Mosek is skipped by cvx


I am trying to install both Gurobi and mosek solvers for CVX. However, CVX only initialized Gurobi and skipped Mosek. Is it because CVX doesn’t support Mosek 8.0?

Mosek commands like mosekopt and mosekopt can be successfully run in Matlab.

Here is the installation information, I deleted the my personal information.

CVX: Software for Disciplined Convex Programming       (c)2014 CVX Research
Version 2.1, Build 1112 (ef41608)                   Sun Oct 2 17:15:09 2016
Installation info:
    Path: C:\Program Files\MATLAB\cvx
    MATLAB version: 9.0 (R2016a)
    OS: Windows 8 amd64 version 6.2
    Java version: 1.7.0_60
Verfying CVX directory contents:
    No missing files.
    Path: C:\Users\\AppData\Roaming\MathWorks\MATLAB\cvx_prefs.mat
License host:
Installed license:
    No license installed.
Other license found:
    File: C:/Users//cvx_license.dat
    License type: academic
    Named user: 
    Host ID: 
    Expiration: 2017-11-10 (360 days remaining)
    Status: invalid:user
No valid licenses found.
    Click here to fill out an academic license request
    for the username and first hostid listed above.
Setting CVX paths...already set!
Searching for solvers...5 shims found.
4 solvers initialized (* = default):
    Gurobi     6.00       {cvx}\gurobi\w64
    Gurobi_2   7.01       C:\gurobi701\win64
 *  SDPT3      4.0        {cvx}\sdpt3
    SeDuMi     1.34       {cvx}\sedumi
3 solvers skipped:
        Could not find a GLPK installation.
    Mosek      unknown    {cvx}\mosek\w64
        A CVX Professional license is required.
    Mosek_2    unknown    C:\Program Files\Mosek\8\toolbox\r2014a
        A CVX Professional license is required.
2 solvers issued warnings:
    Gurobi     6.00       {cvx}\gurobi\w64
        An academic Gurobi license is detected.
        Full CVX support is enabled, but please note that a paid CVX
            Professional license is required for any non-academic use.
    Gurobi_2   7.01       C:\gurobi701\win64
        An academic Gurobi license is detected.
        Full CVX support is enabled, but please note that a paid CVX
            Professional license is required for any non-academic use.
Saving updated preferences...done.
Testing with a simple model...done!


I am having just the same error like you. I am not interested in Gurobi, but I have installed Mosek 7 succesfully with an academic license, and added the mosek path to matlab. Still, I get the same message as you, in which Mosek solver is skipped and it tells me that I need a CVX Professional license, which I have.

Something that bothers me is the line “Status: invalid:user”, which I am also getting. Is this the problem? How can I solve it?

Did you figure out how to solve the problem? Or does anybody know?

Thanks in advance.