Status: Infeasible Optimal value: -Inf

CVX Warning:
Models involving “rel_entr” or other functions in the log, exp, and entropy
family are solved using an experimental successive approximation method.
This method is slower and less reliable than the method CVX employs for
other models. Please see the section of the user’s guide entitled
The successive approximation method
for more details about the approach, and for instructions on how to
suppress this warning message in the future.

Calling Mosek 9.1.9: 4274 variables, 1994 equality constraints

MOSEK Version 9.1.9 (Build date: 2019-11-21 11:32:15)
Copyright © MOSEK ApS, Denmark. WWW:
Platform: MACOSX/64-X86

Name :
Objective sense : min
Type : CONIC (conic optimization problem)
Constraints : 1994
Cones : 560
Scalar variables : 2834
Matrix variables : 40
Integer variables : 0

Optimizer started.
Presolve started.
Linear dependency checker started.
Linear dependency checker terminated.
Eliminator started.
Freed constraints in eliminator : 80
Eliminator terminated.
Eliminator started.
Freed constraints in eliminator : 0
Eliminator terminated.
Eliminator - tries : 2 time : 0.00
Lin. dep. - tries : 1 time : 0.00
Lin. dep. - number : 0
Presolve terminated. Time: 0.00
Name :
Objective sense : min
Type : CONIC (conic optimization problem)
Constraints : 1994
Cones : 560
Scalar variables : 2834
Matrix variables : 40
Integer variables : 0

Optimizer - threads : 10
Optimizer - solved problem : the primal
Optimizer - Constraints : 794
Optimizer - Cones : 560
Optimizer - Scalar variables : 2154 conic : 1680
Optimizer - Semi-definite variables: 40 scalarized : 3120
Factor - setup time : 0.00 dense det. time : 0.00
Factor - ML order time : 0.00 GP order time : 0.00
Factor - nonzeros before factor : 4624 after factor : 5890
Factor - dense dim. : 0 flops : 2.91e+06
0 4.1e+02 1.8e+02 7.7e+04 0.00e+00 7.720974272e+04 -2.722040801e+02 1.0e+00 0.01
1 1.3e+02 6.0e+01 4.5e+04 -1.01e+00 8.241024330e+04 2.272459404e+03 3.3e-01 0.01
2 2.7e+01 1.2e+01 2.5e+04 -1.13e+00 1.013661131e+05 -3.096659684e+03 6.6e-02 0.01
3 1.0e+01 4.6e+00 1.6e+04 -1.33e+00 9.838551622e+04 -6.391517736e+03 2.5e-02 0.02
4 1.8e+00 8.1e-01 7.2e+03 -1.17e+00 8.814026209e+04 -2.021299930e+04 4.4e-03 0.02
5 2.3e-01 1.0e-01 2.8e+03 -1.07e+00 9.438780758e+04 -2.164853612e+04 5.6e-04 0.03
6 1.4e-03 6.4e-04 2.1e+02 -1.03e+00 8.961219150e+04 5.774485029e+05 3.5e-06 0.03
7 2.8e-06 1.2e-06 9.2e+00 -1.00e+00 8.961328063e+04 3.051248591e+08 6.8e-09 0.04
8 5.5e-09 2.4e-09 4.1e-01 -1.00e+00 8.961328063e+04 1.562334652e+11 1.3e-11 0.04
Optimizer terminated. Time: 0.04

Interior-point solution summary
Problem status : PRIMAL_INFEASIBLE
Dual. obj: 1.4898492271e+00 nrm: 2e+02 Viol. con: 0e+00 var: 1e-11 barvar: 7e-10 cones: 0e+00
Optimizer summary
Optimizer - time: 0.04
Interior-point - iterations : 8 time: 0.04
Basis identification - time: 0.00
Primal - iterations : 0 time: 0.00
Dual - iterations : 0 time: 0.00
Clean primal - iterations : 0 time: 0.00
Clean dual - iterations : 0 time: 0.00
Simplex - time: 0.00
Primal simplex - iterations : 0 time: 0.00
Dual simplex - iterations : 0 time: 0.00
Mixed integer - relaxations: 0 time: 0.00

