlk(1,k) PdlM TuS TdS;
            f = [fk,fs];
            z = [Pulk,BIsk,f,Pdlk,PdlM,TuS,TdS];
            PU = r.*Pulk;
            Rulk = (Wul/k)*log(1+PU/(N0*Wul/k))/log(2);
            PD = r.*Pdlk;
            Rdlk = (Wdl/k)*log(1+PD/(N0*Wdl/k))/log(2);
            PM = r.*PdlM;
            RdlMk = Wdl*log(1+PM/(N0*Wdl))/log(2);
    %         The overall downlink mobile energy consumption for user k
            Edlk = ((BOk-BOs).*inv_pos(Rdlk)+(BOs.*inv_pos(RdlMk)))*ldk;
    %         Mobile energy consumption of uplink transmission
           % E = (z-z0)*diag(z0)*(z-z0)';
            e1 = Pulk0.*(BIk-BIs+BIsk0).*inv_pos(Rulk);
            e2 = Pulk0.*(BIk-BIs+BIsk)./Rulk0;
            e3 = Pulk.*(BIk-BIs+BIsk0)./Rulk0;
            e4 = luk*(BIk-BIs+BIsk);
            Eulk = e1+e2+e3+(z-z0)*diag(z0)*(z-z0)'+e4;
    %         Rewrite the latency constraints C.2
            g1 = square_pos(BIsk+inv_pos(Rulk));
            g2 = Rulk0.*Rulk0;
            g3 = (g1-BIsk0.^2-1./g2);
            g4 = BIsk0.*(BIsk-BIsk0);
            g5 = (r.*Pulk0)/(N0*Wul/k);
            g6 = (1+g5).*(Rulk0.^4);
            g7 = g4-(Rulk0./g6).*(inv_pos(Rulk)-1./Rulk0);
            gk = 1/2*g3-g7;  
            subject to 
                (BIk - BIs + BIsk0).*inv_pos(Rulk)+(Vk-Vs)/FC.*inv_pos(fk)+Vs/FC*inv_pos(fs)+(BOk-BOs).*inv_pos(Rdlk) +TuS+TdS<= Tmax;   % Constraint C.1
%                 gk <= 0.01;
%                 (BOs.*inv_pos(RdlMk))<=1e-3;
                gk-TuS <= 0;                            % Constraint C.2
                (BOs.*inv_pos(RdlMk))-TdS <= 0;           % Constraint C.3
                TuS+TdS <= Tmax;
                TuS >= 0;
                TdS >= 0;
                TuS <= 0.2;
                TdS <= 0.02;
                sum(fk) <= 1;                         % Constraint C.4
                fk <= 1;
                fs <= 1;
                fk >= 0;
                fs >= 0;
                sum(BIsk) == BIs;                     % Constraint C.5
                sum(Pdlk) <= Pdmax;                   % Constraint C.6
                Pdlk <= Pdmax;
                PdlM <= Pdmax;
                Pulk <= Pumax; 
                Pdlk > 1e-3;
                PdlM > 1e-3;
                Pulk > 1e-3;
                BIsk <= BIs;
                BIsk >= 0;
        v = v+1
        T = max((BIk - BIs + BIsk)./(Rulk)+(Vk-Vs)/(FC.*fk)+Vs/(FC*fs)+(BOk-BOs)./(Rdlk)+max(BIsk./Rulk)+max(BOs./(RdlMk)))

