Please help me in a problem in implementing a linear fractional

I typed the code bellow:

%     C=  
%        1
%        0
%        0
%        0 
%        0
%        0
%        0
%        0
%        0
%        0

    Qt=(F'*F+Q ); % F is a 10*10 complex matrix 
    a_trgt=( F(1,:) ).'; % Target constraint at the first row of F matrix
cvx_begin sdp 
variable mu1(1) 
variable tiii %% quasiconvex form : substituting {minimize(p(x)/q(x) su)p}
    minimize (   ( bi'*( inv(Qt) * a_trgt*a_trgt' * inv(Qt) )*bi / (a_trgt'*inv(Qt)*a_trgt))    *    inv_pos( (1+mu1*(a_trgt'*inv(Qt)*a_trgt)))    +     mu1  );% 
    subject to 
    ( Qt+ mu1*(a_trgt*a_trgt') ) > 0

but i received bellow error :

Error using cvx/pow_cvx (line 144)
Disciplined convex programming error:
    Illegal operation: pow_p( {complex affine}, {-1} )

Error in cvx/inv_pos (line 5)
y = pow_cvx( x, -1, 'pow_p' );

what is wrong in this structure? I think the objective function is convex and there should be no problem. Am i right?

It thinks you’re feeding pow_p a complex expression. In exact arithmetic, of course, you’re not. But with roundoff error, you are. Wrap every sub-expression that should be real in a real() function. That might fix it.