The problem of Invalid operation: {0.01} / {real affine}

As a beginner of cvx, I am testing a simple problem as given in the figure.
Here following is my codes:

clc; clear all; close all;
M = 4; K = 4;
h = rand(1,M)'; 
sig = 1; eps = 1; gam = 1; eta = 0.01;
    variable X(M, M);
    variable rho;
    min trace(X)
    subject to
        h'*X*h >= gam*sig^2;
        h'*X*h >= eta/(1 - rho) - sig^2;
        X >= 0;
        rho > 0;
        rho < 1;

Yet I got the error:

Disciplined convex programming error:
Invalid operation: {0.01} / {real affine}

How can I correct this? Thank you in advance!

eta*inv_pos(1 - rho)

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Thank you so much!
Let me give it a try.