Why the solver changes automatically?

When I tried to solve one problem whose objective includes pow_pos function, it always changes the solver to SDPT even I choose Mosek in Matlab. Why the solver changes automatically? Can I use Mosek or Sedumi to solve this problem?

This should not happen if you are using CVX properly. It is either user error or a bug. What happens if you put cvx_solver mosek immediately after cvx_begin?

If I put cvx_solver mosek immediately after cvx_begin, then it will use mosek as solver.

If I put cvx_solver mosek immediately after cvx_begin, then it will use mosek as solver.

Good! For now you should do that, then. If you wish to submit a bug report to http://support.cvxr.com, with the precise model that gives you problems, feel free to do so.

If you restart Matlab, it will be changed to default.I think you should use the command: cvx_save_prefs to choose the default solver and save your preference. Hope it helps, because I find similar problems before reading the help documentation.
