Undefined matrix structure type: Cc_a(1) Trying to declare multiple variables? Use the VARIABLES keyword instead

SDPT3 Version 2.2 Except for variables, everything else is constant
Undefined matrix structure type: q(3)
Trying to declare multiple variables? Use the VARIABLES keyword instead.
%*****************************code follows
variable Cc_a q(3)


subject to

Cc_a>=log(1+norm(Lp0)^(2)/ (norm(Lp1)^(2)+norm(Lp2)^(2)+rnorm(q0-ue)^(2) ))-(norm(Lp0)^(2))(-(q0-ue)’(q0-ue)+2(q0-ue)’(q-ue)-norm(q0-ue)^(2))/(norm(Lp0)^(2)+norm(Lp1)^(2)+norm(Lp2)^(2)+rnorm(q0-ue)^(2))/(norm(Lp1)^(2)+norm(Lp2)^(2)+rnorm(q0-ue)^(2) );


Do what the error message says:
variables Cc_a q(3)


As flexible as the variable statement may be, it can only be used to declare a single variable, which can be inconvenient if you have a lot of variables to declare. For this reason, the variables statement is provided which allows you to declare multiple variables; i.e.,

variables x1 x2 x3 y1(10) y2(10,10,10);

The one limitation of the variables command is that it cannot declare complex, integer, or structured variables. These must be declared one at a time, using the singular variable command.

error use variable
Undefined matrix structure type: q(3)
Trying to declare multiple variables? Use the VARIABLES keyword instead.

I just showed you what to do, and provided the relevant extract from the CVX Users’ Guide.

This problem has been bothering me for two days, but it has finally been solved. Thank you very much for solving my confusion.