        if (T<=Tmax)&&(z(1)>0.01)
            Rulk = Wul/k*log2(1+r.*Pulk/(N0*Wul/k));
            Eulk = (Pulk./Rulk+luk).*(BIk-BIs+BIsk);
    %         e1 = Pulk0.*(BIsk0+(BIk-BIsk0))./Rulk;
    %         e2 = Pulk0.*(BIsk+(BIk-BIsk0))./Rulk0;
    %         e3 = Pulk.*(BIsk0+(BIk-BIsk0))./Rulk0;
    %         e4 = luk*(BIsk+(BIk-BIsk0));
    %         Eulk = e1+e2+e3+(z-z0)*diag(z0)*(z-z0)'+e4;
            Rdlk = Wdl/k*log2(1+r.*Pdlk/(N0*Wdl/k));
            RdlMk = Wdl*log2(1+r.*PdlM/(N0*Wul));
            Edlk = ((BOk-BOs)./Rdlk+BOs./RdlMk)*ldk;
            Eneval = sum(Edlk+Eulk);
            value = [value,Eneval];
            acc = norm(Eneval-Eneval0,2)^2        
            accu = [accu,acc];
            z0 = z0+delta0*(z-z0);
            delta0 = delta0*(1-alpha*delta0);
            Pulk0 = z0(1:k); BIsk0 = z0(k+1:k+k); fk0 = z0(2*k+1:3*k); fs0 = z0(3*k+1); 
            Pdlk0 = z0(3*k+2:4*k+1); PdlM0 = z0(4*k+2); TuS0 = z0(4*k+3); TdS0 = z0(4*k+4);
            Eneval0 = Eneval;
            %Initialize the z = [Pul,Bls,f,Pdl,PdM,TuS,TdS]
            Pulk0 = Pumax*rand(1,k);                              % The uplink power(w)of user k
            %Pdlk0 = Pdmax/k*ones(1,k);                            % The downlink power(w)to user k
            Pdlk0 = rand(1,k);
            Pdlk0 = Pdlk0/(sum(Pdlk0))*Pdmax;
            %PdlkI = Pdmax*rand(1,k);
            PdlM0 = Pdmax*rand(1,1);                              % Transmit power (w) for multicasting 
            %BIsk0 = BIs/k.*ones(1,k);                             % A fraction of BIsk bits of the BIs shared bits transmited by user k  
            BIsk0 = rand(1,k);
            BIsk0 = BIsk0/(sum(BIsk0)).*BIs;
            fk0 = rand(1,k);                                      
            fk0 = fk0/(sum(fk0))*1;
            fs0 = rand(1,1);                                      % Fractions of the processing power FC assigned to run the Vk CPU cycles exclusively for user k and the VS shared CPU cycles
            f0 = [fk0,fs0]; 

            PU0 = r.*(Pulk0-PL);
            Rulk0 = (Wul/k)*log2(1+PU0/(N0*Wul/k));
            PD0 = r.*(Pdlk0-PL);                                       % The downlink power after rayleigh fading 
            Rdlk0 = (Wdl/k)*log2(1+PD0/(N0*Wdl/k));
            PM0 = r.*(PdlM0-PL);                                       % Multicasting power after rayleigh fading 
            RdlMk0 = Wdl*log2(1+PM0/(N0*Wdl));                    % Transmitting rate to users for multicasting

            TuS0 = max(BIsk0./Rulk0);                             % The time to complete the shared uplink transmissions (s)
            TdS0 = max(BOs./RdlMk0);                              % The downlink transmission time to multicast BOs bits
        %     TuS = 1e-2;TdS = 1e-3;
            T = max((BIk - BIs + BIsk0)./(Rulk0)+(Vk-Vs)/(FC.*fk0)+Vs/(FC*fs0)+(BOk-BOs)./(Rdlk0)+max(BIsk0./Rulk0)+max(BOs./(RdlMk0)))
            z0 = [Pulk0,BIsk0,f0,Pdlk0,PdlM0,TuS0,TdS0];
            Eulk = (Pulk0./Rulk0+luk).*(BIk-BIs+BIsk0);
            Edlk = ((BOk-BOs)./Rdlk0+BOs./RdlMk0)*ldk;
            Eneval0 = sum(Eulk+Edlk);
       energy = [energy, Eneval];
    grid on;

But when I change the variables “Wul, Wdl, FC, BIk, BOk, Tmax” as
Wul = 1e7; Wdl = 1e7;
FC = 10^10;
BIk = 1e4ones(1,k);
BOk = 1e4
Tmax = 0.15;
I got the result successfully as followed,
Successive approximation method to be employed.
For improved efficiency, SDPT3 is solving the dual problem.
SDPT3 will be called several times to refine the solution.
Original size: 533 variables, 222 equality constraints
24 exponentials add 192 variables, 120 equality constraints

Cones | Errors |
Mov/Act | Centering Exp cone Poly cone | Status
12/ 12 | 2.977e+00 1.832e+00 0.000e+00 | Inaccurate/Solved
0/ 0 | 0.000e+00 0.000e+00 0.000e+00 | Inaccurate/Solved
0/ 0 | 0.000e+00 0.000e+00 0.000e+00 | Inaccurate/Solved
0/ 0 | 0.000e+00 0.000e+00 0.000e+00 | Inaccurate/Solved

Status: Inaccurate/Solved
Optimal value (cvx_optval): +2.84554

I have controlled the value of variables in the constraints, what cause the error happened?
Thank you!