Status: Infeasible
Optimal value (cvx_optval): -Inf

This is my code:
y1 = zeros(K,T);
y2 = zeros(K,T);
y3 = zeros(K,T);

cvx_begin sdp
cvx_solver mosek
cvx_quiet false;
variable W(N,N,K,T) hermitian semidefinite
variable apha(K,T)
variable deta(K,T)
variable beita(K,T)
variable kf(K,T)
variable fai1(K,T)
variable gama(K,T)
variable fai2(K,T)

   expression X

   UR = 0;
   RI = 0;
   WK = 0;

   for t = 1:T
       for r = 1:R
           RI = N_0 * norm(Theta(:,:,r,t),2).^(2) + RI;
           for k =1:K
               UR = trace(W(:,:,k,t) * (Theta(:,:,r,t) * H_UR(:,:,r,t))' * (Theta(:,:,r,t) * H_UR(:,:,r,t)))...
               + UR ;
               WK = trace(W(:,:,k,t)) + WK ;
   C = RIS_circuit + UR + RI + WK/R;                         
   X = kesai - ratio * C;                                     

   maximize X

   subject to 

   for k = 1 : K
       A = 0;
       for t = 1 : T
           RI = 0;
           RE = 0;
           for r = 1:R
               RI = N_0 * (norm(H_RI(k,:,r,t) * Theta(:,:,r,t),2)).^(2) + RI;
               RE = N_0 * (norm(H_RE(:,:,r,t) * Theta(:,:,r,t),2)).^(2) + RE;
           apha_nu = trace(W(:,:,k,t) * H_U_I(k,:,t)' *  H_U_I(k,:,t));
           apha_nu >= kf(k,t);
           beita_nu = trace(W(:,:,k,t) * H_U_E(:,:,t)'* H_U_E(:,:,t));
           beita_nu <= gama(k,t);
           apha_de = 0;
           beita_de = 0;
           for j = 1 : K
               if j == k
                  apha_de = trace(W(:,:,j,t) * H_U_I(k,:,t)' * H_U_I(k,:,t)) + apha_de; 
                  beita_de = trace(W(:,:,j,t) * H_U_E(:,:,t)' * H_U_E(:,:,t)) + beita_de;
           apha_de + RI + N_0 <= fai1(k,t) ;
           beita_de + RE + N_0 >= pow_p(fai2(k,t),-1);
           trace(W(:,:,k,t)) <= P_t;
           A = -rel_entr(1,apha(k,t))/log(2) - deta(k,t) + A;
       A./T >= kesai;

   for t = 1 : T
       RI_C = 0;
       for r = 1:R
           RI_C = N_0*(norm(Theta(:,:,r,t),2)).^(2) + RI_C;
           UR_C = 0;
           for k =1:K
               UR_C = trace(W(:,:,k,t) * (Theta(:,:,r,t) * H_UR(:,:,r,t))' * (Theta(:,:,r,t) * ...
                   H_UR(:,:,r,t))) + UR_C; 
               1/2 * (yita1(k,t) * pow_p(apha(k,t),2) + pow_p(fai1(k,t),2)/yita1(k,t)) <= kf(k,t);
               1/2 * (yita2(k,t) * pow_p(gama(k,t),2) + pow_p(fai2(k,t),2)/yita2(k,t)) <= beita(k,t);
               log(1 + yita3(k,t))/log(2) + (beita(k,t)-yita3(k,t))./(log(2)*(1+yita3(k,t)))<=deta(k,t);
           UR_C./R + RI_C <= P_R;


I want to ask what causes this. Thank you!

A;ll except for section 1 of also applies to CVX.