How to encode a summation constraint into CVX

I have to solve the following linear program in CVX. I choose d=2.

I have written the following LP as a start but it has two issues

n = 1000;
eps = 0.001;
   variable y(n)
   variable r(n)
   variable p(n)
   variable s
   subject to
      y >= 0;
      y - r + p >= 0;
      r >= 0;
      for i=1:n
          r(i) <= s;
      ones(1,n)*r == 1;
      ones(1,n)*y <= eps;  
  1. I should be minimizing sqrt(d^n * s) but since s is nonnegative (from the constraints), I just minimized s directly. Does this make sense?

  2. I don’t know how to encode summation constraints. I need to replace the lines

    ones(1,n)*r == 1;
    ones(1,n)*y <= eps;

with the correct constraint which is the one involving some combinatorial prefactors and then a sum over r(k) and y(k). How should one encode such a sum constraint? This is my second attempt below but gives an error “Unrecognized field name “sol”.”

n = 1000;
d = 2;
eps = 1e-5;

for i = 1:n
    c(i) = nchoosek(n, (i-1))*(1/d)^(i-1)*(d - 1/d)^(n-i+1);

   variable y(n)
   variable r(n)
   variable p(n)
   variable s
   subject to
      y >= 0;
      y - r + p >= 0;
      r >= 0;
      for i=1:n
          r(i) <= s;
      c*r == 1;
      c*y <= eps;  

For n=1000 the computation of your c coefficients is so inaccurate that it produces some humonguous values. Are you not getting a ton of warnings related to calling nchoosek ? You will need to compute them in some more clever way that does not lead to overflows.

That’s why for n=1000 Mosek says

Mosek error: MSK_RES_ERR_HUGE_AIJ (A numerically huge value is specified for an element in A.)
Status: Error
Optimal value (cvx_optval): NaN
Reference to non-existent field 'sol'.

For n=10 it solves nicely.

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Ah thanks! Somehow the nchoosek warnings were being suppressed but now I see the issue is not CVX

Hi Michal,

Would you have any suggestions on how to cleverly compute the coefficients to avoid overflows in such a case? I have a different (simpler) linear program where I run into the same issue which I include here

clear all
cvx_solver mosek

N = 50; 
eps = 0.01;
delta = 0.2; 

for n=1:N
    for i = 1:n+1
        w(i, 1) = delta^(i-1)*(1-delta)^(n-i+1);
        nck(1,i) = nchoosek(n, i-1);
       variable til_w(n+1)
       variable p(n+1)
       variable zeta
       subject to
            p >= 0;
            nck*p <= eps;
            p - til_w + w >= 0;
            nck*til_w ==1;
            til_w >= 0;
            til_w <= zeta*ones(n+1, 1);
    zeta_opt(n) = zeta;
    n_copies(n) = n;
    obj(n) = 1 + 1/n*log(zeta)/log(2);

I get warnings about nchoosek again but it’s not clear what is the best way to avoid this issue. Thank you.

Your constraint nck*til_w ==1; will have coefficient span between 1 and 2^n (roughly asymptotically) while looking at the rest of the problem it seems like you are expecting the variable til_w in the solution to have values of order similar to w, that is to say 1/2^n when \delta=1/2. There is no way to make this floating-point meaningful for n=50.

I see. Somehow, the authors of manage to solve a similar LP by symmetrizing the SDP in my original post for n=10,000 (see Fig. 2).

Of course, this is not necessarily a CVX question anymore but curious how they managed it since it appears it can be done somehow. Thanks anyway for your comments!

I agree both that the question is interesting and not related to CVX :). Maybe asking the authors can help.

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