Your code is not reproducible because not everything is provided, for instance, rayleighchan .

There is a very wide span of magntiudes in the numbers. I don’t know how they are used, but it would be better to keep within a few orders of magnitude of 1, for instance, by changing units. i don’t know whether that is causing any numerical problems or possibly an incorrect determination of unboundedness.

Your 2nd version which produces a bounded result has different parameters than the first ,model. For instance, Tmax is used in an inequality constraint of the form <something <= Tmax. So decreasing Tmax might reduce the feasible set. So why should you be shocked that perhaps these parameter changes make the difference between unbounded and bounded? Also you generate random numbers before calling CVX, so if you re-run with new random numbers, you are defining a new problem instance, and this is another potential cause of difference in result. Also see my mention of magnitudes of numbers. So you have a lot of things you can look into.

Your problem is a big complicated mess, and I can’t run it with even my own draws of random numbers, because it is missing input data. So I leave it to you, or to prove to us, that your first version truly is bounded, despite being reported as unbounded.

Thank you for your reply.
I have modified my code, and use the ecos solver. I got the optimal solution, but the optimal value of variables didn’t satisfied the constrains.
The code:

clc; clear all;
k = 8;                           % The number of user in a small cell
n = 0.1;
    %Simulation parameters
    N0 = 1e-10;                            % noise power spectral density(W/Hz)
    Wul = 1e7; Wdl = 1e7;                 % The uplink and downlink bandwidth (Hz)
    Pumax = 0.25; Pdmax = 20;            %0.1 100 %0.25 20 % The uplink and downlink power(w)
    FC = 10^11;                           % The cloudlet server processing capacity(CPU cycles/s)
    luk = 1.78*10^-6;                     % The amount of energy spent by the mobile device to extract each bit of offloaded data from the video source(J/bit)
    ldk = 0.625;                          % Parameter that captures the mobile receiving energy expenditure per second in the downlink(J/s)
    BIk = 1e4*ones(1,k);                  %1e4 % Input bits from each user k to the cloudlet in the uplink (1Mbits)
    BIs = n*BIk;                          % Shared input bits that can be sent by any of the users
    BOk = 1e4*ones(1,k);                  % Out bits from the cloudlet to each user k in the downlink (1Mbits)
    BOs = n*BOk;                          % Shared output bits that delivered to all users
    Vk = 1000*BIk;                        % Processing the input BIk by executing Vk CPU cycles at the cloudlet (CPU cycles)
    Vs = n*Vk;                            % Shared CPU cycles
    Tmax = 0.15;                          %0.3    % Maximum latency constraint(0.15s/0.05s)
    %Initialize the z = [Pul,Bls,f,Pdl,PdM,TuS,TdS]
    Pulk0 = [0.20 0.20 0.20	0.20 0.20 0.20	0.20 0.20];                              % The uplink power(w)of user k
    Pdlk0 =[2.37 2.45 2.47 2.42	2.42 2.30 2.41 2.34];        % The downlink power(w)to user k
    PdlM0 = [18.97];                              % Transmit power (w) for multicasting 
    % A fraction of BIsk bits of the BIs shared bits transmited by user k  
    BIsk0 = [2456.0	2209.3	21236.3	24730.7	14584.0	2982.3	22563.3	9237.7];                                     
    fk0 = [0.11	0.11 0.13 0.12 0.11	0.11 0.11 0.11];
    fs0 = 0.72;                                      % Fractions of the processing power FC assigned to run the Vk CPU cycles exclusively for user k and the VS shared CPU cycles
    f0 = [fk0,fs0]; 
    Rulk0 = (Wul/k)*log2(1+Pulk0/(N0*Wul/k));                  % The downlink power after rayleigh fading 
    Rdlk0 = (Wdl/k)*log2(1+Pdlk0/(N0*Wdl/k));                   % Multicasting power after rayleigh fading 
    RdlMk0 = Wdl*log2(1+PdlM0/(N0*Wdl));                    % Transmitting rate to users for multicasting

    TuS0 = max(BIsk0./Rulk0);                             % The time to complete the shared uplink transmissions (s)
    TdS0 = max(BOs./RdlMk0);                              % The downlink transmission time to multicast BOs bits
    T = max((BIk - BIs + BIsk0)./(Rulk0)+(Vk-Vs)/(FC.*fk0)+Vs/(FC*fs0)+(BOk-BOs)./(Rdlk0)+max(BIsk0./Rulk0)+max(BOs./(RdlMk0)))
    z0 = [Pulk0,BIsk0,f0,Pdlk0,PdlM0,TuS0,TdS0];
            cvx_solver ecos
            %cvx_solver mosek
            %cvx_solver SeDuMi
            variables Pulk(1,k) BIsk(1,k) fk(1,k) fs Pdlk(1,k) PdlM TuS TdS;
            f = [fk,fs];
            z = [Pulk,BIsk,f,Pdlk,PdlM,TuS,TdS];
            Rulk = (Wul/k)*log(1+Pulk/(N0*Wul/k))/log(2);
            Rdlk = (Wdl/k)*log(1+Pdlk/(N0*Wdl/k))/log(2);
            RdlMk = Wdl*log(1+PdlM/(N0*Wdl))/log(2);
    %         The overall downlink mobile energy consumption for user k
            Edlk = ((BOk-BOs).*inv_pos(Rdlk)+(BOs.*inv_pos(RdlMk)))*ldk;
    %         Mobile energy consumption of uplink transmission
            e1 = Pulk0.*(BIk-BIs+BIsk0).*inv_pos(Rulk);
            e2 = Pulk0.*(BIk-BIs+BIsk)./Rulk0;
            e3 = Pulk.*(BIk-BIs+BIsk0)./Rulk0;
            e4 = luk*(BIk-BIs+BIsk);
            Eulk = e1+e2+e3+(z-z0)*diag(z0)*(z-z0)'+e4;
    %         Rewrite the latency constraints C.2
            g1 = square_pos(BIsk+inv_pos(Rulk));
            g2 = BIsk0.*BIsk0;
            g3 = 1./(Rulk0.*Rulk0);
            g4 = BIsk0.*(BIsk-BIsk0);
            g5 = 1+(Pulk0)/(N0*Wul/k);
            g6 = Rulk0./(Rulk0.*Rulk0.*Rulk0.*Rulk0);
            g7 = inv_pos(Rulk)-1./Rulk0;
            gk = 1/2*(g1-g2-g3)-(g4-(g6./g5).*g7);  
            subject to 
                (BIk - BIs + BIsk0).*inv_pos(Rulk)+(Vk-Vs)/FC.*inv_pos(fk)+Vs/FC*inv_pos(fs)+(BOk-BOs).*inv_pos(Rdlk)  <= Tmax - TuS - TdS;   % Constraint C.1
                gk <= TuS;                            % Constraint C.2
                %gk > 1e-3;
                (BOs.*inv_pos(RdlMk)) <= TdS;           % Constraint C.3
                %(BOs.*inv_pos(RdlMk)) > 1e-5;
                TuS+TdS <= Tmax;
                TuS > 1e-3;
                TdS > 1e-5;
                TuS <= 0.2;
                TdS <= 0.02;
                sum(fk) <= 1;                         % Constraint C.4
                fk > 1e-5;
                fs <= 1;
                fs > 1e-5;
                sum(BIsk) == BIs;                     % Constraint C.5
                sum(Pdlk) <= Pdmax;                   % Constraint C.6
                Pdlk <= Pdmax;
                PdlM <= Pdmax;
                Pulk <= Pumax; 
                Pdlk > 1e-3;
                PdlM > 1e-3;
                Pulk > 1e-3;
                BIsk <= BIs;
                BIsk > 1e-3;
            Rulk = Wul/k*log2(1+Pulk/(N0*Wul/k));
            Eulk = (Pulk./Rulk+luk).*(BIk-BIs+BIsk);
            Rdlk = Wdl/k*log2(1+Pdlk/(N0*Wdl/k));
            RdlMk = Wdl*log2(1+PdlM/(N0*Wul));
            Edlk = ((BOk-BOs)./Rdlk+BOs./RdlMk)*ldk;
            TuS = max(BIsk0./Rulk0);
            TdS = max(BOs./RdlMk0);
            z = [Pulk,BIsk,f,Pdlk,PdlM,TuS,TdS];
            T = max((BIk - BIs + BIsk)./(Rulk)+(Vk-Vs)/(FC.*fk)+Vs/(FC*fs)+(BOk-BOs)./(Rdlk)+max(BIsk./Rulk)+max(BOs./(RdlMk)))

The result:
Successive approximation method to be employed.
For improved efficiency, ECOS is solving the dual problem.
ECOS will be called several times to refine the solution.
Original size: 441 variables, 187 equality constraints
17 exponentials add 136 variables, 85 equality constraints

Cones | Errors |
Mov/Act | Centering Exp cone Poly cone | Status
0/ 17 | 5.671e-04 2.730e-07 2.730e-07 | Solved

Status: Solved
Optimal value (cvx_optval): +8.16234e+13


Pulk =

1 至 7 列

0.0831    0.0831    0.0831    0.0831    0.0831    0.0831    0.0831

8 列



BIsk =

1.0e+04 *

1 至 7 列

-1.1078 -1.3144 0.8074 0.9654 0.4910 -0.7950 0.8678

8 列



fk =

1 至 7 列

0.1053    0.1053    0.1053    0.1053    0.1053    0.1053    0.1053

8 列



fs =



Pdlk =

1 至 7 列

3.6307    3.6307    3.6307    3.6307    3.6307    3.6307    3.6307

8 列



ans =



PdlM =



TuS =



TdS =

In my constrains, I expect the variables are positive, obviously, BIsk didn’t satisfied,and I need the sum(Pdlk) <= Pdmax=20, but sum(Pdlk) = 29.0453.
It seems that my constrains didn’t work. Is there have some errors in my code?
Thank you!

I think your problem as entered has terrible scaling. You need to improve the scaling. For instance, BIsk has negative elements on the order of -1e4. This might be essentially “zero” relative to reported optimal objective value of 8e13.

Using sedumi, the problem is reported infeasible. Using SDPT3, it is reported unbounded. Using ecos, optimal objective value value is a terribly scaled number of 8e13. I don’t trust the ecos result. The solvers are getting confused in different ways, perhaps because of the terrible scaling.

Run it with mosek if you can (I can not not that).
Improve the scaling of all the numbers in your problem by changing units to get them close to magnitude 1. Especially try to get the objective function near 1 in magnitude (1e3 may be o.k., 8r13 is not). Then run it with mosek if you can.

I’am sorry, I don’t really understand what “scaling” means and how to improve it. Maybe you can explain it more?
Thank you very much!
And in my constrain C.2, the gk is convex and gk should be gk > 0, if this has any effect ?

it is best to have good scaling, but if the scaling isn’t great, mosek might handle it better than sdpt3, sedumi, or ecos.

Read section 2.2.6 of 2 Linear optimization — MOSEK Modeling Cookbook 3.3.0 .

Read Scaling and numerical stability

Per Support — CVX Users' Guide

Watch for scaling issues.
Scaling issues are the most vexing problems for numerical solvers to deal with. Solvers will often re-scale the problem to reduce the dynamic range of the numerical coefficients, but doing so sometimes leads to undesirable effects on the solution. It is better to avoid scaling issues during the modeling process. Don’t mix values of wildly different magnitudes, such as 1e-3 and 1e20. Even better, try to avoid any numerical values (both in fixed parameters and likely values of the variables) that exceed 1e8 in absolute value.

Thank you, Mark. I tried your advice and I think it works. But I still have a question. Can CVX accept the form of “x./log(1+y)”? The “x” and “y” are the variables. If not, how can I change the form?

The Hessian of x/log(1+y) at x = y =1 has one positive and one negative eigenvalue, and therefore x/log(1+y) is indefinite, i.e., neither convex nor concave. So it can’t possibly be used in CVX, even with reformulation. The only hope for use is if it is part of a larger expression which (overall) is convex (or depending on usage, concave).

Excuse me,how can you show your code in this form?

@Shuzhen What specifically are you asking?

I want to put my code on the website, so I want to know how can i make my code in the form of sliding window? (red arrow in the picture indicates sliding direction)

Well, on this forum, if Preformatted text icon is used, and the code is sufficiently wide or long, sliders are used.

In any event, your question is rather off-topic for this forum, so if you need help on that, you’ll need to seek it elsewhere.

How do you scale the data? My data is too large to converge in the feasible region. Is there any way to solve it?

Your question has been answered by @Erling at Request Help!!!